Our Redwood Friend Erin (Sawdoff)

  • April 7, 2010 5:45 AM PDT
    Lucky... Count yourself as "Lucky" for having known her. Many people "cross our paths" thru life and some make our lives far "Richer" for having know them! I'm especially sorry to hear about Erin. She was one of a group we have too few of, A Lady Rider.... Erin, Godbless and Godspeed.... Sarge...
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    April 7, 2010 10:13 AM PDT

    Can you feel the wind in Heaven

    Can you hear me call your name

    Can you see the tears that fall

    This world wont ever be the same


    Can you feel the wind in Heaven

    When we gather in our group

    Can you hear the sound of silence

    When we look where you once stood.


    Can you feel the wind in Heaven

    Can you hear the ladies cry

    Can you feel our broken hearts

    When we have to say goodbye


    Can you feel the wind in Heaven

    While the men hold back the tears

    Leather clad and watery eyes

    And know we’d rather have you here


    I hope there is a Biker Heaven

    And we will meet again someday

    I hope to feel the wind in Heaven

    And shake your hand again that day

    R.I.P.  Erin


    • 1161 posts
    April 7, 2010 2:43 PM PDT
    Well put Highrisk.
    Wish I could have meet a fellow Motorcycle lover.

    R.I.P. "Sawdoff"