Age Discrimination,,,,,,,it is real

    • 1780 posts
    January 13, 2010 9:28 AM PST
    OK I'm pissed and I have to get this off my chest , I'm bumbed out, depressed ....what ever but mostly I'm pissed!!!
    You young bikers might as well pass over this post because you won't understand, but people age discrimination is out there and it's real.
    Here I am 61 fricken years old retired after almost 39 years with the United States Feds, good health, college educated, work out every week at the gym with a trainer, just looking for a part time job just to keep me busy, and not one potential employer will respond to my resume's because I damn well know it's because of my age.
    I applied for Manager type jobs in the beginning, now I set my sights a bit lower. Hell I even applied for a motorcycle detailer job at a local motorcycle shop. Not even a call to say hey old fart go away. My wife keeps saying ...don't put on your resume that your a viet nam vet, because they will know how old you are. I keep telling her...don't think they will wonder where I was for 4 years?? The only damn time I'm happy is when I'm on my bike, probably why I jumped the gun on the meet and greet issue. Just wanted to get out there and do something worth while. Sure I have a good retirement money wise but I'm about to go nuts. Never have been one to sit around and watch tv all day. I tried to start a consulting business when I retired back in March 09, ...that went no where. Now I'm trying to sell my business so I can work for someone else...again.
    Let me tell everyone that has throught about retireing.....prepair for a whole different life style.
    Sorry to go onto this site and vent like this, I think my wife has had enought.
    I figure if I can't vent to my new found family who in the shit will listen.

    This is not funny, I go out and looking for people who disrespect old people in public who are retired, and may God have mercy on their soles if I catch one.

    If this post is to much for this site I shall never darken this site's door again>

    The pissed off Night Dragon
  • January 13, 2010 9:41 AM PST
    I understand discrimination, for I have some things in my past which throw up road blocks for me. Although alittle different than your situation, for my issues are of my own making. Just thought I'd make a suggestion, if your just looking for something to occupy your time, have you thought about volunteering? There are many organizations that appreciate a helping hand, no matter the age. Its rewarding and usally helps great causes. Just a idea for you. Hope you get to feeling better about it all, and if its any consulation, I am one who appreciates your age and the wisdom I am sure you have gained with it...
    • 1780 posts
    January 13, 2010 9:46 AM PST
    Thank you rynydaz
    • 1 posts
    January 13, 2010 9:50 AM PST
    Would not be so quick to blame it on "age discrimination". Right now the economy just plain sux.
    Am in a similar position. Retired 09/08 @ 65 after working since 1955. - Promised myself would just plain screw off for a year. Kept that promise. - Now old habits die hard & I want to saddle up again.
    About the same as you. - Engineer, MBA, verifiable work history back to 61, honorable discharge, no health problems.
    This new practice of winging resumes into the ether gives you no feedback.
    Might help if I could verify that I can drive a fork truck. Going to take a class to learn about the only CAD system that I do not have experience w/.
    Wife has no problems w/ me yet (well, no problems that she did not have all along) - If you want to PM & vent, fine w/ me
    • 1780 posts
    January 13, 2010 9:53 AM PST
    hey 99....thanks
    • 1780 posts
    January 13, 2010 9:58 AM PST
    nightdragon wrote...
    OK I'm pissed and I have to get this off my chest , I'm bumbed out, depressed ....what ever but mostly I'm pissed!!!
    You young bikers might as well pass over this post because you won't understand, but people age discrimination is out there and it's real.
    Here I am 61 fricken years old retired after almost 39 years with the United States Feds, good health, college educated, work out every week at the gym with a trainer, just looking for a part time job just to keep me busy, and not one potential employer will respond to my resume's because I damn well know it's because of my age.
    I applied for Manager type jobs in the beginning, now I set my sights a bit lower. Hell I even applied for a motorcycle detailer job at a local motorcycle shop. Not even a call to say hey old fart go away. My wife keeps saying ...don't put on your resume that your a viet nam vet, because they will know how old you are. I keep telling her...don't think they will wonder where I was for 4 years?? The only damn time I'm happy is when I'm on my bike, probably why I jumped the gun on the meet and greet issue. Just wanted to get out there and do something worth while. Sure I have a good retirement money wise but I'm about to go nuts. Never have been one to sit around and watch tv all day. I tried to start a consulting business when I retired back in March 09, ...that went no where. Now I'm trying to sell my business so I can work for someone else...again.
    Let me tell everyone that has throught about retireing.....prepair for a whole different life style.
    Sorry to go onto this site and vent like this, I think my wife has had enought.
    I figure if I can't vent to my new found family who in the shit will listen.

