Tobacco free

    • 1855 posts
    February 24, 2013 1:52 AM PST
    For the record: I like to smoke.  It's not the nicotine.  I simply like to smoke.  I always thought of myself as a connesieur (sp) of tobacco; not smoking out of habit like the first thing in the morning or after eating or after a beer or when the nicotine dictated, but when I simply wanted a smoke.  I didn't start smoking until Vietnam but even then you really couldn't smoke all the time, especially at night.  But I never developed that before noon habit.  I mean, the morning mouth is bad enough without a cigarette for God's sake. 

    After the military I got into smoking a pipe, probably related to my smoking pot, but  I was fascinated with the pipe and it's history throughout the world; as far back as 500 B.C.  Still, I really, really got into it.  I developed my own tobacco mix that is actually on the market out of a shop in Albany, N.Y.  Of course I get no royalties (cheap bastard). Humbly speaking, there isn't anything I can't tell you about a pipe or pipe smoking.  However, I don't include water pipes or Houkas in my knowledge base.

    Anyway, I had quit smoking (cold turkey) a couple of times.....being tobacco free a minimum of 2 years to a maximum of 10.  There were any number of reasons I quit and/or started back up.  I had been smoke free for close to 10 years when my wife was killed in a mc accident. I started smoking again within a month after her passing. But I still didn't fit the stereo-typical smoker and of course there are many stereo-types. I may have just wanted to smoke myself to death.

    When Gypsy and I met she had been tobacco free for years. One day she asked for a hit, I gave her one, and that was the start of it.  Over time I hated that she started smoking again and I blamed myself.  And, she didn't "enjoy" smoking.  She smoked out of a nicotine habit; first thing in the morning, after coffee, after breakfast, etc.  As for myself, I never smoke before noon, rarely in the afternoon unless I was hangin' with the guys out at the cabin, but I smoked 'more'   in the evening with Gypsy.  So, as long as Gypsy smoked and there was tobacco around I was going to have a tough time quitting.  It had always been easy for me to quit but Gypsy had to quit.

    Quite a few of my friends did acupuncture and they quit smoking.  Completely.  Immediately.  Well, Gypsy had her acupuncture session and so far it's working...the craving is gone.  Me? Gypsy's acupuncture has worked for me as well.  I stopped smoking, cold turkey again, because I want my best girl to live healthy. 

    Yep, it's not healthy but so aren't a lot of things people do.  I don't care if other people smoke.  I mean, I prefer my family wouldn't, but I'm not gonna get behind the pulpit and lecture anyone.  I can be around smokers and I think that now most smokers are courteous; whether because of the public outcry, mandates (persecution), or whatever. 

    I can do a thesis, maybe even a 3 day seminar, on how Americans are controlled by the media, sales taxes, political correct persecution, etc. but I better not start that debate.  But if you are looking to quit smoking take a look at acupuncture.  It may not work for you but it's proven to be an 80% success story and those odds aren't bad.

    And BTW, did you ever wonder why one person can abstain without any withdrawls when another suffers so? 

