Most Embarrassing Moment With Your Bike

  • January 3, 2015 3:39 PM PST
    This happened today! So I bought my bike 9 days ago. A 2015 Yamaha fz07. I love it! But I'm sitting at a stop sign turn  right onto a way road. I stall one, two, three times with someone sitting behind me. Which is rare for me I had never had a problem with this previously. Anyway so I appliedore throttle than what was necessary and didn't make the turn sharp enough and there I am in the opposite lane with traffic coming heads on. So I panicked and had a reflex reaction on the throttle which I've never done before. And launched me across the road and into the grass on the opposite side of the road. The bike slid in the sand. There I sat dumbfounded. That vehicle just sitting there probably thinking "what a dip***" 

    so a guy stops while I sit there and take a breather to calm down. I've got my bike sitting up right now and I'm drinking water checking to see if I broke anything. And he's like "what happened?" And of course I come up with some dumb shit about the clutch and blah blah blah stuck blah. He goes "mind if I test it?" So he tests it and duh there's nothing wrong with it. So there's my night. 

    Although it it is embarrassing I am lucky to not  be more severely hurt and to only have broken a 25 dollar plastic piece on my brand new bike.
    • 10 posts
    January 4, 2015 5:56 AM PST
    Back in the early '70s, I bought my first bike for $300.00. A 1942 45wla two wheeler. I had worked on bikes but was never on a bike before. After I cleaned the carb, (and duct taped the gas caps on because they were loose), it started right up. I left the alley and went around the block making 4 slow right turns. Since I felt OK with the new experience, I did it again, this time faster. As I went into the second turn, I didn't lean and hit the curb. I ended up on the grass and spent the rest of the day straightening out my front end. Never had that problem again!
  • January 6, 2015 4:29 AM PST
    I was low on gas and decided to pull into the station. It had a concrete apron were the gas pumps were located and an asphalt driveway......not that it makes any difference for my situation. So, I slowed way down towards the pump, gave a little back brake and found myself on my butt sitting on concrete looking at my bike lying on its side. What the heck happened? It turned out that someone had spilled gasoline on the concrete, and I was the one to test it out. Here is the least/most embarrassing moments of this incident. As crowded as the station was , hardly anyone noticed what I did. I was able to right the bike ,rub my sore butt and go about refueling. Then an announcement from the station's PA system. " dude that fell off the bike, you OK? Do I need to call 911? " Now I have all the people in the station and the people at the car wash next door angling for a better look at the "accident". I wanted gas not drama!
    • 5420 posts
    January 11, 2015 11:48 PM PST
    Nothing like having an announcement over a PA system to let everyone know you screwed up :-)
    • 1161 posts
    January 16, 2015 8:33 PM PST
    Ok, it has been about two years now. But it was about 6 months after I got my first and current bike. I just finished painting it the two weeks before. And some of us went to do the riders edge course at the local Community College here in town. And the Pastor was nervous about having to take the riding course for his "M" on his licence. So we told him about the course and we decided to take him and he could ride around on my motorcycle (Since he did sell it to me and was much smaller than his). He even started doing it on his own bike to try the course. We got ready to leave and I put all my gear back on as they are giving me a hard time about all of it (Jacket, Gloves) because it was still summer here in Southern Georgia. We all started heading out and I thought hay they are going slow I'll go around them and the speed bump at the same time. And as I go in between the Curb and the speed bump... Wham! My center stand slams into the curb and bounces my rear end out from the curb so now I'm facing another curb in front of me and a Light post (Metal and concrete) or a huge tree. But as my reaction held onto the bike and gave it more throttle at the same time pulling up on the front end of the bike to try and go between the tree and light post My front tire cleared the curb and... Wack I hit the only branch and the back end of the bike kicked up off the curb throwing me off like a horse Slamming into the branch and going back down to the grass and I flipped over the handlebars (Still holding on) thinking I could "ride it out". My hands rip off the bars and my head slams the concrete edge of the corner curb and then I slid on my new jacket I had just gotten earlier that summer. I looked up and they checked if I was ok and once I told them I was ok and gonna live the laughter started like a flood. Needless to say my nickname is "Flip" until I do something else noteworthy.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    January 16, 2015 10:29 PM PST
    • 1 posts
    January 17, 2015 5:17 PM PST
    I have this sticker on one of my helmets, "the cops never think its as funny as you." The inevitable happened and I got stopped, I was sitting on my bike when he walked up. He didn't say anything for a bit..I figured he was checking the usual stuff..then he piped up and said...whats that mean? Excuse me? The sticker! I'll have you know I have great sense of humour..I bet you do, says I...So whats the sticker mean? Leave your sense of humour at home today, did you officer....after the manditory 10 minutes I was cut loose.
  • March 17, 2015 7:42 AM PDT
    So when I first got my bike (07 GSXr 750) i thought it was a good idea to park it between my garage and my truck. The driveway was slanted down hill. Well I leaned a little too hard and the bike fell against the truck squishing me in the middke. Funny thing was my wife was in the truck. I told her pull fwd SLOWLY and push me up right . That same weekend I got stuck going up my street due it still having ice and was a rough weekend learning how to ride.


    Social Media / Marketing
  • April 16, 2015 5:10 PM PDT
    I was riding in DC up near George Washington University and there were some hotties on the corner waiting to cross, I reeved up my Heritage Softail Classic, made it sound really good, they were yelling and clapping, and the light changed, I popped the clutch, and my HOG stalled, I was so embarrassed.

    Dawg Dutton
  • March 28, 2016 2:42 AM PDT
    Barry. Prospect with Disciple Christian MC. Dropped my bike outside of SBB in Myrtle Beach in front of hudreds of bikers. A state trooper and an event staffer had to help me pick it back up.