    This is not funny, I go out and looking for people who disrespect old people in public who are retired, and may God have mercy on their soles if I catch one.

    If this post is to much for this site I shall never darken this site's door again>

    The pissed off Night Dragon

    This really wasn't right of me to dump all this on this community, like you people don't have enought to deal with.
    Wrong venue
    • 5420 posts
    January 13, 2010 10:03 AM PST
    That does suck Dragon, especially since the fools that are not at least talking to you are missing a chance to hire a great employee just because of some pre-determined factor.

    A few years back when I used to run a large computer operation with lots of employees and I found that my best employees were the ones a generation older than I. It wasn't necessarily their age that made them good employees, it was more that they had the qualities and work ethic from a time when work ethic was defined a lot differently. These people your dealing with don't even realize they are missing the chance to hire someone who cares about their job, respects the company they work for, and takes pride in their work...something you don't find a lot of these days. I guess you can look at it as their loss, but that doesn't make it any easier for you to get in the door.

    Even though I can't stand prejudice of any type, and would normally say you wouldn't want to work for them anyway...I might have to agree with your wife here and leave anything that indicates your age off your resume, so at least you get a chance to get in front of them and let them know who you really are. You probably don't need to include work history as far back as viet nam anyway on an initial resume.
    • 1780 posts
    January 13, 2010 10:05 AM PST
    Thanks Lucky
    • 1161 posts
    January 13, 2010 10:06 AM PST
    My best friend and I were talking about the same thing (more or less). Since he retired from the Air Force he even went back to school to try to help with his marketability skills. But found only a security job for the local Air Force base. He told me, "If he was any older they would not have let him even apply for the job".

    And as for the Respect for elders in this country to me it seams like it is long gone. Kids doing what ever they want and dont care or respect anything. I know if I got out of line I got my a$$ kicked or wooped. Now all these A$$hole$ say, "Don't hit your child to punish them or we (Child Services) will take them from you". And then people can't punish a wild child that needs their A$$ beat because other methods do not work (I was one of them). Some of the news media say kids have it harder then their elders did back in school. I personaly find this harder to swallow with all the communication and computers advances. Tools in the last 30- 35 years that were NEVER useable. Let alone useable in different ways!

    Ok im done but I agree with you Night Dragon and im still a young buck (33)
    • 1780 posts
    January 13, 2010 10:08 AM PST
    Thanks Seakers
    • 5420 posts
    January 13, 2010 10:08 AM PST
    This really wasn't right of me to dump all this on this community, like you people don't have enought to deal with.
    Wrong venue

    Hey, no problem with venting a little.  Hell, that's what real friends are for, to let you blow off some steam when your feeling bad!!!
    • 1780 posts
    January 13, 2010 10:11 AM PST
    Guess I'm a bit embarrassed about the whold thing now
    • 1 posts
    January 13, 2010 10:12 AM PST
    Good a venue as any - Better than most - Sad in its own way, there are no younger riders.
    Had that bought home to me @ my 1st rally (was never much of a group rider). - All within eye shot were crusty, old, gray beards,save one squid on a rice-rocket w/ a barley dressed female on the back.
    Instead of eyeballing her like proper riders, all ganged up to give them a lecture on the dangers of road-rash & I insisted she put on my long sleeve shirt, while a few mommas cut off any avenue of escape.
  • January 13, 2010 10:13 AM PST
    Dude if you can't vent here, then where? I think this group of people here are great to bounce ideas off of or just to lend an ear and listen. I wish to God that you lived in Nashville, because our company could use somebody like you. Good luck and we hope to meet you at an upcoming meet and greet.
    • 1780 posts
    January 13, 2010 10:17 AM PST
    nightdragon wrote...
    OK I'm pissed and I have to get this off my chest , I'm bumbed out, depressed ....what ever but mostly I'm pissed!!!
    You young bikers might as well pass over this post because you won't understand, but people age discrimination is out there and it's real.
    Here I am 61 fricken years old retired after almost 39 years with the United States Feds, good health, college educated, work out every week at the gym with a trainer, just looking for a part time job just to keep me busy, and not one potential employer will respond to my resume's because I damn well know it's because of my age.
    I applied for Manager type jobs in the beginning, now I set my sights a bit lower. Hell I even applied for a motorcycle detailer job at a local motorcycle shop. Not even a call to say hey old fart go away. My wife keeps saying ...don't put on your resume that your a viet nam vet, because they will know how old you are. I keep telling her...don't think they will wonder where I was for 4 years?? The only damn time I'm happy is when I'm on my bike, probably why I jumped the gun on the meet and greet issue. Just wanted to get out there and do something worth while. Sure I have a good retirement money wise but I'm about to go nuts. Never have been one to sit around and watch tv all day. I tried to start a consulting business when I retired back in March 09, ...that went no where. Now I'm trying to sell my business so I can work for someone else...again.
    Let me tell everyone that has throught about retireing.....prepair for a whole different life style.
    Sorry to go onto this site and vent like this, I think my wife has had enought.
    I figure if I can't vent to my new found family who in the shit will listen.

