VICTORY seems to be missing???

  • g
    January 14, 2010 4:29 AM PST
    like the triple,lol ,pmsl ,llf
  • January 14, 2010 4:37 AM PST
    You don't see anyone complaining or bitching because there is no Big Johnson Motorcycles section here to ya????
    • 5420 posts
    January 14, 2010 4:57 AM PST
    hambone wrote...
    You don't see anyone complaining or bitching because there is no Big Johnson Motorcycles section here to ya????
    Yeah, were not going to even try to help you with problems your having with your Big Johson
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    February 1, 2010 1:32 AM PST
    22 days and still no posts to the 'Other American Cruiser' forum. WOW!!, simply amazing.
    • 1040 posts
    February 1, 2010 1:35 AM PST
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    22 days and still no posts to the 'Other American Cruiser' forum. WOW!!, simply amazing.

    Not that anybody's counting though...LOL!.......................................

    • 5420 posts
    February 1, 2010 1:38 AM PST
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    22 days and still no posts to the 'Other American Cruiser' forum. WOW!!, simply amazing.

    Appears the problem he needed help on was with his attitude, not his bike

    Now you know why I don't add categories until we need them... gee maybe I think I might maybe kinda know what I'm doing.

    • 119 posts
    February 1, 2010 2:59 AM PST
    kinda maybe might
    • 1 posts
    February 4, 2010 1:50 AM PST
    MAYBE Victory is planning on taking up the slack in HD's product line yacq.htm

    Polaris Industries, parent company of Victory Motorcycles, announced today that it has acquired Swissauto Powersports, a revered internal combustion engine designer/developer with numerous wins and pole positions at the highest level of motorcycle GP racing. The small, entrepreneurial Swissauto (with roughly 30 employees) still displays an 86 pound, 200 horsepower, 500cc V-4 two-stroke on it's website. That weight includes the gearbox and clutch! This engine has seen great success in sidecar racing as well.

    Swissauto is also adept at the design and development of lightweight and powerful 4-strokes, as well. Not to mention their respected abilities with forced induction
    • 16 posts
    February 4, 2010 3:51 AM PST
    Now that you mention it, how come there's no Sucker Punch Sally section...
    • 2072 posts
    February 4, 2010 3:58 AM PST
    Everybody rants and raves about AMERICAN made motorcycles (as well as other products) however, I think you will find that 99% of EVERYTHING being sold now days has at least SOME parts made in a foreign country. Yea, even Harley and Victory. The days of "Made in America" are over. Anymore your lucky to find something that says "Assembled in America" !!!! That's right folks, we have sold out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • February 4, 2010 4:18 AM PST
    Lucky wrote...
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    22 days and still no posts to the 'Other American Cruiser' forum. WOW!!, simply amazing.

    Appears the problem he needed help on was with his attitude, not his bike

    Now you know why I don't add categories until we need them... gee maybe I think I might maybe kinda know what I'm doing.


    Wow, I missed this thread till today!!!! 

    As for the new section of the forum I'm not sure what classifies as an "Other American Cruiser".  Maybe my bike does but I don't think of it as that.  To me it's just my bike that takes me all over the country.

    So........  When is the next party?          
    • 1 posts
    February 4, 2010 9:45 AM PST
    BlvdCruiser wrote...
    Everybody rants and raves about AMERICAN made motorcycles (as well as other products) however, I think you will find that 99% of EVERYTHING being sold now days has at least SOME parts made in a foreign country. Yea, even Harley and Victory. The days of "Made in America" are over. Anymore your lucky to find something that says "Assembled in America" !!!! That's right folks, we have sold out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hardly "sold out". 99% of EVERYTHING, ALWAYS had @ least SOME foreign input. - This has been true from 1776 till this morning.
    Worked w/ some talented people & we tried to build a 100% US product but US made fasteners were so expensive we got them from Canada (go figure) & small rubber parts came from Costa Rico - We had to settle for "100% North American"

    Victory is bringing in some sorely needed engineering expertise - If our young engineers have any talent they will have ripped it off before they have finished uncrating the engines.

