It's the journey and not the destination...

  • April 17, 2010 3:22 AM PDT
    So here I am. It's a  Saturday morning.  The weather is kind.  Not sure I'll get out for a spin. I don't know these PA roads.  Truth be told, I miss having a riding buddy sometimes.  A year ago, I'd be on the road already.  Running a small errand or stopping in at the Harley dealer to share some smiles and good conversation with friends.  Somebody would be calling or stopping in later in the day to go for a ride. This isn't happening in my life anymore.  I made a decision.  So here I am.  Life is filled with transition.  Some small and some on a grander scale. For the first time in my life, today it really hits me.  I am alone.  Kids are grown and living there lives.  I left my two dogs behind.  (Still visit with them though)   I no longer own a home and the prospects of ever having another one in my name are slim.  I left my gardens... my therapy.

    For 46 years, i lived under the same roof with others.  Now it's just me.  This is a day, that off and on, I am thinking...what the hell have I been doing with my life?  I'm not drowning in self-pity.  At least I hope not.  I am just saying...What the hell?  Have I been sleeping so long? 

    My saving Grace came when I decided to ride. Four and a half years later, I still know it was the best thing that I ever did for me.  It was when my transition to discovering who I am truly began. Eyes wide open.  More than I could have imagined.  Arriving at the place where I decide to continue compromising my soul...or change.   So here I am.  The question is... so what am I going to do about it?  What am I going to do about
    where I am in life?  What is my story here?  It will never truly matter what others think of who I am.  It matters what I think and believe.   It matters that I treat my fellowman well whether I receive it return or not.

    Some days are a bit harder than others. i I have to remind myself that It is the journey and not the destination.  Today this traveler is just a bit weary.  A little too much reflection and not focusing on some of the good I have done and what there is yet to do.  Possibilities await at every turn.  I guess I am letting the engine idle...thinking...where to next?
  • April 17, 2010 3:29 AM PDT
    I'm gonna leave to the store in a few minutes, pick 6 numbers between 1 & 53 I'll buy you a loto ticket Princess.
  • April 17, 2010 3:35 AM PDT
    6 9 10 13 21 46
    • 1 posts
    April 17, 2010 3:39 AM PDT
    Don't know what the hell to say.
    Pity you are not closer, not going to be able to put my garden in this year & will bother me to see the ground we tended for 35 years sit fallow.

    Not a Country Music fan but always liked a snatch of song heard heard in passing on the truck radio - "When You Don't Know Where You're Going, Any Road Will Get You There"
    • 1040 posts
    April 17, 2010 3:44 AM PDT
    Your destination will be determined by the road you take; I'm not sure we always are supposed to know where it ends till we get there. Ingababy, hold your head high, shut your eyes, breathe deep, and exhale; all will be good sweetie, all will be good.
  • April 17, 2010 3:45 AM PDT
    Thanks Savage.... I have a feeling you really understand about the gardens... funny thing, I'm thinking how much I appreciate when you comment on posts and how straight forward you are and I imagined you suggesting to me that I should just get my sh** together and get on it!! Thanks for the song.
  • April 17, 2010 3:46 AM PDT
    ingababy wrote...
    6 9 10 13 21 46

