Are you still out there?

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    • 16869 posts
    October 6, 2014 5:42 AM PDT
    I wish they had DIY shops around here back in the day, I hated having to bum garage space.
    I always bartered work for space and ended up spending more time on other's projects then my own.
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    • 19067 posts
    October 12, 2014 1:07 AM PDT
    My RV life style limits my possibilities for garage space. My one bike trailer also limits it. Gotta buy a wider trailer...
  • May 29, 2015 2:45 AM PDT
    I would love to have a shop like that here Luck. But for now I just have old friends to show me the ropes.
  • June 2, 2015 5:57 AM PDT
    My Dad grew up in the great depression. He was a Navy CB In WW2 and was very self-reliant.

    I worked two summers for him in trade for a little used Yamaha MX 80.  It was my responsibility, at 9 years old, to fix and maintain the bike. He would point me in the right direction, give me the tools to use, but, keeping it running was on me. New parts were only bought after an exhaustive exersize in trying to repair the broken part. The new parts came after I worked to earn them.

    The skill of being self reliant has been most valuble to me all of my life. I am greatful to him for that. This is something I have tought my children and I try to teach to others. There is real enjoyment, acomplishment and pride in fixing or building anything.

    • 1 posts
    September 7, 2015 1:37 PM PDT
    Rode Penny-Saver rescues for most of my life. The Ulysses was my first "new" ride and even it was a demo bike

    So far have done all of my own repairs except for a front fork rebuild (did not have a clean enough place to work), chasing an electrical gremlin and tire changes (used to do them but without a tire changer would be sure to scab up the powder coat)
    • 10 posts
    September 8, 2015 9:10 AM PDT
    I carry enough tools with me so I can set the timing, repair wires, remove my clutch basket, rear wheel etc. I only carry what I need for my bike in a roll. Sockets are in a zippered canvas bag. Small stuff in medicine containers. There have been days when I have changed a primary chain on the road. This last weekend I had to adjust the mousetrap, clutch lever. I like being able to work on my bike and helping others. Too many bikes on the road with riders that are lost without a clue when something happens. Besides, a low tech trip is always more memorable .
  • September 8, 2015 10:33 AM PDT
    I own 2 82' and a 79'. I do my own maint. and repairs. have been for almost 40 yrs. alot of enjoyment to be the life.
    • 84 posts
    September 8, 2015 1:44 PM PDT
    Few things are as satisfying as sitting at the end of a day and looking at a finished product you did with your hands. Be it a scooter repair, porch swing, or pavers in a new patio.