Going Home

    • 1855 posts
    December 1, 2016 4:57 PM PST

    After a year and a half on the Gulf Coast of Lower Alabama I've had enough.  Just yesterday I made the decision.  While it may take me a long time to make a decision, once I do is full bore.   Realtor came by today.  For Sale sign up.  Got pre-approval for a home I want to buy in Ohio and the sellers agent has already sent over the paper work. 


    I'm not going the moving this time.  I remember what a PIA it was to move here so I've already gotten a few quotes from "professional" movers.  LOL  We'll be out of here and back in the snow belt by mid-January. 

    • 58 posts
    December 2, 2016 1:06 AM PST

    Have fun and good luck.

    • 314 posts
    December 2, 2016 4:29 AM PST

    What don't you like  about Alabama? I thought you had moved to Tennesse.

    Good luck

  • December 2, 2016 6:06 AM PST

    Man I would rather shave my head with a cheese grader or chew on tin foil rather than MOVE, but you just know when it's time to Go Home.

    Be safe Brother

    Night Dragon

    • 57 posts
    December 2, 2016 8:41 AM PST

    Geez Doc, Im not even going to get the chance to impose on you both and insist I stay with you for aweek. Oh well we hope you are both very Happy with your new place. Take Care 

    • 5420 posts
    December 2, 2016 9:37 AM PST

    Wow Doc, that is a surprise announcement!  But you got to do what ever makes  you and little lady happy.


    I agree  - MOVING SUCKS!  Actually in my younger days I didn't mind at all...Get a few buddies, a rental truck and wam-bam it was packed. Now I find it much better to sit in a lawn chair and watch the professionals load the truck.


    Best wishes to you and Gypsy in your new home!!!

    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    December 2, 2016 12:01 PM PST

    I can relate, no matter where I lived I always came back to NW PA.

    • 1855 posts
    December 3, 2016 2:34 AM PST

    [blockquote]paulawest said:

    What don't you like  about Alabama? I thought you had moved to Tennesse.

    Good luck


    I like Alabama alot.  Gypsy likes Alabama. But it seems that inside our hearts we don't have much of a life here.  Our dreams of retiring here on the Gulf Coast was marred by the reality of how much one gives up to retire; despite the benefits of retirement. I wish I could explain it.  We've been "adjusting" and "settling in" for a year and a half; seemingly no end to that.   There is no joy in that and it never was part of the adventure we sought in retiring.  We had been retired 5 years "before" we moved to Alabama and our move was about year round riding and travel, saying good-bye to the snow and cold. But we also said good-bye to all that we were, all that we knew.

    I don't know really what we expected.  We knew we'd have to take a year to settle in and we were up to that.  But the future here looks to be more of the same. I actually believe we brought as much of our old life with us as what we left behind and our old life doesn't belong here. We can't shake it so we're going back to it; becasue it was just fine.

    I'm almost 69 years of age.  I don't have the time to be constantly "settling in". It's really cut into our riding. Gypsy and I have averaged 15K to 20K in the wind. We haven't travelled 2K miles since we've been here.  My 30 year old mind set just can't deal with that. In about two months we'll be home where the only settling in will be arranging the furniture and of course taking a bunch of playful shit from our friends (something I've missed).

    When you're young and you leave the nest it's just fine.  It's something that is expected, accepted. Your life is ahead of you.  But to leave the one you've built and shared and protected and nurtured for decades isn't to be taken lightly. All those people who've needed you, loved you, depended on you have lost a big chunk of their lives as well.  It's as if you've abandoned them. You can hear it in their voices, see it on the faces of our grandkids (we have a few young ones), "why did you leave us".  That wasn't the reason for our decision but when they broke down crying with happiness that we were coming home we knew it was the right decision and made us realize how much we've missed them.

    As for Tennesee Paula; it was a place we considered before leaving Ohio but that's about it.  You might be thinking of NIght Dragon's move from Texas to Pigeon Forge. But anyway, I'll reamain on CF.  Thanks for all the support people.



  • December 3, 2016 6:18 AM PST

    Doc I remember when I returned from Sea East Asia during VietNam in 1971 I was stationed at Edwards AFB in California. When I was released from the Air Force in 1972 I was offered a Job with the Government wrenching on Military Acft there, so I took it as I had no job offer in Texas. I spent 10 years living in Lancaster California, and one night in 1981 while I was drinking a beer at my favorite hang out, Bob Seger's "Against The Wind" came on the juke box, and I started crying. Not sure why, but right then and there I knew I needed to move back to Texas. Sometimes I miss the rides I use to take in the California Mountains, and the trips up US 5 to see a Friend in San Francisco, but Texas was where my heart was. 

    Brother I know what you are feeling so follow your heart, and do what ya got to do.

    Be safe

    Night Dragon

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    December 3, 2016 6:26 AM PST

    Wishing all goes well on the move...and home is where the heart is. 

    • 1855 posts
    December 6, 2016 3:32 AM PST

    Packing is going well but the moving quote of $8K is a kick in the pants.  Now I'm considering alternatives though I hate the idea of moving ourselves "again".