    Gotchya, 49 million this week, if you win I'll buy you a hotdog and a beer...................
  • April 17, 2010 4:49 AM PDT
    Sounds like what you need is some wind in your face - and this is the time to do it.Lots of things going on this month pick one and go.
    Weather is going to be good down south and there are tons of events coming up in the next 3 to 4 weeks that will help get ya out of feeling of being lost. What you need is some fellow riders for company and a couple of drinks to enjoy with them.
    Get on the bike, kiss the dogs and family goodby and pick a direction and go girl!
  • April 17, 2010 5:41 AM PDT
    She might be headed to Florida tomorrow...............
    • 1780 posts
    April 17, 2010 5:53 AM PDT
    Ok Inga I'm afraid to write you this because you will think I'm crazy as a drunk Monkey. Don't laugh here, but because I believe the Dragon and I are of one mind, I will go out to the garage and talk to the Dragon, and ask her ...where ya want to ride to today, and we will start out and before you know it I have escaped into another demenstion, and i can feel the Dragon wanting to cut loose, so I twist her up and man I am free to think and enjoy.
    Ask your scooter where she want's to just might be surprised.
    Night Dragon
    • 190 posts
    April 17, 2010 6:07 AM PDT
    Spot on Dragon. Inga, what can I say. I only recently discovered gardening and i have to say that i thought it would be lame but im kinda surprised that i found myself rather enjoyin discovering my absense of a 'green thumb' My only botanical stidies have been limited to experimenting behind the stands back in high school...anyway, i know that you must be going thru some 'seasons' and other changes. life is alot like that. the 'seasons' that affect the rythmic tempo of this thing we call Life". Every new chapter in your life is a furhtur opportunity to 're-discover' yourself. I urge you to go back into that garden and dig your fingers deep into the earth and try to hear what she has to say to you. Im glad you got back into riding. Sooner or later you would have had to return back to that soulful womb,y'know..As far as your kids being all grown and up on their should congratulate yourself that you did a damn fine job raising productive young'uns. Your job for the most part is done. So now you gotta flip the page to the next chapter and start doin for yourself...Im proud to know you and im very proud to have someone like you gracing this earth. The earth and the uiniverse needs you to exist cuz you are the very affirmation the universe needs to remind itself that it's doin something right.
    -love, SingSIng
  • April 17, 2010 6:28 AM PDT
    This will clear your noggin..................

  • April 17, 2010 6:33 AM PDT
    Nice clean video good audio, only would have been about twenty seconds for me though. lol
    • 1161 posts
    April 17, 2010 6:58 AM PDT
    There is a few places I want to go so I can finally meet some people on here. 
    But other then that NightDragon your right on the target!
    • 0 posts
    April 17, 2010 7:00 AM PDT
    Ingababy, I would ride with you anytime. It is just a bit far from the NW. LOL

    You are in a unique position in that you don't have a home or family to tend to so you are not tied down. You don't have to get home to feed the animals, or the kids.
    You are freer that most people will ever be in their lives.If I were in your position, I would be looking inwards for something that truly makes me happy and that I have always wanted to do and figure out a way to do it.

    Find some people that similar goals and make new friends, doing something that you truly enjoy. That could be riding, or gardening, or quilting, or golfing for that matter. It does not matter as long as it is what you want to do.

    Life is way to short to not enjoy it to the fullest.

    • 1040 posts
    April 17, 2010 7:21 AM PDT
    I'm sending all the POSITIVE chi I can your way SweetIngababy...
    • 86 posts
    April 17, 2010 7:53 AM PDT
    Ingababy, I think your thinking to much and have cabin fever. Jump on your bike and join the brother/sisterhood of the bikers. Look at all the responces, we've all been there. Remember it could always be worse. Three years ago I had open heart surgery at 46 years old. I had to have a valve it my heart fixed and the problem was discovered acidently. I would of had a stoke and died if it wasn't discoverd. After the surgery I got a massive staph infection and my six week recovery turned into two and a half years. Towards the end of my recovery I took the CHP class in Ca and got my M1 lic. to ride. A year ago bought my Harley and I don't worry much about nothing anymore. I used to be a worry wart. Just remember It always works out for the best. There's a plan and we don't always understand what it is. I'm in Ca so I'm a bit far away, like take a ride with you and have a cup of coffee. If you need to talk I'm here. It will be ok.
  • April 17, 2010 8:04 AM PDT
    We are all in this "lumpy stew" (as a woman I used to know put it), together. I see it as we have got our potatoes, carrots, peas, onions, tomatoes, and other fruits of the feild as well as a wide variety of different cuts of meats.tender and sometimes a bit tough. We've got special spices and all the other ingredients that go into making up the gravy.,,, I will take this biker stew anyday. It is sustaining. It is nourishing. Sometimes it's comfort food.
    And it's what I look for when I am feeling hungry for something good.

