February 15, 2010 7:59 AM PST
Wax on SingSingwayne...I need some answers to this thread, today i lost a good friend,a comrade, a man who i consider a true biker, ya, I'm probably maudling in grief and anger, but ...it may give some meaning to his lifestyle, and my envy of it
Hey Rory....if i can just take a moment to share your loss of a good friends and brother.....
You know ....i can only think to say that if he died and passed on then at least he died doin what he loved to do. Im sure this may sound trite and just 'off the cuff' and i dont mean it to come across as such. ..
many times people spend their entire lives just in perpetual mental masturbatary fantasies about what they really want to do before they cash in their chips....So many of these same people get railroaded by this thing we call Life into doing shit they absolutely ****** hate and its like a death by a thousand cuts....you just die a little bit more each day. There's no death like a spiritual death...though the physical thing can really suck,too. (piss poor attempt at humor here...sorry)..
You should count yourself lucky to have crossed paths with such a right on dude that he actually got the chance to do and feel that certain inexpressible thing that drove him to do it..we should all be so lucky.......
In the end we all end up buyin the farm....As for me when this song finnally ends and i gotta cash in my chips i know i can at least find some peace knowin that i accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior and that I got to do and be that which i always wanted to be.....
This probably makes no sense,brother wind but at ,least chew on it for awhile.....peace.