Question about gangs

  • January 30, 2010 10:47 PM PST
    Well I don't really see a "topic" catagory for this, so I'll just ask the question.
    Yesterday, I went down to the Denver Motorcycle Swap Meet. LOTS and lots of people there. Booths set up as you might expect that represented everything from manufacturers, to back yard mechanics, to merchandisers, to gangs.

    This is where my question comes in: There were "Hell's Angels," "Sons of Silence," "Banditos," and several others there. Their membership looked as you might expect, but some of them had "1%er" on their vests, jackets, booths etc. Well...what is a "1%er?" I've asked several people and get several different answers.

    Just thought some of you may know.
  • January 31, 2010 12:03 AM PST
    Looks like no one wants to tell you. As I understand it, 1%'er means they don't live within excepted society's rules of conduct. They are the outlaw's of today and only honor their club members.
    • 1780 posts
    January 31, 2010 12:08 AM PST
    Here ya go...Basically the 1% are considered the Outlaw clubs, and wear the damond patch with the 1% inside it.
    I believe 1% derives from the fact that 1% of the bikers out there consider themselfs outlaws, as opposed to the 99% of us bikers who just love to ride. There has been a post along these lines before but worth bringing up again. I and several of us on this site have been around these 1% bikers. They will let you know if you can party with them, and don't try to engage in BS conversation with them, because it won't go well for ya. I usually just stay clear from them, especially the ones trying to get into the club, you will know them as they don't have full colors on their vest, These guys are called propects, and their out trying to prove they are good enought and bad enought to gain membership into whatever club they propspect for.
    Hope that gave ya some idea about 1%'ers

    Night Dragon
    • 16 posts
    January 31, 2010 12:57 AM PST
    This goes along way in explaining what you're asking about. />
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    January 31, 2010 1:25 AM PST
    In 1947 the American Motorcycle Association (AMA) organized a motorcycle rally called the Gypsy Tour which ended up overwhelming the small town of Hollister, California. About 50 arrests were made, mostly for public intoxication, and the AMA said the trouble was caused by the one percent deviant that tarnish the repurtation of all motorcycles and motorcyclists. Outlaw motorcycle clubs then took up the name one percenters. This incident was made famous by the 1953 Marlon Brando film The Wild One.
    The Hell's Angels, Bandidos, Pagans, Outlaws and Mongols Motorcycle Clubs all consider themselves to be 1 Percenters.
    • 1780 posts
    January 31, 2010 2:55 AM PST
    DamnYankeeNC wrote...
    This goes along way in explaining what you're asking about. />  

    Dude that is an awsome web site......learned a lot from it

    The Night Dragon
  • January 31, 2010 2:59 AM PST
    yep, that is pretty much it. modern day jesse james'. other symbols are used too, the number 13 i think, lightning bolts, there are a bunch of them. i run into them here and there. i treat them the same as everyone i meet, show respect, leave them alone. they got nothing i want, i have nothing they want. good relationship.
  • January 31, 2010 3:00 AM PST
    Dragon and Highrisk hit the nail on the head. You'll have more trouble with the prospects than any cause they are trying to get in. And if you are wearing colors, a single man is easy prey.I know a bunch of them and it's not as bad as it used to be. More of a business than anything now.
    • 1780 posts
    January 31, 2010 3:00 AM PST
    yep, that is pretty much it. modern day jesse james'. other symbols are used too, the number 13 i think, lightning bolts, there are a bunch of them. i run into them here and there. i treat them the same as everyone i meet, show respect, leave them alone. they got nothing i want, i have nothing they want. good relationship.

    Your are nuts on my friend
  • January 31, 2010 3:02 AM PST
  • January 31, 2010 3:02 AM PST
    nut's on? that is a new one! haha
    • 1780 posts
    January 31, 2010 3:04 AM PST
    nut's on? that is a new one! haha

    Nuts on are right on the mark, hit the nail on the head.......ya, de , ya
  • g
    January 31, 2010 3:09 AM PST
    wow ,hard ass shit .
    • 190 posts
    January 31, 2010 3:12 AM PST
    yeah...this is a hot topic...
    Basically what Dragon said was on point. You gotta keep bein on point with the 1%ers. If ya go into a bar or whatever with these guys just watch your alcohol intake cuz it just takes a mis-interpreted word or gesture for shit to go from 0 to 60 real fast! basically, these 1%ers consider themselves above the rest of other bikers cuz they adhere to a certain sense of 'biker hierarchy' in 'the life' that we all share...
    The AMA clubs all sport the 'one patch' or 'two patch' set up. There are alot of farm clubs-or 'puppet clubs' that are basically set up as recruiting clubs from which the 'top five' recruit their members from...Once again, you cant just go up to a full patch and ask to join. Usually, at least up here in NYS they usually check out how you roll and then decide if you're their material..THIS IS SERIOUS BUISNESS ! Dont take these words lightly cuz you just might get your feelings hurt. from what i've seen, once one of the bigger dominants recognizes your club as an 'outlaw' 1%er club then you can cut up your backpatch into a three piece set (Top rocker, center piece,cube piece and lower rocker)..The original three seperate piece was created as a display of '**** you' towards the more mundane motorcycle enthusiasts clubs that the AMA claimed as their own ( read the Hollister story).. That being said and done this world is it's own subculture with their own rules and regulations..Treat any patch member the way you wish to be treated and you'll be okay. Dont ever interupt a conversation between two patch holders! Theres a world of strict rules and unspoken conduct which is expected and any breach will JUST NOT BE TOLERATED. Theres a big difference between the MC and an RC..
    On a different level you'll also find that the mentality is alot different too. There's an underlying degree of 'brotherhood' that the average Joe Cage just cannot even begin to comprehend..As for myself i just coulnt deal with all the rules and regulations concerning the proper 'club etiquette' involved. It just was too much for me but whoever can best of luck and God's blessings on them. The bottom line is that they're not the monsters that Hollywood or The Discovery Channel paints them to be. Just a bunch of hard workin dudes with wives, kids and jobs...but dont think any real 1%er will hesistate to put your head to bed..This is just my worthless .02 cents....

