Bad Surgeries for Bikers

  • February 28, 2013 5:43 PM PST
    This is  a Warning to bikers that end up haveing to have surgeries .
    My ole man MNbiker  fell off a metal deck where he worked  and broke his shoulder and has undergone two surgeries in a month and a half  and the Idiot surgen Botched the first then Botched the second  surgery. Now he has to have reconstructive surgery on his right shoulder  and may not be able to ride again People beware if you have to have surgery check out the surgen first and get it in writeing what he,s gonna do .He did the second surgery that failed the same way he did the first  and it failed and caused more damage . Now we have a lawyer on it .So people Beware  surgens just want the money  and they dont care how it turns out for you or if it destroyes your way of liveing  . mrs MNbiker/Bobbie
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    February 28, 2013 7:25 PM PST
    That just sucks! No room for ineptitude in surgeons. Hoping for the best possible outcome.
    • 1780 posts
    February 28, 2013 11:54 PM PST
    Question.....Please take no offense at this but....the Surgeon that botched the first operation........why was he allowed a second chance to blow it again?
    God's speed Brother, my Prayers are with ya

    PS....Don't forget Attorney's are only in it to get rich. Make sure you have a Mean MF Attorney!
    • 1855 posts
    March 1, 2013 1:06 AM PST
    Can't say enough about the need "to ride". After a number of uh, mishaps and surgeries, I was finding it difficult to get over pain in the shoulders, back, neck, etc. After much experimentation I went to Ape hangers; a fkn God send. They kept me in the saddle until I could fully get over the pain. And now I can ride using any number of handle bars. Don't let him give up. There's an answer somewhere. As for doctors; I never did like 'em much but ya gotta have 'em ever so often.

  • March 1, 2013 3:32 AM PST
    Have had 3 surgerys on my lower right leg, caused from a compound fracture. [Damn truck pulled out in front of me] my "Trike' and I are still being repaired. At least my trike will be repaired first. This all happened on 1 Dec. 2012. I'm beginning to question both Doc,s, ( Mine and Harleys) I NEED TO RIDE!
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    March 1, 2013 3:59 AM PST
    Malpractice is why I'm in the shape I'm in, that's why I had purchased the sidecar rig.
    • 9 posts
    March 1, 2013 10:59 AM PST
    Said it before, and I'll say it again. That's why it's called "The PRACTICE of Medicine"...

    Ride Free
    • 48 posts
    March 1, 2013 11:06 AM PST
    For that matter....the doctors and the lawyers both "practice" their professions. God speed man ! Be well.
    • 566 posts
    March 1, 2013 12:18 PM PST
    I wonder how he or she feels when a doctor has to rely on another doctor's skills for an operation on themselves, Do they ever consider suing?

    MNBiker .. I hope you eventually get relief from the pain and from the surgeries ... be well.
  • March 1, 2013 2:21 PM PST
    Several times the groups supporting Doctors have successfully prevented people from getting a registry with Doctors Records - good bad and ugly. More people are killed in hospitals by wrong medications and bad surgery then dying from any gun issues in this country - tens of thousands each year, many times more then die in car accidents on our roads. It is as so many issues up to the individual to check their Doctors background, due diligence if in any way possible, talk to your family and friends who will check out the Doctor if you can not. Sounds bad that you have to do that even with the oath sworn by any Doctor, you have no longer any guarantee of honesty or honor in that profession as you no longer have it in many others. Not to say there are not amazing medical professionals out there, but those are suffering by having and protecting the charlatans and quacks among them.
  • March 1, 2013 4:29 PM PST
    I have had two vasectomies

    He cut me internally on #2 and sent me home. Long story short my balls were the size of two grapefruit and I spent the next week with a tampon strapped to the side of one of them.

    Because I was walking around like a gun fighter I threw my back out so bad.
    • 1780 posts
    March 1, 2013 10:43 PM PST
    GwaiiEagle I know what you went through was serious and painful, and I'm not making lite of it.........It's just the way you presented this little piece of info.........I almost broke a rib laughing.......Once again sorry for the LOL!!!!
    chuckle ...chuckle......sorry!
    I've had one of those as well, and I do know your pain.....chuckle ....chuckle......not stop that!!!
  • March 2, 2013 11:27 AM PST
    No sweat. It is

    It happened 10 years ago.