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    • 19067 posts
    February 24, 2013 7:40 AM PST
    Hey Jimmy, fascinating. I used to smoke a blend from a shop in State College, PA called Honey Kist. The guy went out of business and I have never been able to find it or anything like it. I have no idea what was in it but it was the lightest smoke I ever had. You could chain smoke three bowls and still not feel any bite.
    • 314 posts
    February 24, 2013 8:45 AM PST
    Congratulation on quitting and good luck to Gypsy.
    I started smoking when I was around 11, had to be cool. 
    I liked smoking.
    In the summer I smoke more because I am up earlier, more daylight more smoking.
    At one point in my life I finally quit drinking so I found I didn’t need to smoke after a certain time of the night and I wouldn’t even smoke for 2 hrs after waking up and that is with all the coffee I drink.
    I could no longer breath well and there were things I wanted to do and it was so hard to do them. I took a year to cut back on the smoking and I quit 2 years ago and I have not cheated once. I used chantix and that stuff is kind of intense. Sometimes I smell it and want it. I will never smoke again!
  • February 24, 2013 9:21 AM PST
    I hope you both are successful this time! I started smoking in the military and just quit a few years back because of continuing lung and health problems. I now have about half the lung capacity I had when I started smoking and two or three times a day I need to take a quick drag off an inhaler full of meds. My Dr. Says that the 3 plus decades have led to severely scarred lungs that an 80 yr old man might have. Don't be fooled into thinking that smoking has any redeemable values of any kind. You will also be surprised how much extra cash you have in your pocket at the end of the week!!
    • 1161 posts
    February 24, 2013 9:52 AM PST
    I started from stealing smokes from the local store at 11 or 12 and stopped for a year then a friend had a son while in Airborne school. And it started me back up I would smoke anything to include pipes, cigars, to packing my own cigs and store bought cigs. I started to quit was 3 months into stopping smoking then my wife (now Exwife) wanted a devorce it was a blind side hit. Then I started back up again but after 3 more months I quit again. It has payed for my car and my current motorcycle. And that was almost 6 years ago.
    • 2 posts
    February 24, 2013 10:26 AM PST
    In the Navy at two bits a pack seemed downright patriotic to smoke. Smoked about everything, only ever enjoyed my brier pipe. - In early 30's got real serious about running and just stopped. Never made a conscious decision to quit, just stopped doing it. - However, the Copenhagen is an entirely different story.
  • February 24, 2013 10:52 AM PST
    Ain't smoked in over 13 years. Sure don't miss it either.
    • 1780 posts
    February 25, 2013 1:56 AM PST
    Dragon and smoking seems like it goes together...but "I Don't Smoke" but this is my smoking story. When I was in boot camp back in the day, my D I was a smoker so he liked the smokers. After a day of marching running or what ever we were doing and we returned back to the barracks the D I would say....all you smokers light up, all the rest of you dip shits get in there and clean the Barracks. Well I'm no member of Mensa but even I could see this was not fair.
    So I purchased a pack of smokes from the PX and I would stand there with the rest of the smokers, at least looking like I was smoking.
    I mean this was better than scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush.
    Congrats to all the quitters

    • 1855 posts
    February 25, 2013 4:53 AM PST
    NightDragon wrote...
    Dragon and smoking seems like it goes together...but "I Don't Smoke" but this is my smoking story. When I was in boot camp back in the day, my D I was a smoker so he liked the smokers. After a day of marching running or what ever we were doing and we returned back to the barracks the D I would say....all you smokers light up, all the rest of you dip shits get in there and clean the Barracks. Well I'm no member of Mensa but even I could see this was not fair.
    So I purchased a pack of smokes from the PX and I would stand there with the rest of the smokers, at least looking like I was smoking.
    I mean this was better than scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush.
    Congrats to all the quitters


    Great story Dragon!!!

  • February 25, 2013 12:31 PM PST
    I do love my smokes, but I don't like being owned by any addiction.I'm in the process of weaning myself off which started two weeks ago.I still have smokes from my trip to the smoke shop last week, which I only bought about 20 percent of my normal purchase for a week.That is doing great for a Monday after having the weekend off work.I have been using the electronic ones to do away with the tar, but I know they too have risks.This morning I didn't want anything until I started to head to the job site.Think of the five real ones I smoked today I was either driving, after a meal or on the phone.....areas I need to work harder on making a real decision that I will not fire one up! Wish me luck because the real ones need to go 100% then I will wean off the fake ones.
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    • 16870 posts
    February 27, 2013 5:00 AM PST
    I don't always smoke a pipe, but when I do I smoke MRD Blend, stay happy my friend.
    • 1855 posts
    February 27, 2013 5:10 AM PST
    The acupuncture seems to be doing its job with Gypsy. Me? I'm still cold turkey and it's not an easy row to hoe but I'm a stubborn bas$$rd so I'll get through it.

    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    February 27, 2013 5:47 AM PST
    Financial reasons almost had us quit smoking, but I found out how cheap I could make our own.

    Drinking was our demon, my wife and I quit in December of 1982.
    I was a mean drunk, and Deb found out she was diabetic.
    A few years ago I was diagnosed diabetic, so I changed other bad habits and lost 130+ pounds.
    • Moderator
    • 1364 posts
    February 27, 2013 6:02 AM PST
    Today is day 3 of NO SMOKING for me, started when I was 15
    • 1780 posts
    February 27, 2013 6:58 AM PST
    Just an observation.....It takes a hell of a person to admit their short comings in front of others, and doing it here on CF is proof positive that this Family is non Judgemental !

