Early spring ride

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    • 19067 posts
    March 9, 2010 8:53 AM PST
    OK OK Watch it there SideKick.
  • March 9, 2010 9:08 AM PST
    The first season ride is only surpassed by a good mates love; most of the time.
  • March 10, 2010 2:17 AM PST
    And the first season ride was made better by being a brand new machine. Well not brand new, 2007 that was still in crate with less then a mile on it when I picked it up
  • March 19, 2010 12:30 AM PDT
    Great riding weather here this week. Got about 60 miles in on the Softail and then hooked up with a neighbor and did about 125 on the Lectra-Glide.. YeeeeeHaaaaaa!!!! Todays Friday and I'm headed to Vienna Md. YaHoo....
    • 126 posts
    March 19, 2010 1:32 AM PDT
    Any day can get better with a ride. Had to ride this week ad I was working on the wifes car. She told me that the riding is doing me good and I feel better. Everyone needs to get out more even if it is only to and from work. RIDE ON EVERONE and be safe. Injoy likfe as it is toooooo short.
  • March 19, 2010 2:50 AM PDT
    This week has been a great week.. the mornings have been cold (34-39) but I just reminded myself that the ride home would be great (45-60)... I can handle a little cold just so I can enjoy a great ride home...
  • March 19, 2010 3:24 AM PDT
    Hoping for the ice and packed snow to melt out enough today for that first ride. Don't want the first try to be a dump in the slush. Hard to get 700 lbs. back up when it keeps sliding! It is looking good for a stretch to clear today! Can't wait!
    • 1040 posts
    March 19, 2010 7:32 AM PDT
    Got out and did a short 60 miles today just foolin around for the first time in a while. The boys are leaving today for a karate tournament in Jackson, Ms so I get to play the weekend. Lets see now, work on the shed or ride saturday? You guess and working on the shed ain't the answer...LOL
  • March 19, 2010 8:34 AM PDT
    Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, ride each day. Can't go on the side roads much because of all the sand and gravel laid down this winter. It just felt so good!!!! Lots of stares "cuz Ely's sorta dead this time of year - in between the snowmobilers and ice-fishermen, and the canoers and fishermen. Pretty quiet 'til I cracked the throttle a few times. Now back to a little snow and rain and 30's for about a week.
  • March 20, 2010 3:51 AM PDT
    Finally got my girlfriend to go for a longer ride with me yesterday. We got about 70 miles. We had to go to her ex husbands, Im loaning him a backpack for a Grand Canyon hike, then rode towards home, she said she was craving an olive burger, so we went to a little bar we know of, then just out riding around. So she got a little of everything, back roads, freeway, daylight and night. I think my solo night rides may have just come to an end. Damn the luck!!
  • March 20, 2010 12:39 PM PDT
    Got to go out Tuesday, did about 80 miles on the wife's softail on Wednesday, screwed around thursday and sorta got a ride in but, Friday did a little over 100 miles on backroads... Left Seaford this morning and rode down to Chincoteague Va and back with the Missus. 75 miles one way so got in over 150 miles today. Had to bribe her with a Seafood Lunch down on Chincoteague Island Va... Yes, that's the famous "Wild Ponies" of Chincoteague ISLAND.... No! We didn't have horse steak sandwhiches! Brain, Brains!!!!
  • March 20, 2010 12:49 PM PDT
  • March 20, 2010 12:53 PM PDT
    rico wrote...

  • March 20, 2010 12:58 PM PDT
    Riding either my own bike or on the back, the last few days. Rode to Underwood family farsm, Ojai (about 150 miles round trip), and around town to run errands. Last weekend, rode from Arizona to California on the back. It's been 80-90 degrees. Today, "cooler" at 76*. I am so grateful living where I live!
  • March 20, 2010 1:08 PM PDT
    Rode into town and met up with Jessie,a new CF member who lives in the next town over. Nice guy so we are gonna be doing some riding in the future. Thanks Lucky for the venue! Meet a lot of good people so far from here.
  • March 20, 2010 1:21 PM PDT
    rico wrote...
     That is almost as disturbing as that Burger King guy! Just wrong lol!
  • March 20, 2010 1:39 PM PDT
    Oh man! I feel for all those who have crappy weather! Tons of bikes out on the roads today :-) Was advertised to hit the low 60s ~ but along the water routes it was slightly chillier... not to complain one bit! 115 miles just to get some oysters for dinner tonight! Yee haw! It's getting harder to get to the store all the time ;-) Pearl sounded awesome going up Chuckanut Drive ~ her pipes were on the wall side and ohhhhhh did she sound sweet :-)
  • March 20, 2010 1:52 PM PDT
    My luck would have been Ronald and try to haul him with those SHOES could be a chore.
  • March 21, 2010 4:33 AM PDT
    New Spring ride not today. As of 11:00am we have 5.5 inches of White fluffy poop and winds gust to 30, wind chill 25
  • March 21, 2010 5:08 AM PDT
    We got some snow yesterday, just enough to get the pavement wet, and now its a little icy. No rides today. Back in the 50s tomorrow.
    • 1066 posts
    March 21, 2010 5:51 AM PDT
    It's  been pretty nice in the Buckeye State all week.  I've been riding all week, finally!
  • May 9, 2010 2:06 AM PDT
    Cant believe I have gotten in just over 2000 miles already this year.