    When guys say they are going for a vas, I laugh too and tell them that story.

  • March 3, 2013 7:13 PM PST
    It is easier in California to find out that I screwed up someone's shower installation than it is to find out if a surgeon settled a claim against them. My business partner had his knee replaced a few years back and I'm telling you I could hear his kneecap popping in and out of the joint from 15 ft away, He had the knee redone and when they settled the malpractice case he had to sign an agreement of confidentiality, As a result the bad surgeon continues to practice as long as he can afford the malpractice insurance, only in America
  • March 14, 2013 5:19 PM PDT
    Hey People , Im still alive and now It seems ive raised enough hell that the insurance companies and a few others are finding out that im not Happy , Even a car gets the paint fixed in the body shop if its screwed up and you dont have to pay for it again . but Bikers arnt given the same consideration that is given to a wrecked toyota .
    Any how im off to another hospital in another state ,They want a MRI 1st and insurance is flipping the bill for what ever it takes to put me back togeather. oyea My lawyers are kinda like the Guy on leathal weapen , he doesnt give a shit who he has to take out he wants his 25% and the bigger the check the more he gets . I have some friends that are redoing my bike so hopefully i can ride this summer im really looking forward to the flood Run . best wishes to all my brothers stay safe MNbiker
  • March 23, 2013 12:45 AM PDT
    Oh man, I'm scared now! Been having trouble with my left shoulder since 2007. It's progressively gotten worse over the years. Now it's pretty damn painful, so went to the dr. and had a MRI done. They joint in my shoulder is degenerated pretty bad. I used to play a lot of sports, do a lot of bass fishing for a lot of years and just flat wore out my left arm. He says I need it replaced, "BUT", due to my age 54, I'm so young that he is going to try and buy some time. I asked how long it would be good for and he said around 15yrs. then I would probably need another. He could scope it and clean it out some, but it might give some relief, might not. Doing injections now and not helping a whole lot but I'm going to try and stick it out as long as I can stand it. Funny to hear I'm to young for something again though. I kinda like it! Good luck MNbiker, I pray that everything works out this time. I'm pulling for you brother.
  • March 23, 2013 1:43 AM PDT
    MNbiker59 wrote...
    Hey People , Im still alive and now It seems ive raised enough hell that the insurance companies and a few others are finding out that im not Happy , Even a car gets the paint fixed in the body shop if its screwed up and you dont have to pay for it again . but Bikers arnt given the same consideration that is given to a wrecked toyota .
    Any how im off to another hospital in another state ,They want a MRI 1st and insurance is flipping the bill for what ever it takes to put me back togeather. oyea My lawyers are kinda like the Guy on leathal weapen , he doesnt give a shit who he has to take out he wants his 25% and the bigger the check the more he gets . I have some friends that are redoing my bike so hopefully i can ride this summer im really looking forward to the flood Run . best wishes to all my brothers stay safe MNbiker

    In all fairness, though, I think it should be noted that fixing your body isn't as simple as fixing a car.  Not to slight mechanics, but it requires a lot more training to perform surgery than it does to change a water pump in your car.  There are no guarantees when you're going through a complicated medical procedure, and not getting the outcome you were looking for doens't necessarily equate to malpractice. 

    I don't mean to sound critical, or like I don't think you have a claim; my point is just that with all the technical advances we have these days, it's easy to take surgery for granted and just assume that everything is going to work out perfectly.  But the reality is that the human body is a ridiculously complicated piece of equipment, and we may never fully understand how it works. 

    I do home everything works out well for you - it sucks when physical problems keep you away from the things you enjoy.

    • 1855 posts
    March 23, 2013 2:42 AM PDT
      To some extent.  A so-called "respectible" surgeon doesn't botch the same surgery twice unless, in my opinion, he really wasn't quite sure "what" to fix to begin with.  I've had two shoulder surgeries (different shoulders) and they took some time to heal.  And, if you don't do what you're suppose to do and  do what you're not suppose to do after surgery, a doctor cannot be blamed for the outcome.   In a rush, in a haste, in a frenzy to get back in the wind makes us forget we need to take the time to heal.  I too hope everything works out but it's up to YOU now to take the initiative on healing yourself.  It may be difficult.  It may even be impossible but it's the best alternative.

