Redwood Run 2010

  • May 4, 2010 4:08 PM PDT
    I will be there....
    just saying....

  • May 4, 2010 7:28 PM PDT
    Just checked the Redwood website and it says all tickets will be mailed out on the 7th. They go out registered mail and you have to sign for them so be on the lookout.
    See ya there
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    May 5, 2010 1:23 AM PDT

      FRIDAY, JUNE  11, 2010

    6:00 AM                           WILL CALL TICKET OFFICE OPENS
    9:00 AM                      MAIN GATE OPENS
    10:00AM               T-SHIRT BOOTH OPENS

    3:00pm- 4:10pm      TBA
    4:30pm- 6:00pm      TBA

    6:30pm- 8:00pm       TY CURTIS BAND (Back by Popular demand!!)

    8:30pm- 10:00pm      ELVIN BISHOP

    10:30pm- 12am     TBA

    12:30am-2:00am    PRISS (Awesome all-girl tribute to Kiss!) Priss appears on
                                          Gene Simmons' "Family Jewels" airing May 9th on A&E TV                        
                         at 6:30pm and again at 10pm  
                  guest mc:       “The Burlyman” between sets with prizes

                                             SATURDAY, JUNE  12, 2010

     9:00am             T-SHIRT BOOTH OPENS
     9:00am                       games & show registration

    10am- 3:00pm    biker games, custom & vintage motorcycle shows

    2:00pm- 8:00pm         BBQ Dinner served

    3:00pm- 5:00pm        WET T-SHIRT CONTEST

    6:00pm- 7:300pm        TBA

    8:00pm- 9:30pm        BLACKFOOT ( Kick-ass Southern-fried rock)
    10:00pm- 11:30am  KENNY WAYNE SHEPHERD (Hot Smokin' Blues!)

    12:00am- 1:30am          MOTLEY'S CREW (These hard-partying-girls rock! )

                   guest mc:       Rollin Trehearne in between set with prizes.
                                            (Actual performance times  may vary slightly. )

    SUNDAY, JUNE  13, 2010
    End of festivities...Riverview Ranch gates close at 2 pm.*
    Ride On, Ride Safe
    Thanks to all for supporting the Redwood Run


    • 2072 posts
    May 5, 2010 3:15 AM PDT
    To those going to the Redwood Run.......... WARNING.................. Was talking to a friend of mine the other day (LEO). He said this year ANYWHERE around the run, cops are gonna be pulling bikers over and checking for proper licenses, insurance, DOT helmets, illegal pipes ect. They can't pull you over without probable cause but one mile per hour over posted gives them that. Plus they can set up random stops for everyone (cagers included). BE CAREFUL !!!
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    May 7, 2010 3:44 AM PDT
    Thank for the FYI BLVD.... , Good thing I got rid of my illegal pipes years ago
  • May 10, 2010 11:32 AM PDT
    me and the mrs. have been to lots of rallies but never the redwood run we would appreciate any first timer do and donts specifically what time should we get in line to get in and can we bring food and drink(beer) in with us thanks for your replys hope we meet alot of you there!
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    May 10, 2010 1:16 PM PDT
    wheels wrote...
    me and the mrs. have been to lots of rallies but never the redwood run we would appreciate any first timer do and donts specifically what time should we get in line to get in and can we bring food and drink(beer) in with us thanks for your replys hope we meet alot of you there!

    Message sent  

    • 5420 posts
    May 10, 2010 5:39 PM PDT
    wheels wrote...
    me and the mrs. have been to lots of rallies but never the redwood run we would appreciate any first timer do and donts specifically what time should we get in line to get in and can we bring food and drink(beer) in with us thanks for your replys hope we meet alot of you there!

    There are not a lot of don'ts at thr RWR.  You can pretty much bring in what you want.  The RWR site will tell you no alcohol, but if you don't make it obvious you can bring it in.  Of course they do sell beer and mixed drinks there, but at typical rally prices.  For food, they have a few pretty good food vendors at the event (the Cheese Steak sandwiches next to the stage are the best).  Breakfast is kind of iffy at best, I would recommend heading into town for a good breakfast.  Ice is available at a reasonable price.  My recommendation would be to have a CycleFish Cooler to keep it in

    It can get a little cool at night, so be sure your sleeping gear is good for the mid 40s.  Other than that, just bring a good attitude and be ready for some fun.

    See you there!!!

  • g
    May 10, 2010 7:10 PM PDT
    ffs,...wish could make these run's .
  • May 14, 2010 9:10 AM PDT
    I am so jazzed! I got my tickets today!!! Wasn't sure if I was going to get them...someone else paid for them. I have two tickets and going solo...unless some handsome man comes along.
  • May 14, 2010 1:35 PM PDT
    Cavewoman, yell if you need a ride in. I'm going solo also. I didn't get mine today but sure they will show up soon
  • g
    May 14, 2010 9:06 PM PDT
    u can pay for ma flight over ,.then im all you'rs .
  • May 15, 2010 7:47 AM PDT
    g wrote...
    u can pay for ma flight over ,.then im all you'rs .

    Ha ha, then will you recipercate with a fight over to lovely Scotland to visit my old haunts? 
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    May 18, 2010 1:50 PM PDT
    Got yours
    • 7 posts
    May 18, 2010 2:07 PM PDT
    Why yes i did today.
    • 5420 posts
    May 18, 2010 2:18 PM PDT
    Got mine!!!
  • May 18, 2010 4:26 PM PDT
    Mine came in also today. How many days yet?
  • May 19, 2010 1:00 AM PDT
    We will be getting our drink on in 23 days
    • 212 posts
    May 19, 2010 6:25 AM PDT
    • 5420 posts
    May 19, 2010 7:46 AM PDT
    Well Patti, you better start packing then. If you jump on I-40 west, we will meet up with you at the California state line and ride in with you.
  • May 22, 2010 1:13 PM PDT
    Highrisk and I just couldn't handle it any more...............practice camp was a success We are so ready for the Redwood Run this year, can you tell???
  • May 22, 2010 1:21 PM PDT
    Deener wrote...
    Highrisk and I just couldn't handle it any more...............practice camp was a success We are so ready for the Redwood Run this year, can you tell???

    Uh Deener... where did you and Jeff go? HA HA HA!!!! Be good you two ~ or not... and NO posting pictures!!! HA HA HA!

  • May 22, 2010 1:45 PM PDT
    Blackpearl wrote...
    Deener wrote...
    Highrisk and I just couldn't handle it any more...............practice camp was a success We are so ready for the Redwood Run this year, can you tell???

    Uh Deener... where did you and Jeff go? HA HA HA!!!! Be good you two ~ or not... and NO posting pictures!!! HA HA HA!
    Its a secret pics, I promise ! 
  • May 22, 2010 1:56 PM PDT
    Wow you guys are fancy this year! lol We sure wish we were going again. No behaving yourselves! See you at Sturgis?
  • May 22, 2010 2:12 PM PDT
    We haven't figured out how to behave ourselves, we will see you at Sturgis ! How are you doing???