    This is not funny, I go out and looking for people who disrespect old people in public who are retired, and may God have mercy on their soles if I catch one.

    If this post is to much for this site I shall never darken this site's door again>

    The pissed off Night Dragon

    You know we had one of our Arlington Texas Police Motor Officers die today in a wreck, I can only image how his family is holding up tonight, and here I am bitching about this petty bull shit.
    If I ever get to see any of you guys ....please kick my ass right off.
    Please forgive me for this petty little thing I've brought into this forum..

    Night Dragon
    • 1161 posts
    January 13, 2010 10:35 AM PST
    Nothing to forgive! it is just what you ment at the time!

    I want to meet you Night Dragon you sound like a very cool guy!
    • 1780 posts
    January 13, 2010 10:37 AM PST
    Seakers let's sit down and put away a few beers and solve all problems of this world. Think we can do that in an afternoon......HA!

    Night Dragon
    • 1780 posts
    January 13, 2010 10:39 AM PST
    Great idea Cara2....may have to look into something like that

    • 1780 posts
    January 13, 2010 10:42 AM PST
    Let me just say to everyone that responded to this post, you are true friends, and have lifted my spirits like you wouldn't believe. Sometimes I guess maybe it's ok to ask friends for a little help or personal view on something.

    When we all meet I will buy the first round!

    Night Draon
    • 1161 posts
    January 13, 2010 10:43 AM PST
    Sounds like fun Night Dragon altho im not much of a Beer guy I like my Whiskey, but im known to have a beer or two.
    • 1161 posts
    January 13, 2010 10:45 AM PST
    As for the Officer my Prayers to their familiy.
  • January 13, 2010 10:47 AM PST
    No problem nightdragon.... Your allowed to vent. I would vent too if i was you.    Oh and buy the way I'm allergic to beer.  You don't have to get me anything....If we ever meet that would be good enough for me.
  • January 13, 2010 10:53 AM PST
    not sure if you would be interested, but you might check the local school district. They might be looking for bus drivers to haul the kids to and from school. I can't speak for other districts but for example we are looking for drivers all the time. Most of our drivers are people that are retired and are looking for something to fill time. Usualy it is just a couple hours in the morning and a couple hours in the afternoon. We do all of our own training to help obtain the proper endorsements. Just something to maybe look into. As far as venting, I can't think of a better place to do it than here among friends.
    • 119 posts
    January 13, 2010 10:58 AM PST
    Dragon, as far as I'm concerned you are good, I'm only 47, and the young ones push me a side because of gray hair. I went back to school a few years ago, all I heard was aren't you to old..Then got laid off, All I heard was aren't you to old...The job I have now most of them are half my age I still out work them, I'm there everyday. I been doing some of the things before they where born, and I still hear I have to earn my way. Which I do.
    The right job will find you. Good things come to those that wait.
    God bless ATPMO
    • 190 posts
    January 13, 2010 12:26 PM PST
    DRAGON...HOLD YOUR HEAD UP MY BROTHER. I SALUTE YOU AND IM SURE MANY MANY OTHERS HERE DO ALSO. You've foughtn your wars and have seen many battles. Youn earned your stripes my briother and cant nobody take that away from you. It breaks my freakin heart to hear the bells toll for this country and what you-we- are witnessing BOUT THESE ASSHOLES NOT GIVING YOU A CHANCE IS JUST A SICK DEPRESSING SYMPTOM OF WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS COUNTRY. I for one would consider it an honor to have you working for me. With your wealth of experience and time tested life wealth you ahve so much to offer in the ay of insight-both profesisonal and personal. If any company cant see that ask yourself you really want to contribute to their well being by selling yourself short. I salute you like i said. You're a reminder that we were once a great country that bred great and strong men.....I hope you always hold your head up high when you look ion the mirror. You are4 second to none and a first among equals,brother....sho'nuff.....