    HD had their chance & they blew it now long live VICTORY
  • February 6, 2010 3:12 AM PST
    BlvdCruiser wrote...
    Everybody rants and raves about AMERICAN made motorcycles (as well as other products) however, I think you will find that 99% of EVERYTHING being sold now days has at least SOME parts made in a foreign country. Yea, even Harley and Victory. The days of "Made in America" are over. Anymore your lucky to find something that says "Assembled in America" !!!! That's right folks, we have sold out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sad, but true.


    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    February 6, 2010 10:10 AM PST
    American Manufacturing was the reason that the Allies were able to win WWII. The fact that we ( I wasn't around but my parents were) were able to give the Allies the tools to defeat Hitler and Tojo. What would we do today if it were ever needed?????
    • 66 posts
    February 6, 2010 10:36 AM PST
    Nothin wrong with the old 1100 Viagra ...... ask us old bloke ... helps us to keep up
    • 1780 posts
    February 6, 2010 10:01 PM PST
    BlvdCruiser wrote...
    Everybody rants and raves about AMERICAN made motorcycles (as well as other products) however, I think you will find that 99% of EVERYTHING being sold now days has at least SOME parts made in a foreign country. Yea, even Harley and Victory. The days of "Made in America" are over. Anymore your lucky to find something that says "Assembled in America" !!!! That's right folks, we have sold out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The big companies call it "Out Sourcing".........just a fancy way of saying ....I can get it made cheeper and less of a quality product overseas!

    Night Dragon
  • February 6, 2010 10:29 PM PST
    I think the big companies look at it just like shopping at Walmart you pay less, you get junk, but some sucker will buy it
  • February 7, 2010 12:35 AM PST
    Lucky wrote...
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    22 days and still no posts to the 'Other American Cruiser' forum. WOW!!, simply amazing.

    Appears the problem he needed help on was with his attitude, not his bike

    Now you know why I don't add categories until we need them... gee maybe I think I might maybe kinda know what I'm doing.

    No complaints here, you be doing a fine job. ........ wouldn't bother me if you required proof of a motorcycle endorsement for membership so this don't turn into another one of them biker or not sites full of Posers and Spammers.

  • February 7, 2010 12:50 AM PST
    One of the guys in my riding club, a successful businessman had this to say on the topic.......................

    APE is the largest pile driving equipment manufacture in the world. We export millions of dollars of pile driving equipment to China each year, making us one of the largest exporters to China. These rich contractors in China will pay anything to get our products. However, it costs them dearly because they must pay a 35% duty charge. You and I buy products from China and the duty is .0001 percent. This is the major reason why we cannot sell our products in China. Why does our government allow this unfair duty tax to continue? Because lobbyists have convinced our senators and congressmen that we need to help build a middle class in China. JESUS CHRIST..........THERE ARE OVER 200 MILLION MILLIONAIRES IN CHINA NOW!

    Fix this awful duty tax with a stroke of a pen and we can get our manufacturing base back. There is no way they can build things cheaper that we can if we fix the tax and duty charges so they are fair. Why do we have to help the Chinese make a middle class while our industry falls on its face?

    Even our military's bullets are made in China. WTF?

    As an American business man I have no choice but to open a facility in China and make things there. Why, because I am not going to allow these guys to steal my inventions. I make things there and sell them there. If I did not do this then they would copy what I make here and not only make it there but show up at our shores with my product for 35% less money. I am left with the feeling that we must learn to speak Chinese to do battle. What a ****** up way to do business!

    Most American companies give up. They move to China and play the game and think they are going to get rich. Then a few years pass and they are broke because their chinese counterpart screws them. That is why APE China has no joint venture partners. We are one of the first companies in China that is wholely owned. Its a mad world and it all starts right here at home with our stupid tax and duty laws. We are doing it to ourselves.

