Tips for New Riders

  • September 8, 2016 7:54 AM PDT

    Everyone that rides Motorcycles started some where. Maybe at a early age on dirt bikes, or maybe at a Older age on a 650 cc scooter, but we all threw a leg over that beast for the FIRST time.

    I think because this site is ment to be informational in the area of Motorcycles I think we owe it to our new riders to share riding tips from us Old Gezers.....I mean seasoned riders. So let's see how many tips we can come up with for the new guys and gals out there.

    1. I know when you get your first bike you want to shine it up for all to see. Nothing wrong with that but STOP when it comes to the tires. I know Tire Shine looks good on our car tires, but our cars don't have thread on the sides of the tires. That thread on motorcycle tires is there for a keep you stuck to the street in a turn. If you wipe tire shine on those tires the first turn you to come to could be a bad experience.

    2. If you live where there are a lot of hills when you park your bike leave it in 1st gear, so it will still be there when you return.

    3. How to keep from being run over from a car waiting at a side street...When you come within site of a car waiting for you look at the front left wheel to determine if the car is moving forward. Most cars now days have some type of spoke wheels on them. By looking at the front wheel it is easy to see one spoke move, as opposed to the entire car moving.

    4. This maybe just me and no one else that does this....If you have a bike with a CD player or radio, and the sound track from EASY RIDER is on chances are you will ride more agressive. I even know this and I still do it.

    5. Drivers of cars will look right at you and NOT see you. Expect the Unexpected !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Let's everyone jump on this post and help out our Brothers and Sisters

    Be safe and check 6 often

    Night Dragon


  • September 8, 2016 2:16 PM PDT

    1. take your thumb next time your in truck or car an hide the ON COMING bike or bikes with it this proves when your on your bike YOU ARE NOT SEEN.

    2. Look ahead to farthest point you see not just in front of you, scan back from that point checkin the sides of the roads then back to mirrors then repeat this is how to Expect the UNexpected make this habbit

    3. look thur your turns an curves not at them doing this will make you smoother rider an enjoy curvy roads better the bike goes where you look.

    4. Ride the high side of your lane when being passed by a AUTO an hold that line make them pass you not by speeding up but by holding your space drivers of cars tend to cut in on you if you ride the low side of lane High side yellow line low side white never ride in middle thats where the oil lays  

    5. learn to use your transmission for Breaking in hill country brakes get hot then they fail have a front break learn to use it 70% of a bikes stopping power is there

    7 practice slow riding in paved empty parking lots an panic stop with both brakes try lock turns an figure 8 turns this will help you feel the Balance point of your bike once you learn balance points curves become FUN !

    • 1 posts
    September 8, 2016 5:59 PM PDT

    Stretch before mounting up

    Keep your shoulders relaxed, if you start tightening up slow down and shake them loose


    • 298 posts
    September 8, 2016 11:16 PM PDT
    Always pretend that your invisible
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    September 9, 2016 5:32 AM PDT

    Always assume the oncoming car will left turn (USA riders) in front of you.

  • September 11, 2016 3:51 AM PDT

    I believe most motorcycle classes don't teach starting off UP HILL. That is sooooooo important to master that skill, so try to find a slight hill somewhere and pratice starting out after holding your front brake and then the rear brake.

    Remember SPEED is your friend in a turn, it keeps the gyro effect of the bike moving forward.

    Night Dragon 

  • September 11, 2016 7:38 AM PDT

    WHEN PASSING A TRACTOR TRAILER PASS THAT RIG quickly lotta companys run recap tires they can blow out, a recap blowing off will kill you !

    when riding in heavy traffic look for the open space its known as the sweet spot adjust speed to stay there

    to see if your following to close to someone pick a fixed object on side of road as they pass fixed object do a 1 2 3 hard count at 80 you need at least a 5 sec hard count to stay in the safe breaking zone of your bike



  • September 11, 2016 3:03 PM PDT

    Thanks to everyone who has posted little tricks to survive on the road. Man it is a crazy place out there with all the cages. For the new riders...CAGES are cars.

    Just one more thing about Tennessee riding........I have riden on the freeways in Los Angeles, San Franciso, Fort Worth, Dallas, Houston, and Austin, and without Reservation I can say riding in the Pigeon Forge /  Sevierville Tennessee is the MOST Dangerous place I have ever riden. Not trying 

  • September 11, 2016 3:03 PM PDT

    Thanks to everyone who has posted little tricks to survive on the road. Man it is a crazy place out there with all the cages. For the new riders...CAGES are cars/trucks.

    Just one more thing about Tennessee riding........I have riden on the freeways in Los Angeles, San Digeo, San Franciso, Fort Worth, Dallas, Houston, and Austin, and without Reservation I can say riding in the Pigeon Forge /  Sevierville Tennessee area is the MOST Dangerous place I have ever riden. Not trying to keep you from coming here, Just bring your A game when it comes to riding. This Place scares the shit out of me.

    Be safe

    Night Dragon

    This post was edited by Deleted Member at September 11, 2016 3:06 PM PDT
    • 3006 posts
    September 11, 2016 9:57 PM PDT

    Just wanted to add for the new rider, remember it's all about location when riding and to keep an eye on your rear views,they are there for your protection if used properly.

