January 21, 2010 3:01 AM PST
Well, Yes I was hoping for a better year but here I go again,, I was reciently Divorced after 25yrs, he left me for his meth dealer and Married her,, I got a no contact order for my son and I,, He was having a very hard time dealing with loosing his Dad,, I put us in counsling for a year and that has helped him,, not sure about me yet,, lol He has to have back surgery next month at 15,, My aunt whom was like a Mother to me was just put into Hospice yesterday so I will be staying down there till her time here is over,, My son goes in Monday for evaluation and to set up surgery,, I cant work right now for my son and aunts health, that is very hard, they are forclosing on our home,, I just wait for what comes next,,
BUT, I am very Greatful and most always have a smile on my face,, I realized I cannot stomp my feet or choke someone,,and change things,, doesn't work,,lol I just keep a positive out look and hope for the best,, what else can ya do,,
So to all that are struggling,, keep your head up no matter what,, It could be worse,,

:) :) :) :) :) :)~~

I try and look at the bright side but I haven't found one yet,, lol