April 26, 2010 2:02 PM PDT

Step # 2 With cervical spine injury w/Vertigo and loss of left side movement (Primary) and loss of finger mobility, You need a lawyer to protect your future.

I am not a lawyer or related to one but I am now involved with an Insurance Company that would not talk with me during my treatment of injuries. The accident was Dec. 07 and they stated the case was closed at the end of 2 yrs, Dec. 09. They offered a cash settlement but could not indicate what they were paying for. Medical bills still unpayed and they payed $0.30 on the Dollar with my medical insurance but I still had to pay my anual deductable $ for $.

Long term care or disability could take time that a Legal Profesional can get and protect you. Contact your insurance and most all legal first consult is free.

Don't wait or think "THEY" will do "ME good. Time starts at the time of accident.

Spirit guide and protect you.

April 26, 2010 2:23 PM PDT
hgsc90 is right! do not waste time here dear!
April 26, 2010 2:32 PM PDT

Step # 2 With cervical spine injury w/Vertigo and loss of left side movement (Primary) and loss of finger mobility, You need a lawyer to protect your future.

I am not a lawyer or related to one but I am now involved with an Insurance Company that would not talk with me during my treatment of injuries. The accident was Dec. 07 and they stated the case was closed at the end of 2 yrs, Dec. 09. They offered a cash settlement but could not indicate what they were paying for. Medical bills still unpayed and they payed $0.30 on the Dollar with my medical insurance but I still had to pay my anual deductable $ for $.

Long term care or disability could take time that a Legal Profesional can get and protect you.
Contact your insurance and most all legal first consult is free. 
Don't wait or think "THEY" will do "ME good. Time starts at the time of accident.

Spirit guide and protect you.

What Howard said and PLEASE try to refrain from speaking of your acccident/injuries with ANYONE, ANYONE, ANYONE, ANYONE, other than your lawyer. Anyting said in an open/public forum can and will be misconstrued or turned around to the favor of the defendent if it can be. I'm not a lawyer either; just free friendly advice and conern for your well being and future. The very best to ya Kristen.
April 26, 2010 3:16 PM PDT
So glad to hear that you are ok. I fear that day. I have been riding on and off for 15 years now and know that my time will come. I hope it isn't bad.
I do want to point out that the same thing can happen when you are on the back of a bike. At least you were the one in control of the bike this time. I hope that you reconsider your decision but most of all, I hope you stay safe in whatever you decide.
April 26, 2010 5:17 PM PDT
Sometimes it just helps to have a good cry, but then things need to be taken care of. I agree that you need to get some legal help.
Don't make the decision not to ride right now, just take a break from it for now.
Another thing to keep in mind about your dizziness is if it keeps up after any swelling finally goes down you may need to see an Ear, Nose and Balance doctor. I was having alot of trouble with balance, I would be riding or driving and going around corners I would get dizzy, after I would come to a stop in my car or on the bike I felt like I was still moving and would feel like I was going to fall over. We have these crystals in our inner ear and sometimes with head injuries it makes them come loose, I know it sounds wierd, but it's true. it's a kind of vertigo, can't remember the exact name.The doctor can manipulate your head around and move them back into their proper place. I had it done and I am no longer feeling dizzy. Just something to keep in mind.
No one can know exactly what you are going thru as everyone is different. You do what you need to do for yourself. Keep us informed on how your progress is though..
Take care of yourself..
April 26, 2010 8:19 PM PDT
Kristen, you'll find your way as time goes by. Don't stress over riding again...if its meant to be, you'll find yourself eyeing that bike again and before you know it you'll be riding again.
Take your time healing and don't push it. Good luck and can't wait till your feeling better.
April 26, 2010 9:59 PM PDT
just take care lass ,and u do what u thinks best .
I rode today...it was in the yard across the grass for about 1 minute...but I rode...lol Not supposed to, but I needed to move it and I wanted to see how I would feel on it.
Kris glad you are Ok,and glad you feel like riding
Kristen, I somehow missed your the entire trauma, but I am glad that you are recovering and are at least taking yard rides:-)
Kristen there's nothing wrong with taking small steps... 

I hope you're feeling better.
do it at your pace.

Uh huh.... I kinda thought so... I read your post and sent you my thoughts on the incident. I won't go back into a long disertation about things but, I will say, Ya-Hooo... You will find that since the incident, you pay much, much more attention to potential threats. You will be, a better, SAFER, rider... Sarge...
yeah! can i join in the CONGRATS! choir?!
way ta go sister, take yer time and ye'll be allrite!!!
loads of great support for u girl ,take ur time ,sure u will get back on .
May 11, 2010 12:18 PM PDT
Good For You Kris.....I know that had to be tough,...at least it will help clear your mind and give you better insight on your next step. I am happy to hear that you are on the mend. My Best To You!!!