    I don't hate doctors but I'm not fond of them.  I know my body better than any doctor ever could.  When medications after my heart surgery and medications for diabetes gave me adverse reactions or didn't work, I took it upon myself to find answers and heal myself.  I was lucky.  I didn't give up my lifestyle to do it  other than not smoking just recently. 

    I don't have high blood pressure.  I don't have high cholesterol (it is below 180).  I have decreased the pain in my knee to a manageable level; meaning I couldn't walk 3 years ago and now I can without the VA doctor's suggested knee replacement surgery.  I have to manage my diabetes but I do it on my terms and not what all the doctor's keep telling me to do.  They've generalized diabetes and that generalization doesn't fit everyone.  My body isn't your body and your body isn't mine.  And BTW, if any of you seem to be having more difficulty managing your diabetes than you think you should be having, drop me a PM and I'll tell  you what I've tried, what's failed, what's worked, and what I've insisted from my doctors.  But again, none of what I have to offer may help.  It's just an offer.

  • April 4, 2013 2:13 PM PDT
    Hi ppl between my G/F and my friends helping and a pissed off attitude il be rideing on the spring flood run .May not be burning the roads up at 70 but il be rideing again .Doctors are like polititions they only tell you part of the story and they dont do what they say theyl do .
    The oath they should take should say theyl do there best as long as you have the money to pay for it .
    God speed to everyone and have a safe ride this summer .
    Just a thought maybe with the cars getting smaller and being made out more plastic then metal , more bikers will stand a chance of staying alive when some idiot on a cell phone runs a stop light and hits a brother .best wishes to all who ride
    • 0 posts
    April 4, 2013 4:38 PM PDT
    Well mate i had a bloody rippa crash in June 2010..I went for over 2 months with an undiagnosed fractured pelvis and 3 fractures in my neck..I had a coupla surgeries on my hand to repair tendon and bone damasge...They rooted both surgeries up and ended my career as a butcher..When they finally diagnosed my pelvis and neck it was to late to do much about it..It aint quite the same down here ya cant really sue doctors that easily..I struggle to ride these days but i'd rather bloody struggle than give away one of the only passions I still have left..I hope ya heal up bloke..CHEERS BOOF P>S That when I met all this mob at STURGIS...
    • 9 posts
    April 5, 2013 2:50 PM PDT
    MY LORD....Dang Boof, MATE...WTH is wrong with Dr's??? It ain't just the isle of perfection that suffers this malady.
    Doctor's as a general rule, ain't what they used to be, Mate. Most of the bloody F'krs, are in it for the $$$, PERIOD.
    And bedside manner, went the way of the landline phone...USELESS!!!

    Get yerself a notoriously famous litigator and sue the shit out 'em.

    Us...standin' by and lettin' these travesties why, they STILL ARE!!!
    You call 'em BARRISTER'S? We call 'em "Lawyers"...either way...put that SHARK IN THE FUK'n WATER!!!

    Ride Free

  • April 11, 2013 12:13 PM PDT
    all true
    • 3006 posts
    April 12, 2013 3:56 AM PDT
    Just an interesting figure I heard on the radio the other day,there is nearly 10,000+ deaths a year from medical mistakes in this country.I am shocked to some degree,still there must surgeries that number in the 10's of thousands going on every year.
    • 1 posts
    April 12, 2013 11:58 AM PDT
    they run this ad down here for thr anti smokers lobby....a doctor says he can't advice to him...oh yeah, then hand in your shingle, you amateur...
  • April 15, 2013 11:28 PM PDT
    blurplebuzz wrote...
    Just an interesting figure I heard on the radio the other day,there is nearly 10,000+ deaths a year from medical mistakes in this country.I am shocked to some degree,still there must surgeries that number in the 10's of thousands going on every year.

    According to CDC, there are over 50 million inpatient and outpatient procedures performed every year in the United States...