  • December 6, 2016 5:30 AM PST

    [blockquote]Jimmyacorn said:

    Packing is going well but the moving quote of $8K is a kick in the pants.  Now I'm considering alternatives though I hate the idea of moving ourselves "again".




    WOW that 8 grand, is that just one quote, or about the going price from several companies? 

    Night Dragon

    • 1855 posts
    December 7, 2016 2:54 AM PST

    [blockquote]NightDragon said:

    [blockquote]Jimmyacorn said:

    Packing is going well but the moving quote of $8K is a kick in the pants.  Now I'm considering alternatives though I hate the idea of moving ourselves "again".




    WOW that 8 grand, is that just one quote, or about the going price from several companies? 

    Night Dragon


    I'm trying to get other quotes but I want reps to come out and visually see what we're moving.  The 8K quote was after a physical inventory by a rep from Mayflower.  Others have sent me "online" quotes of less but it bothers me that it's from information that I give them instead of them coming out to the house.  It seems the intenet makes things easy and difficult at the same time; easy for them, difficult for the consumer who can get burned rather easily..  I knew that Mayflower would be higher than most but I truly didn't believe it would be that high.  So, I'm working on it.

    • 58 posts
    December 7, 2016 10:05 AM PST

    Actually, that 8K doesn't sound too far off the mark to me.  When I retired from the Army in 94, I did my last move myself.  They rented the truck and paid me 4K to move from west TX to East TX.   That was, they said, 80 percent of what it would have cost them.  Good luck in your endeavors.

    • 3006 posts
    December 12, 2016 11:00 PM PST

    Everyone I have known that moved any real distance used Mayflower.They are expensive yet if you feel safer w/them it might be worth it to avoid stress dealing w/surprises thru another carrier.I have done many moves for family and friends & for hire.If I could never do it again I wouldnt miss it at all.

    IMHO I believe you are doing the right thing moving back to where it feels more like home to you,in my mind Home is where the heart is loved,and sounds like you got plenty in Ohio.Which I thought was a very nice state,what I seen of it.Hope you have a safe smooth move and enjoy the holidays.

    • 1855 posts
    December 14, 2016 6:19 AM PST

    We are going with Allied.  $5K and they do have  decent  reviews.  The insurance included is remarkable.  Thanks for all the input.  Now I have to figure the best way to cover my Heritage on an open trailer.

    • 57 posts
    December 16, 2016 5:30 AM PST

    Hey Doc, Hopefully the move goes smoothly and all your things get to the new destination undamaged, as far as the Heritage I would let the movers take it as well but if you are going to move it on an open trailer, I would just strap it down and give it a thorough cleaning when you get to the new place, flapping tarps and straps will destroy the paint and shield in just a couple miles, Best of Luck Take Care

    • 1855 posts
    December 17, 2016 3:24 AM PST

    Thanks Hunter.  That's what I ended up thinking as well.  I think that's the best option; glad you see it that way as well.   My Heritage is going to the local HD shop to be stored until the end of April while we get settled in to the new place.  The Shovel is going to a club brothers as he's expressed interest in purchasing the bike.  The longer he gets to look at it the more he'll fall in love with it.   LOL

    Because I"ve got much to do in Ohio before the movers load, I'm actually make two trips; one just after the first when I'll take care of business and also move the Heritage.  Then I'll head back down here when the movers load up on January 16th.  I'll load the Shovel and make the return trip to Ohio. I know, driving 1,000 miles four times is alot but some financial situations have to be completed in person at the bank and the utilities prior to the move. One never knows about the weather and I simply want to have plenty of time. 

    I'm trying to be as calm as I can too. My home here hasn't sold yet.  I'm already approved on the home in Ohio but that won't go through completely until this house is sold.  Fortunately, the home we are buying is owned by my uncle and we made a deal.  I pay utilities and insurance until our home sells and THEN we can close on his place.   And the only utility I have to keep on here in Alabama is the electric.  All TOO convenient huh.   Convenience makes me worry but I'm thinking positive.


    Keep ya posted. 


  • December 17, 2016 5:03 AM PST

    [blockquote]Jimmyacorn said:

    Thanks Hunter.  That's what I ended up thinking as well.  I think that's the best option; glad you see it that way as well.   My Heritage is going to the local HD shop to be stored until the end of April while we get settled in to the new place.  The Shovel is going to a club brothers as he's expressed interest in purchasing the bike.  The longer he gets to look at it the more he'll fall in love with it.   LOL

    Because I"ve got much to do in Ohio before the movers load, I'm actually make two trips; one just after the first when I'll take care of business and also move the Heritage.  Then I'll head back down here when the movers load up on January 16th.  I'll load the Shovel and make the return trip to Ohio. I know, driving 1,000 miles four times is alot but some financial situations have to be completed in person at the bank and the utilities prior to the move. One never knows about the weather and I simply want to have plenty of time. 

