How long have you been Married, or how long were you married.

    • 566 posts
    February 22, 2013 4:24 AM PST
    NightDragon wrote...
    I think we need to expand this post a little. I've noticed a lot of couples have some serious years of Marriage under there belt.........Why don't we take this out another step.......What makes a good Marriage, and how do people stay together for great lengths of time?
    Because I for one would really like to know
    Had I married my 2nd wife FIRST .. I woulda been married a long, long time. She's what I really needed/wanted in a lifetime partner.
    • 1780 posts
    February 22, 2013 4:45 AM PST
    Solar Bill I like you statement by Winston Churchill........Hell yea
  • February 22, 2013 4:54 AM PST
    I"m with you Dragon, I sure hope Jonesy's wife doesn't read his posts or there might be a killin' soon! I wish I had the answer to the reason my marriage is so good and has lasted so long. I would bottle it and sell it. I have an extraordinary wife that thinks of everybody else before herself. She would rather do, help, buy,...etc. for everybody and do with out herself. I have to make her buy something for herself if she wants it. That kind of unselfishness has rubbed off on me too because I find myself trying to do for her also, but I fail miserably. She truely is my Best Friend. I think she is the cog that keeps this machine going. I thank the Lord everyday for bringing her into my life. And I'm really hoping she reads this post Dragon, Maybe I can score some major points with her!Hang in there buddy, you'll find her. Got to keep on lookin' brother.
    • 81 posts
    February 22, 2013 6:46 AM PST
    3 years the first time around. 24 years on the second. I think I found a winner.
    • 1780 posts
    February 22, 2013 7:49 AM PST
    I not looking for any whoa is me responses here, but I have to tell you when I read about couples that have survived the test of time together for years, I have this big smile on my face. Thing is I just can't figure out why I can't gain that kind of time with someone. When I see Old Couples walking in a store holding hands I think what is the secret. Damn I just want to know the secret then maybe I can follow instructions.
    I tell Women I meet ......I'm a fun date.....but a looser when it comes to making it stick.
    Sorry I got off the beaten path here

    • 11 posts
    February 22, 2013 8:19 AM PST
    markyd wrote...
    I"m with you Dragon, I sure hope Jonesy's wife doesn't read his posts or there might be a killin' soon! I wish I had the answer to the reason my marriage is so good and has lasted so long. I would bottle it and sell it. I have an extraordinary wife that thinks of everybody else before herself. She would rather do, help, buy,...etc. for everybody and do with out herself. I have to make her buy something for herself if she wants it. That kind of unselfishness has rubbed off on me too because I find myself trying to do for her also, but I fail miserably. She truely is my Best Friend. I think she is the cog that keeps this machine going. I thank the Lord everyday for bringing her into my life. And I'm really hoping she reads this post Dragon, Maybe I can score some major points with her!Hang in there buddy, you'll find her. Got to keep on lookin' brother.

    @ Markyd  The description of your wife is the exact description my ex gave of me, and said that he had 2 affairs because "I am way to giving"!
      Since, then, I've been told that i have built a bubble around myself...I'm still a giving person, but I have learned to stand up for myself more, now!

    And, me getting stood up for a goodly number of dates over these past several years, hasn't helped me understand what is going on anymore. It is a very confusing world out there, esp. when one,  was raised in a very strict & old fashioned Christian home.
  • February 22, 2013 8:29 AM PST
     Fourty Years last October. I still call her my first wife when I introduce her to friends.  She still calls me her first husband just to keep me in line.
  • February 22, 2013 8:50 AM PST
    diamond,and from what I see and read, you ARE a diamond,some people won't be satisfied no matter what you do for them. It's the grass is greener on the other side thing I believe. I see your picture and wonder what the heck was he thinking? The answer is he was't . You are a knock out and I read your posts and you are a very sweet and intelligent lady. Believe me, it's his loss! Don't you ever wonder if it was you, he sounds like he just wants you to think it was. It is all on him. He was the weak one and the guy for you will put your needs and feelings before his , always. I found out the hard way when I was dating and did the same thing your ex did to a girl I was engaged to. She did nothing wrong, it was my stupidity. I have never forgotten that pain in over 32 yrs. But I did find someone who I love more than life itself and I never want to hurt her like I did my girlfriend before. Keep on standing up for yourself, you are worth it. Don't give up either, he's out there if you want him. As gorgeous as you are,he'll sure be looking!!! Please be careful though, because as pretty as you are. the wrong guys are looking too. I'm pulling for you my friend.
  • February 22, 2013 9:00 AM PST
    Bottom line? It's all about trust, baby...;)
  • February 22, 2013 9:04 AM PST
    8 years to my best friend Lynda (Ladyquixote)
    • 1780 posts
    February 22, 2013 9:23 AM PST
    DollyBaby2882 wrote...
    Bottom line? It's all about trust, baby...;)

    Trust...that in and of itself is the secret....that's all.