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    January 31, 2010 5:27 AM PST
    SingSing wrote......
    The bottom line is that they're not the monsters that Hollywood or The Discovery Channel paints them to be. Just a bunch of hard workin dudes with wives, kids and jobs...but dont think any real 1%er will hesistate to put your head to bed..This is just my worthless .02 cents....

    You are absolutly right on this SingSIng! Especially your last paragraph.

    Oh, and BTW your 2 cents is not worthless!!!

  • January 31, 2010 5:44 AM PST
    singsing, exactly right! i wore the three piece with cube, that is some serious shit, there is one main club down here, doesn't matter who you rode with, if you had three patches, you rode by their rules, by their whim, and were certainly told when a patchholder better straighten up his shit. i decided i wasn't going to take an asswhipping for someone else's mistakes. if the person screwed up bad enough, the whole club got a warning. when asked about what would i do in that situation, i told my pres" your shit would be on the ground, or under my ass as i left". that is why i got out. too much drama just to ride my bike.
  • January 31, 2010 5:45 AM PST know your stuff...I personally know several "Brother Speed" and 'Outsiders" and yes they are hard working stand up men that belong to a brotherhood most guys can only wish thay could be involved in,  The only thing that keeps me from prospecting in is the Club values verses my Personal values "Club Values" = 1. The Club, 2. Family, 3. Job, 4. Spirtual Values if any. "Me" = 1. Family, 2. Job, 3. Riding, 4. Spritural Values.

    RandyJoe...Ride Fast Safely...

  • January 31, 2010 5:58 AM PST
    Props to Highrisk, was reading along, wondering if anyone was gonna quote the history of the 1% patch, You beat me to it my friend, but am glad to know that someone out there knows that there is history to it....Want a piece of (Raisen Pie)? (how many remember that?)
    • 1780 posts
    January 31, 2010 9:21 AM PST
    Everybody there is one more thing that I don't think got mentioned......become a 3 patch holder your scoot belongs to the club peiod! My dragon belongs to no one but me.
    • 190 posts
    January 31, 2010 9:29 AM PST
    Yep...thats a serious Spot On.....You all should listen to him....aint no one gonmna ride or own my sled....sho;'nuff!!!!!
    • 190 posts
    January 31, 2010 9:31 AM PST
    Somehow i think this thread will pick up a life of its takers?
    • 1 posts
    January 31, 2010 9:41 AM PST
    What is the protocol when overtaking a group/gang of patched riders from behind?
    Mostly ride alone on 2 lane, hi crown, blacktop, unmarked twisties but sometimes drop on to marked state routes.
    A couple of times there has been a large group of patched riders in front of me. - Were they unpatched would just pull up a safe distance behind & see if they made a signal to ride parallel, pulled right to let me pass or sped up to liven my life. W/ the patched ones I hang back about 2X as far as I would normally & go their speed (i.e. slower than usual).
    • 190 posts
    January 31, 2010 9:57 AM PST
    99Savage wrote...
    What is the protocol when overtaking a group/gang of patched riders from behind?
    Mostly ride alone on 2 lane, hi crown, blacktop, unmarked twisties but sometimes drop on to marked state routes.
    A couple of times there has been a large group of patched riders in front of me. - Were they unpatched would just pull up a safe distance behind & see if they made a signal to ride parallel, pulled right to let me pass or sped up to liven my life. W/ the patched ones I hang back about 2X as far as I would normally & go their speed (i.e. slower than usual).
    Well 99, from my own direct experience it goes like this....If you are sportin a Prospect patch  you are NEVER TO PASS BY A FULL PATCH on the road even if you are doin  A 50 AND HE'S doin a 20....That would probably result in a 'political' shitstorm with his prez beefin with your prez and it would have to get settled at the next C.O.C roundtable meetin...yeah, sounds like bullshit, right?

    • 190 posts
    January 31, 2010 9:59 AM PST
    pardon that screw up,99. Like i said ......If you are sportin a Prospect patch and ridin on a stretch of blactop and pass by a full patcher from another club that would possibly result in him beefin to his prez and then his prez would beef with your prez and it would be a 'political' sh**storm....better to fall back ( if you r in faqct sportin a patch)....Even if you were cruisin a straight 50 and this dude was doin an idle 20 it would still be considered a greivous disrespect.....I know, makes no sense. But if you are a lone wolf sportin no back patch than i owuldnt sweat it too much..Just go alongside them and gesture that you're gonna pass em..should be no problem...
  • January 31, 2010 10:02 AM PST
    i don't remember what the protocol was for an unpatched rider passing a patch, i have done it, i ease up, i show my respect. if they look pissed, i back off, or back off and hold the lane for them if they need to get around something. and yes, a prospect never passes a patch! unless that is a patch brother and the prospect was so instructed. but that is very rare.