Glenco sure has changed since I stayed there in 1990 and 1997.
In 2006 I stayed in a motel in Whitewood, a place less occupied.
Contact user 'cnciaco' here. I think they stay at Glencoe
I know there are going to few quite a few CycleFish members with 'cnciaco' over there at Glencoe. Sorry to say we can't make it this year.
Yup! We will be in Section 8B at Glencoe, right on "titty alley". Feel free to stop on by! I think there are about a dozen of CF people that will be there, so far!
Haha! You gotta be willing to take in the good, the bad and the ugly!
That's why there is a delete button on your camera now days! Right Mike!?!
Deener and I will be there camping with cnciaco
It's nice to now that there are some good people close by
May 26, 2015 10:55 PM PDT
Trying to figure if that video is real or sarcasm...
June 1, 2015 12:36 PM PDT
Well looks like I'm driving up solo again this year from NC. The only good thing about that is whatever I get myself into ,I won't have a witness from home.
WOW, Toooooooooo many people fer me
June 8, 2015 11:45 PM PDT
In 2005 a group of us took 6 couples from England to Sturgis; providing them with motorcycles. They all had a wonderful time but it was definitely meant to be the very last time for me. Over 1/2 million people, most of which were simply a pain in the ass on the roads, was just too many for me. While I've been back to the area since then it hasn't been for Sturgis Bike Week. Guess I'm just an old fart now. Still, whoever does go this year, hope you all have a great time and a safe ride.
Yeah, I couldn't imagine trying to lead that many people around during rally, I have led up to 24 bikes at other times of the year, and that was very difficult!