    Cool seems simple

    • 11 posts
    February 22, 2013 12:03 PM PST
    Thanks, Markyd!
  • February 22, 2013 12:34 PM PST
    you are welcome!
  • February 22, 2013 1:46 PM PST
    One way to build trust, is to never lie to her, respect each others opinon and never ever play games. I see so many relationships go bad due to the stupid games they play with each other.
    • 44 posts
    February 22, 2013 2:41 PM PST
    5 Years
  • February 22, 2013 2:50 PM PST
    35 years for me thus far. Tanzenitediamond, Nightdragon, and everyone, there are good partners out there. Today's culture is a lot more promiscuous. Unconditional love and commitment are keys, but it must come from both parties. Just pray and in God's timing your partner will come around.
  • February 22, 2013 3:49 PM PST
    This September will be our 40th, going to renew our vows in Venice,Italy with some of our family and friends. My wife deserves sainthood for putting up with me this long, cause i'm no day at the beach,lol
  • February 22, 2013 11:37 PM PST
    Dec 18th, I lost my soul mate. Knew him 25 years ago, lost touch, reconnected about a year ago and married, His health held out for about 2-3 months before cancer consumed him. So painful. Yet in the midst of watching him decline and feeling so helpless in it all. What I realized was I was coming to understand love in a whole new way..Love should be selfless, its really not about us. It has no measure. I layed my head on his chest and listened as his heart beat its last beat. The loss is so deep, at times I feel I can hardly breathe. Yet I know...This love I experienced with this warrior was a great gift.....So...Congrats to all who have posted here. Remember to be grateful for that one beside you, let the petty shit fall to the wayside, life can be to short. To those that are still looking, I will share Louies final words with you....DONT GIVE UP NOW...KEEP BELIEVING, KEEP FIGHTING FOR WHAT YOU DESIRE AND BELIEVE.
  • February 23, 2013 12:50 AM PST
    Wow nisi, my heart breaks for you. That's what real love is all about. It's not how long we have it, it's the quality of the love we have. I'm glad you got to experience real love. More than that, I'm glad you were there for you husband to have real love in his last days. I lost my brother to cancer a few years back, and his wife was what kept him going on. Thanks for sharing this. You are right, don't give up guys, the search is worth it.
  • March 14, 2013 12:53 AM PDT
    Married the first time for 4 yrs (one Daughter). 2 yr hitch in the Army.
    Married now for 34 yrs(2 Daughters and 1 Son). Daughters all married..Son second year of college.
    I retired early 13 yrs ago from the ratrace and began 2nd childhood.

    {A "Perfect Marriage" is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.}
    • 34 posts
    March 14, 2013 2:10 AM PDT
    I'm going on 22 years.
    Just cruising along and all is good.
    • 9 posts
    March 14, 2013 3:15 AM PDT

    Kenny, bein's the compatriot in failed relationships, I'm here to tell you that from my perspective, the one thing my relationships lacked, and the ONE thing I will now only God, being the focus and the center of it.

    It may be presumptuous of me, but I'd wager all the "long-timers" out there have God in their lives. Even if it's
    only a "core" belief. The bible is clear, on how marriage is strengthened, even if only one of you is "saved".
    Better, if both are. And with Him @ the center, you both have the inclination, to work on things, in good or bad,
    with His divine grace.

    And after all the failed attempts, and tragic stories in my life, I can't wait to see who HE, is gonna bring next!!!
    Til then...the only man in my life is J.C. (that's right, Jesus Christ) <3

    Ride Free
  • March 18, 2013 6:42 AM PDT
    Tweek wrote...

    Kenny, bein's the compatriot in failed relationships, I'm here to tell you that from my perspective, the one thing my relationships lacked, and the ONE thing I will now only God, being the focus and the center of it.

    It may be presumptuous of me, but I'd wager all the "long-timers" out there have God in their lives. Even if it's
    only a "core" belief. The bible is clear, on how marriage is strengthened, even if only one of you is "saved".
    Better, if both are. And with Him @ the center, you both have the inclination, to work on things, in good or bad,
    with His divine grace.

    And after all the failed attempts, and tragic stories in my life, I can't wait to see who HE, is gonna bring next!!!
    Til then...the only man in my life is J.C. (that's right, Jesus Christ) <3

    Ride Free

     Of course this seems to fit right in.....
    • 441 posts
    March 18, 2013 7:09 AM PDT
    it's true Tweek, those vows say "what God has joined together" Think we all let what we want get in the way instead of waiting to see what He wants for us.
    • 11 posts
    March 26, 2013 11:14 AM PDT
    Tweek wrote...

    Kenny, bein's the compatriot in failed relationships, I'm here to tell you that from my perspective, the one thing my relationships lacked, and the ONE thing I will now only God, being the focus and the center of it.

    It may be presumptuous of me, but I'd wager all the "long-timers" out there have God in their lives. Even if it's
    only a "core" belief. The bible is clear, on how marriage is strengthened, even if only one of you is "saved".
    Better, if both are. And with Him @ the center, you both have the inclination, to work on things, in good or bad,
    with His divine grace.

    And after all the failed attempts, and tragic stories in my life, I can't wait to see who HE, is gonna bring next!!!
    Til then...the only man in my life is J.C. (that's right, Jesus Christ) <3

    Ride Free

    Tweek, And, I have to face it...Jesus may not have a spouse for me in my future and this I, sadly, will accept, and find the Joy that Jesus means for me have without a Godly spouse by my side & me by his.
     I have enjoyed one short spell on the mdeical mission field, thus the main reason for my handle...and if I can ever finish paying off this mortgage...I will go out for short term mission trips in the future. Who knows, maybe my future spouse is out there serving, too.