    Again, I am in awe of the spirit of the road warrior. Unique and part of a whole. Strong in compassion. Armored for protection and offering a sheild of safety for others . Prepared for battle and able to lay down arms in peace. And sometimes... simply extending the hand of friendship.

    You make a difference. You have to this rider in a big way.
  • April 17, 2010 8:58 AM PDT
    nightdragon wrote...
    Ok Inga I'm afraid to write you this because you will think I'm crazy as a drunk Monkey. Don't laugh here, but because I believe the Dragon and I are of one mind, I will go out to the garage and talk to the Dragon, and ask her ...where ya want to ride to today, and we will start out and before you know it I have escaped into another demenstion, and i can feel the Dragon wanting to cut loose, so I twist her up and man I am free to think and enjoy.
    Ask your scooter where she want's to just might be surprised.
    Night Dragon

    Dragon ~ you hit the nail on the head (as usual

    When I leave ~ I don't 'really' have a destination in mind. If I do, Pearl has somewhere else in her soul. Time and time again, we've gone by what was 'my destination' and we've gone down so many roads I've often wondered about in the past. It's funny how many times I have gotten the awakening of 'Oh! That's where the hell this goes or comes out to!'

    Like my sister in law said ~ 'I really see this bike has been a God send to you' . It's true ~ I believe it is to each and everyone of us.

    And ~ no, you're not crazy as a drunk monkey... we understand the language ~ It's of the heart and soul... 


  • April 17, 2010 9:51 AM PDT
    ingababy, you ever find yourself in these woods, i'll be happy to show you around. bring the scoot, we go ride! i agree with what i have read, where i am going doesn't matter as much as how i get there.
  • April 17, 2010 12:09 PM PDT
    Ingababy, I'm a rider and a gardener for my own sanity as well. You could plant and tend a window won't matter as long as you can get dirt under your fingernails and tend to something growing. That's why you have to get out and ride, not for dirt under your fingernails but something even better, wind in your face. Peace.
  • April 17, 2010 12:44 PM PDT
    99Savage wrote...
     not going to be able to put my garden in this year & will bother me to see the ground we tended for 35 years sit fallow.

    Why not, Sir?  Hopefully not due to health issues.  Its what I do when I'm not riding.  Good therapy fer sher !!

    • 1040 posts
    April 17, 2010 12:51 PM PDT
    Lookin good Joe and I thought the only thing you could grow in NY was weed(s).

  • April 17, 2010 12:58 PM PDT
    fxrdude wrote...
    Lookin good Joe and I thought the only thing you could grow in NY was weed(s).

    LOL !!  I used to grow that back in a different life.  Still smoke it on rare occasions but the high really dont get it for me any more.  Makes me paranoid as hell.  Dont care for it.  Only skunky thing I'm pullin out of the ground any more is ...............onions.    AND..... I wont bore you with any more garden shots !!

    • 1040 posts
    April 17, 2010 1:06 PM PDT
    jbasile wrote...
    fxrdude wrote...
    Lookin good Joe and I thought the only thing you could grow in NY was weed(s).

    LOL !!  I used to grow that back in a different life.  Still smoke it on rare occasions but the high really dont get it for me any more.  Makes me paranoid as hell.  Dont care for it.  Only skunky thing I'm pullin out of the ground any more is ...............onions.    AND..... I wont bore you with any more garden shots !!

    Yep, a heightened sate of awarness...LOL Same here; If I was to smoke any of that shit now, I'd crawl up inside my closet, shut the door and talk to God asking for mercy and forgivness promising never to smoke the wild weed again...LOL. I'm F'd up enough without that stuff.