    I'm trying to be as calm as I can too. My home here hasn't sold yet.  I'm already approved on the home in Ohio but that won't go through completely until this house is sold.  Fortunately, the home we are buying is owned by my uncle and we made a deal.  I pay utilities and insurance until our home sells and THEN we can close on his place.   And the only utility I have to keep on here in Alabama is the electric.  All TOO convenient huh.   Convenience makes me worry but I'm thinking positive.


    I was reading your post and when I came to the part of a "SHOVEL" I said hold the phone. Then I check your pictures looking for that scoot. Man did we know you had a shovel??? Tell us a little about it, ya just don't see those running around much anymore.

    Doc I know it seems like your plate is pretty full right now, but before ya know it your house will sell, the move will be complete, spring time in Ohio will be here, and you will be kicking back with a cold brew in your hand. Wait a minute rewind.......there could be a few Honey Do's....LOL.

    Anyway Brother be safe and keep positive

    Night Dragon


    Keep ya posted. 



    • 8 posts
    December 17, 2016 5:43 PM PST

    Understand that moving thing, when I departed Mississippi anything that would not fit on the bike got placed in the front yard. road to El Centro Cal. lived there a while and ended up moving to Florida and staying 14 years, When I had enough, I took one pickup my bike dog and a small trailer of parts to Texas, the rest was given to the club. Was there 7 years, gave the house shop and land to my son, got on my bike (dam dog died) and headed North where it all started. been here 8 years.  Only way to move is sell it give it or through it away. they got good stuff where your headed, 

      Guess Ill stay here awhile, Bike shop is doing as well as I want, added an adition for a machine / welding shop, frame jig about built. house is warm paid for good view, just missing a house mouse, 

       Enjoy the move and good luck


    • 1855 posts
    December 18, 2016 6:33 AM PST

    Well Kenny, I posted about my shovel under: http://www.cyclefish.com/forums/topic/162962/a-bit-of-progress.

    I have had it for sale but just as you don't see many around these days you also don't find many who want one.  Most of the old timers have one, upgraded to newer, or don't want to take on the task of maintaining one anymore.  I love my shovelhead and there are still things that need to be upgraded since it's been sitting so long.   But I also remember what it was like riding one all over the country.  I spent any number of hours on the side of the road taking care of her.  But yep, I WAS younger then.   With a bit of coaxing she always got me there and back....well, maybe not ALL the way back. LOL

    There is a club brother interested so, as I said, he gets to look at it over the winter when it's in his garage/shop. If he doesn't want it well I'll keep it and make some changes to it (again); open belt primary, different paint job, mechanical upgrades, etc.

  • December 18, 2016 2:43 PM PST

    [blockquote]Jimmyacorn said:

    Well Kenny, I posted about my shovel under: http://www.cyclefish.com/forums/topic/162962/a-bit-of-progress.

    I have had it for sale but just as you don't see many around these days you also don't find many who want one.  Most of the old timers have one, upgraded to newer, or don't want to take on the task of maintaining one anymore.  I love my shovelhead and there are still things that need to be upgraded since it's been sitting so long.   But I also remember what it was like riding one all over the country.  I spent any number of hours on the side of the road taking care of her.  But yep, I WAS younger then.   With a bit of coaxing she always got me there and back....well, maybe not ALL the way back. LOL

    There is a club brother interested so, as I said, he gets to look at it over the winter when it's in his garage/shop. If he doesn't want it well I'll keep it and make some changes to it (again); open belt primary, different paint job, mechanical upgrades, etc.



    For a few years back in the 70's when I lived out in California I rode a 64 Panhead, and I know what ya mean about working on them. I pushed that sucker many miles, and worked on it on the side of more than one California Hwy. Hey you know money was tight back then and ya just found a way to keep em going.

    Hang in there and be safe Brother

    Night Dragon


    • 16 posts
    December 18, 2016 8:49 PM PST

    Doc , what part of Ohio you moving to, you will be a lot closer and maybe next time Hunter rides this way he can pick you up on the way , spend a few days in the mtns here !

    • 1855 posts
    December 19, 2016 5:00 AM PST

    That would be west central Ohio; roughly 45-60 miles from and SE of Ft. Wayne, Indiana.  You're around Charleston, W. Va. correct?   Been over that way a number of times over the years.  Having been born in Logan,  W. Va. I do love the mountains.  So, there is that possibility.

    • 611 posts
    December 20, 2016 12:15 PM PST

    Doc, may the move go off without a hitch and the home you're selling will go to the folks that need it. Lady Dove and are in in the last stages of signing on our 'Final Home'. Thank the powers that be because it's less than a mile from the house we're renting. whew...

    I moved to this valley in 1989 from Tucson and I knew that this would be my Home. After my divorce, I moved to Yakima because of the 300 days of riding weather and Dove has family there. We lived there for a year and every month or so, we would ride or drive over the mountains to see our friends. Several times our friends drove to us to spend the weekend with us. We finally decided that this valley was home and we moved back.

    Our new home is right on the banks of the N. Fork of the Stilliguamish river and it's so close to closing that I can taste it... All our best to you and Gypsy and your new home, in your old stomping grounds.


    Edge 'HomeAtLast' Walker