February 6, 2010 9:21 PM PST
28’ skeeter, 2- 200 hp Merc’s , 103 mph on the Mississippi river
Fast boats are fun, friend had a V-drive 20' SK boat, 428 with Tunnel Ram, putting along one day minding our own business, as usual, another SK with jet drive approached from the opposite direction, it was a real pretty one like you see in the magazines, all chromed up. Ed's boat didn't have no chrome and the paint WAS faded a bit, they pointed and laughed at us, I said to myself Uh-Oh better hang on......... Ole Mr. Ed made a quick trim tab adjustment spun a 180 and let it eat, pretty boy'z in the jet drive seen us a comin and actually laid down like you would do on a bike to go faster. I reckon they didn't know what a V-Drive was, back then jet-boats didn't run much past 60 or 70 mph. We went past them on the right like they was in a dingy, circled and passed them again. Mr. Ed done did a donut around that pretty boats ass, they gave us a Peace Sign after that and went on.
Just scanned this pic of him I took back in the 70's, have had it hanging on the wall for ever.