October 22, 2010 3:28 PM PDT

When I started riding dirt bikes in the seventies, I got those looks from the guys. When I started winning, at riding those same bikes, I got more than looks. When I moved up to road bikes, there were no other women on the road. Anywhere. Daunting, yes, but it didn't stop me. Not at all. I've been considered a "tom boy" all of my life and I wasn't gonna let a little "good natured" (or not) commentary make any decisions for me.
I bought my first Harley, in the mid-eighties. It was a basket case 1973 Sporster. Leaked more oil than I could carry. She was always "marking her spot". I bought my first brand new Sportster in 1990. She was a HI-FI Blue & Silver 1200XLHCustom. One of only about 500 with that paint scheme. Although I bought her 1990, she was a 1991, early release. She was my life, we went everywhere together. I even rode until I was seven months pregnant with my son. (He was born with an HD bar and shield logo birthmark, under his right arm,my right hand to God!) I sent a pic of that to Milwaukee and was told it made it to the "wall of fame".
Although my marriage didn't last, me and that bike stayed together, through thick, thin, two near misses and one big splat (on oil). We kept getting back up and on the road. Unfortunately, career misfortune overcame us, and because I had a son to raise, I had to sell that bike. It BROKE MY HEART. My divorce didn't upset me as much. It'd been almost 10 years, and I couldn't afford another bike until last year. I now, proudly own another Sportster. She's a 1993XLHCustom, and I love her. But the bond isn't quite the same. I have found my new bike, she's a 2006! I call her the great pumpkin. And in a few short weeks, I will show her off. She is currently being "tweeked". Catchy, huh? I don't want to give anything away until the unveiling.
What's my point? Well, if you're a woman, and you've always thought about riding, I'm here to tell you...GET OFF YOUR ASS, AND GO RIDE!!!
There is no single other experience like it. Better than sex? You be the judge! Harley's are the only vibrators that I have ever owned! TMI, sorry girls, but there is really no other way of making this point any clearer. I coined a phrase in 1985, and someone stole it, it goes...put some excitement between your legs...PEACE Tweek