Good that you pounced on that Sidetrack! lol
g, sent you a package today. Listed it as a gift and put a value of 20.00 Hope that works. Forgot to put a note in though. When you get a package from MT it's from us:-)
got them to day ,BIG THANKS

,ive had a few problems with the packege that dude has sent over ,its says i have 20 day to pick it up b4 they send it back ,and i went up to get it to day and they have sent it back ,that was only 13 day

i am not fooking happy about this ,first they want me to pay £21.40p on vat ,and i said i would pay this ,then they go and send it back over the pond , ALL I CAN SAY IS .....BIG SORRY DUDE THIS IS COST U MONEY ,DUNO WHAT I CAN DO ,i feal bad about this ,good guy like u getting screwed
Will send it back when I get it back and am sending the other one Monday; don't worry g, it's all for Brother Jamie. Next one's will be sent as gifts; will let ya know when 2nd pkg goes Monday and when 1st one gets back I'll resend....No Worries Bro