    Waiting at the stop light leave your ride in first n have the clutch puuled in ready to move out,quick like if need be.Leave your position open to movement when at rest, do not pull up dead center middle of the lane w/a vehicle directly ahead of you.Besides center of lane is where all the grease n road grime buildup at stoplights/intersection.Avoid manhole covers.

    Stay high in the left part of the lane in heavy traffic,vehicles entering from your right will have a much better chance of spotting you.It also puts the rider usually in the direct left rearview of any vehicle ahead.Some times riding is a game of inchs.A few one way or another makes all the difference.

    From the proper location riding in traffic you can greatly increase your odds of survival,remember you never win any confrontation with any vehicle or animal for that matter, your greatest strength is in recognizing and avoiding problems before they become one.This is critical when mastering really twisty roads with steep turns and poor road conditions,always be on the look out for loose gravel leaves beach sands or road debris you want to avoid spinning out on.

    Most of all have fun,take good care of your ride and she will take good care of you !!

    • 314 posts
    September 12, 2016 4:01 AM PDT

    Great Tips

    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    September 12, 2016 10:29 AM PDT

    Always check tire pressure and oil at least once a week. Check Headlight, brake light and turn signalsTry to ride with the same boots everytime. Keeps you in the same riding position all the time. Just like driving your cage, you dont move the seats to different positions each time you drive

    This post was edited by highrisk at September 13, 2016 4:55 AM PDT
    • 58 posts
    September 29, 2016 8:48 PM PDT

    [blockquote]NightDragon said:

    I believe most motorcycle classes don't teach starting off UP HILL. That is sooooooo important to master that skill, so try to find a slight hill somewhere and pratice starting out after holding your front brake and then the rear brake.

    Remember SPEED is your friend in a turn, it keeps the gyro effect of the bike moving forward.

    Night Dragon 


    No, they don't.  They also don't teach beginners how to make a right from a stop.  I also revisit the local MSF range on days it isn't being used at least every couple of months and will more now that my wife is also riding.  Going fast and straight is easy.  Dead slow and curves take much more skill... 

  • November 16, 2016 4:18 PM PST

    Now that it's time for the leaves to fall.........WET LEAVES on the road are NOT YOUR FRIEND!!!!

    Be careful out there

    Night Dragon

    • 58 posts
    November 18, 2016 2:16 AM PST

    Also rain and weather is more likely.  First five minutes, let it wash.


    • 89 posts
    November 20, 2016 2:59 PM PST

    Watch out for anything that can POSSIBLY MOVE.

    • 58 posts
    November 21, 2016 10:46 AM PST

    Eyes in the lights tend to shine.  Slow down so you're not overrunning the headlight.

  • November 21, 2016 1:50 PM PST

    [blockquote]RufCut said:

    Eyes in the lights tend to shine.  Slow down so you're not overrunning the headlight.




    Good One Brother

    • 1 posts
    March 25, 2018 10:39 AM PDT

    New riders should not take on the responsibility of a passenger on board. You are just learn how to ride, a passenger can throw off your balance lessen your stoping distance and grab you or lean you wrong. Just getting on and off the bike for a passenger can be dangerouse. Build your condfidence and riding style, then educate and explain to a passenger what they have to do. You will both benifit from caution.

    • 58 posts
    April 4, 2018 2:58 PM PDT

    When approachin a car waitin to turn across your lane working the bars enough to move the headlight can make you more noticeable.  Bikes are vertically oriented but our vision is horizontally oriented.  That means we see movement across easier and quicker then movement up or down. A qick left right left to move the headlight or a quick swerve within your travel line (when safe to do so) can help.  My wife says it even works for the person following you.  She has noted many times that it will grab her focus when I do it in front of her.

    • 31 posts
    April 6, 2018 1:31 AM PDT

    Corners can be slick in vegas when it's hot, never pass a gas station in Nevada,carry water for road construction, out here in the middle off hot states,be prepared to be run off the road out here by passing cars from the other side,

    This post was edited by shunka2 at April 6, 2018 1:39 AM PDT
    • 84 posts
    April 7, 2018 2:24 AM PDT

    And always remember, regardless who's right or wrong...........

    If a car and a motorcycle reach exactly the same point in space at exactly the same point in time.......tie goes to the car.

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    April 7, 2018 6:12 AM PDT

    [blockquote]Snakechrmr said:

    And always remember, regardless who's right or wrong...........

    If a car and a motorcycle reach exactly the same point in space at exactly the same point in time.......tie goes to the car.



    Yep! You can be Dead Right

    • 8 posts
    April 9, 2018 1:24 AM PDT


    Great tips guys. I wish I'll have zero accident this year.

    • 131 posts
    April 14, 2018 6:55 AM PDT

    I've only been riding for about 3 years. so, in no way do I consider myself experienced. this is a great topic for us newer riders, but also great just to see other riders safety habits/concerns. so thanks for the insight!

    This post was edited by yamwatiyam at April 14, 2018 6:55 AM PDT