December 6, 2009 8:42 AM PST
Wow, A lot of different replies to this question. I have been riding a motorcycle most of my life, hung with many different clubs and thought I knew everything when it comes to hand gestures. I stand corrected! In massachusetts we always tap our helmets when cops are around, most of us wave with the peace sign upside down, as a gesture of being safe. Some still only wave to the type of bike ridden. I have never, and never will. I have always ridden a Harley, but I agree with waving to anyone on a bike. There are some that are strictly American and Jap, I say f@#$ them! Riding is a choice, be safe, have fun, ride again tomorrow.
December 6, 2009 9:01 AM PST
I often tell my passenger,she is the designated waver.There are times when the "wave" gets old and you wish folks would stop doing it.Then you wave at some passing bike and the rider does not wave back and it makes you odd thing about it...hardly any of us wave when driving our cars.
December 7, 2009 3:00 PM PST
Yes Glide03........when my wife is riding with me ( she is on the back ) she is the designated " waver"........and every bike or group that passses ...I do ask her ...did u wave????
Cause I cannot see her hand stretch out that low in my mirrors.
When I ride solo ...I wave to all motorcycles except "scooters ( mopeds )" Am I wrong for that??
December 10, 2009 8:33 AM PST
I love throwing a wave to the mopeds. Scares them.
December 10, 2009 10:47 AM PST
I believe the hand on the top of the head indicates "stop and put your friggin helmet on before you get a ticket" just evolved into "cops."
I agree on the wave being passenger job. I am an old index point down waver. Not sure why. When I get tired of waving at every bike, I notice that I start ignoring the crotch rockets, then work my way down to only people on a bike just like mine and the guy is wearing a digital dew rag... I catch myself wondering why I feel bad about ignoring the wave. Like on the way back we might meet and he will ask why I didn't wave back...
December 27, 2009 2:34 PM PST
when i was in the club, "patting" the head was for a rest break, pointing to the head was police, then the standards like everyones else, pointing to crap in the road, motioning to slow down, index and pinky fingers held straight up and twist the hand meant formation change back to stagger, one finger straight up was single file formation for traffic obstructions.
December 28, 2009 1:15 AM PST
Hambone you scare me....

Poor Moped dudes.
Forgot one....patting your gut means .....time for a beer.
Night Dragon
December 28, 2009 10:53 AM PST
I like this one. Hold both hands over your eyes. It means scarry shit behind me, don't look!
December 28, 2009 10:54 AM PST
Wow, that sounded bad. Not behind me like in the passenger seat... I mean along the road, or in the road... dude, give up, I screwed that one up
December 28, 2009 11:07 AM PST
jimandterri, that is funny! i did the swim going downhill on my bike in the rain in guntersville alabama, no-one knew what the hell i was doing!
December 31, 2009 9:23 AM PST
The pattin on the head is a new one. Gotta file that in the memory cabinet. I usually just either clwench my fist as a show of solidarity with Bikers or give them the sideways peace sign.
July 10, 2012 5:10 AM PDT
Didn't think there was so much thought put into "The Wave" but good to know that we are all thinking. Personally, I wave to everyone with a slight downwards motion and maybe the old peace sign, except that is for mopeds and scooters. Not trying to hurt anyones feelings, just feel a little funny about waving to them. I have noticed that the few that I may have (accidentally - 8^)) waved to have never returned it.
July 11, 2012 7:45 AM PDT
A wave with the left hand means...howdy friend
A wave with the right hand means....look at me I have cruise control...LOL LOL
July 11, 2012 10:00 AM PDT
We dont wave to scooters and mopeds here...there is still a major divide between them, but we have this kind of understanding...We dont wave to them ~ and they dont wave back!!! Works for
With either hand I find that this hand gesture seems to work best over here.....
we suffer from road rage ..... no guns here see...
July 11, 2012 10:11 AM PDT
Most folk in Ireland just nod or shake the head as a hello.
A tap on the upper arm means cops ahead
Waving hand down low means shyte on the road (not cops)
July 11, 2012 12:57 PM PDT