This post is ONLY for people that enjoy guns or shooting them

    • 1780 posts
    April 22, 2010 1:52 AM PDT
    Flatlander wrote...
    I hated auto pistols before I had my own shop and started working on them, they were known to malfunction on occasion for one reason or another, but, I never had someone bring me an auto that was jammed up to the point it required special tools to disassemble it and make it shoot again. On occasion people would bring me a jammed revolver to repair due to improper ammo or worn parts. When a revolver jams you got trouble.

    This when it becomes a heavy rock to throw
  • April 22, 2010 2:20 AM PDT
    I used to think auto pistols were better used as rocks until a regular customer traded me a custom $1800.00 Bob Chow 1911 one day, took it to the woods with several other guns I was working on to test fire. There was a big dirt bank I used for a back stop, was at the fifty yard spot. I fired the Chow at a gallon milk jug for grinns expecting not to even hit the dirt bank, it didn't kick and hit the milk jug, lucky shot I thought, empty'd the mag and hit everything I aimed at. Back at the shop I disassembled it to see what made it click, after a couple weeks finished building a completely wore out issued 1911 I had in the case for $100.00. Took it to the woods and shot just as good as the Chow did, not nerely as pretty but functional, accurate and dependable. Since then I been a 45 man and still #1 choice for a first shot self defense weapon.
    • 1780 posts
    April 22, 2010 2:46 AM PDT
    Flatlander wrote...
    I used to think auto pistols were better used as rocks until a regular customer traded me a custom $1800.00 Bob Chow 1911 one day, took it to the woods with several other guns I was working on to test fire. There was a big dirt bank I used for a back stop, was at the fifty yard spot. I fired the Chow at a gallon milk jug for grinns expecting not to even hit the dirt bank, it didn't kick and hit the milk jug, lucky shot I thought, empty'd the mag and hit everything I aimed at. Back at the shop I disassembled it to see what made it click, after a couple weeks finished building a completely wore out issued 1911 I had in the case for $100.00. Took it to the woods and shot just as good as the Chow did, not nerely as pretty but functional, accurate and dependable. Since then I been a 45 man and still #1 choice for a first shot self defense weapon.

    I'm with you on preference of on duty weapon is a Colt 45 Combat Elite (with Punisher grips), and my conceal carry is a Colt 45 New Agent. Another thing I like about 1911 is you can change out grips to all kinds of cool stuff.
    • 1509 posts
    April 22, 2010 3:16 AM PDT
    • 190 posts
    April 22, 2010 10:26 AM PDT
    Thats a beatiful firearm. Wow...i think i wet myself,damn....
    I do prefer the revolvers over the millimeters. I wish i still had my S&W Airweight snub nose or my Ruger hammerless six shot . I didnt care too much for the kahr K9 as it was too slim and heavy for my taste. The glocks i ownded were pretty solid. Only had two of them and they were both 19's. I almost went with the 26  for off duty but even with the extra pinkie extension mag it didnt feel 'right' in my grip. The 17 felt like a rifle barrel.
    With firearms and im sure the Dragon can back me up with this one you ei9ther fall in love with your piece at first grab or not.
    Dragon, you got an arsenal.....YOU are the last hombre i ever wanna meet up with on bad terms on the darker side of an alleyway.....
    Good thing you're on the bright side of the moon,bud....
  • April 22, 2010 9:03 PM PDT
    Have never shot a Glock, the thought of no hammer and a 1/2 inch long trigger pull turns me off. The Browning Hi-Power is the only 9m. that feels good to me, 45's lil' brother.

  • April 23, 2010 1:41 AM PDT
    I picked up a High Point .45 back in december and finally got to try it out last Saturday and I love it. 
    Did some research on them before buying and after 10,000 rounds it was still comparable to the S&W .45 at a third of the price.
    Walked out the door with gun and a box of FMJ ammo for $220.

    On a side note I let my boy shoot the .22 with open sights and at 25 yards he had a 2" cluster with 1/3 in the red and shot off 14 rounds in about 7 seconds.  Not bad for a 10 year old.  Talk about a case of permagrin from him and the proud papa.  He ended up blasting off about 100 rounds.
  • April 23, 2010 9:08 AM PDT
    If anyone is looking for an AR-15 I have a friend who has a Bushmaster with the thicker barrel and trigger worked trying to sell for $900 here in West TN. He's also looking for a .45 if anyone has one they want to sell.
    • 1 posts
    April 23, 2010 10:31 AM PDT
    Since learning to read have been  convinced of the virtues of autos (assuming you have the time & skills to make YOUR auto reliable) but the only time I HAD to carry selected a wheel gun for safety reasons. - Takes a long pull on the trigger to make a wheel gun go 'BANG' - Can make a wheel gun safe w/o risking an accidental discharge (and yes the USMC has a LOT of accidental discharges when clearing the weapons)

    Recall that the P-38 excepted @ the time DA autos did not exist. With a SA auto carried cocked & locked worried about either accidentally knocking it off safe or missing the safety lever when I really, really wanted it off. - Carried in any other condition figured my night stick would do just as well.

    Do any of you guys carry SA autos? What condition do you carry them in*

    You guys that carry DA autos what condition do you carry them in?
    • 1780 posts
    April 23, 2010 11:12 AM PDT
    I always carry my 1911's cocked and locked...I admit it took a while to get use to it, but now it's second nature
  • April 23, 2010 11:35 AM PDT
    I have a dozen pistols, none of them are wheel guns. I might have to do something about that. The last couple times I went shopping for a revolver, there was a semi auto pistol on sale that I just had to have.
    99Savage, My regular carry piece is a Sig P229 with one in the pipe.
  • April 23, 2010 11:36 PM PDT
    After my love affair with a 1911 I adopted a Detonics for a back up, awesome lil fella.