    Remember this the next time you vote. Ron Paul knows what I am talking about.

    • 1 posts
    February 7, 2010 5:05 AM PST
    Missing the point on what VICTORY is doing. - They are importing exotic TECHNOLOGY not hardware.
    Right now American motorcyle TECHNOLOGY is stuck - Somebody has to break it loose.
    HD was making a start, feeble tho it was, and they blew it. - I hope VICTORY is picking up the slack
  • February 7, 2010 6:01 AM PST
    I'm lost here guys.I can't find the other American Cruiser area.I see HD,and metric cruiser.So where is the "other American Cruisers",as I own one of the "other American cruisers".
  • February 7, 2010 9:11 AM PST
    backinblack wrote...
    I'm lost here guys.I can't find the other American Cruiser area.I see HD,and metric cruiser.So where is the "other American Cruisers",as I own one of the "other American cruisers".
    There isnt one.  Which is what started this whole thread !!  lol ! 

    Metric cruiser is good enough for me.  Vics do have metric fasteners after all !! 


    • 5 posts
    February 7, 2010 11:05 AM PST
    "First my intent was draw attention to the obvious.....for the record I had a few beers so I may have been coming off as a keyboard comando and I appologize,,,, if that is how it came accross.
    However instead of explaining in mature manner what you disliked about my post you decided to flame me.....and I could take the time to answer each of your flaming remarks but, I do not feel that is necessary I think I got my point accross.
    568 views on this post and only a few comments........
    I really only wanted to know why the webmast chose to dis all the other brands....sorry if I failed to list yours

    Everytime I read this first post, and then his follow up with the above, I can only hope the writer understands why there is 568 views and only a few comments. It is because most will not waste the time on this type of crap. I have 3 diff brand american motorcycles in my garage, yet that is not why I am here. I come to this site BECAUSE it is not like all the others. This site is about those who ride, those that share the love of the wind, of two wheels moving the soul, of the brother and sisterhood. ALL motorcycles bring something good to the table, but this site is about more than that. The format on this site works very well for what it was intended for. If the writer has an issue, perhaps he can start his own website and then learn what works and why. BTW, Polaris does make a fine motorcycle, and I also recommend the writer learn to handle is alcohol consumption as it seems to cloud better judgement and his thought processing.
    Remember, this site is for all, matters not what you ride, but THAT you ride.

    Peace out.
  • April 5, 2012 1:28 PM PDT
    now that my feelings arent hurt anymorelolnewbie here from louisville,ky thx 4 warm welcome now lets go riding
    • 823 posts
    April 5, 2012 3:55 PM PDT
    Just wondering as I preview this website......I see Harley.....which is normal but,,,,,I do not see the other American Bike I am sure I will be pointed in the correct direction but,,,,,to the Web your homework....for a few other suggestions......although they get online and do not talk much but ride like red headed step children.....BMW....and hey how about the bike we well at least the poor bikers started on ....Honda....Yamaers and zuki......they all have two wheels.....if you are going to have a site how about some respect for each????

    I am currently on my fourth VICTORY which for the uneducated was the last TRUE American 1999 it could put the stamp "Made in the USA".....for ANY other bike let me know when the last time was they could say that?????

    OK sorry for stirring it up but,,,,,,,,I understand putting Harley at the TOP and Harley does deserve to be on top as it has and is the longest standing Champ but,,,,,,,,in the shadows comes the challenge Victory.....WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!

    I'm thinking maybe you posted to soon!  You need to read a little farther before getting to excited.  Yes I have a Harley and yes I have a Yamaha.  I think this is a very good site that totally respects all two wheelers.  We got all kinds on here!!  Even a crazy arse Aussie named Boof!!  No telling what all he has mounted..............  (I even rode a yamasaki once, best hybrid I ever built!)