February 17, 2010 1:56 AM PST
Through the 80's computers and the internet was in it's developing stages and became common to the average household by the 90's. Do you remember when internet was free? Net Zero and a host of others were available before the phone and cable companys monopologized it.
Going from site to site over the years I see alot of foolish behavior coming from people in their thirtys and younger. Slander and personal attacks against others has become a way of life for them online too often which leads me to believe they grew up behind the safety of a computer at home honing their social skills instead of being face to face with people on the street as us older folks have.
All my friends had CB radios in their cars, trucks and homes before cell phones back then, could hop in the truck anytime turn the CB on and find friends instantly driving to work, dinner, or just out cruising around town. We would meet up and go 4-wheeling, fishing, hear a distress call from someone broke down or stuck. I hope someone else has fond memory's of the good old days. I am such an old redneck....

....... lol
In Ireland we have a few bike sites and it has been really funny watching these keyboard terrorists standing in car parks fearing for their lives because they did not know who they have offended. I had a real heavy row which this particular bloke called me every name you could think of, made comments about my family and finally threats. He described himself as six foot and hard as nails, he turned out to be a little short arse who nearly wet himself when I introduced myself. He blamed it all on beer and other things, I then informed him that actions have consequences and that abusing somebody over the net was a terrible thing to do.
I could have battered him but it was more fun to watch him squirm and worry about it.
They are a pain in the ass though, they contribute nothing other than trying to get a rise out of people and make themselves feel big! Thankfully there is nothing like that here!
February 17, 2010 1:58 AM PST
while in the Navy I worked Sonar. We had two rooms of electronics plus sonar control.. We had our own cold water chiller system for the Tube equipment that filled the spaces. Our spaces, even control required coats and could keep HORSE C**K and cheese for as long as the coolers in the galley..
February 17, 2010 2:32 AM PST
I remember when a telephone weighed about what a car battery weights now
that was back when we had to walk up hill both ways to go to shool...
February 17, 2010 3:30 AM PST
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh... memories!!!!!! Funny you mention CB Radios. I have one in my RV and turned it one the other day just for the fun of it. Couldn't raise a single person. I remember back in the day, EVERYBODY was talkin'. Was hard to even get on the radio because of so much traffic. Guess with cell phones, nobody needs them anymore!! Sure had some good times on them !!!