    Hell yea
    • 9 posts
    February 27, 2013 8:09 AM PST
    That being said...I still smoke. For over forty years, now. But it's really startin' to be a drag...(NO PUN INTENDED).
    I beat one addiction (with The Big Guy's, help!) , and I'm sure we can do it again. I just have one worry. My Mom smoked for around 30 years, and then quit, cold turkey. Stayed quit for over two years. Then suddenly, outta the blue, she started up again, and within four months, was diagnosed with lung cancer. She fought a good battle, was even cancer free for a while, until it showed up in her brain.

    Am I crazy to continue doing what I know killed my mother, (and her Mother before her)??? Yes I am. But
    what I worry about, is quitting, and then starting back up again. I think it "shocked" Mom's body, and that her
    cancer might have been a result of that. I don't wanna make that same mistake. And don't tell me, she would've
    gotten cancer anyways. The same thing happened with her Mom. She was fine, til she quit, then started again.

    Not everyone who smokes, gets lung cancer. And the statistics depend on a lot of different variables.
    Without getting into all that, let me just say, I do want to quit. I have for a while.
    There just always seems to be another priority. AND...

    It's really hard to get "Xany'

    Ride Free

    • 58 posts
    February 27, 2013 8:12 AM PST
    Smoke free for almost 13 years now. I quit cold turkey in Oct 1990 from a 2-4 pack a day habit. For close to 3 years it was a conscious decision first thing every morning to be smoke free for the day. All of you who are quitting: Blessings and strength to stay the course.
    • 0 posts
    February 27, 2013 9:09 AM PST
    Marni and I quit smoking at Rapid City airport nearly 3 years ago...I had a puff on a smoke at a party the other night after a coupla beers and I dont reckon I'll be takin it back up again..Mind you a pack of 25 is 18 bucks down this way....
  • February 28, 2013 2:34 PM PST
    Since Monday I've smoked less than two packs, but as of today I think I have found my new addiction I stopped by the smoke shop to make sure I didn't run out of the e smoke refills and the lady asked if I would like to try a free coffee flavored one.Mind you I'm not a coffee drinker but love the smell of fresh coffee or roasted beans.Now I can say tomorrow morning I'm having a cup of coffee with my smoke....I'm in lust!! Needless to say I'm going to smell like Starbucks instead of an ashtray;-) Tweek you have got to try these and can even order this brand on-line.Send me a PM if you'd like the link.
    • 5420 posts
    March 18, 2013 5:43 AM PDT
    Well Jimmy you and some other influences have inspired me to go completely tobacco free! I know a lot of you that know me have heard me say I quit smoking and only do it when I am out drinking or at a rally. That has been a total lie! I never really completely quit, I would still hide and smoke a few cigarettes a week or use cigars as my excuse, but actually inhaling them to satisfy the need.

    Well as of last Thursday night I am giving it my best shot to REALLY quit all tobacco! So far it hasn't been that bad thanks to the support of my family. Amazing how if I was just honest with them they were there to help any way they could. Right no I am using the nicotine gum to help me through, but hoping I can get away from that shortly. I also have one of those fake electronic vapor cigarettes for when I just need to satisfy the physical need of the act of smoking... but again hoping to eliminate that ASAP.

    Thanks Jimmy for posting and reminding me it can be done!
    • 1855 posts
    March 22, 2013 3:57 AM PDT
    Lucky wrote...
    Well Jimmy you and some other influences have inspired me to go completely tobacco free! I know a lot of you that know me have heard me say I quit smoking and only do it when I am out drinking or at a rally. That has been a total lie! I never really completely quit, I would still hide and smoke a few cigarettes a week or use cigars as my excuse, but actually inhaling them to satisfy the need.

    Well as of last Thursday night I am giving it my best shot to REALLY quit all tobacco! So far it hasn't been that bad thanks to the support of my family. Amazing how if I was just honest with them they were there to help any way they could. Right no I am using the nicotine gum to help me through, but hoping I can get away from that shortly. I also have one of those fake electronic vapor cigarettes for when I just need to satisfy the physical need of the act of smoking... but again hoping to eliminate that ASAP.

    Thanks Jimmy for posting and reminding me it can be done!

    If you want to quit you'll find a way.  And whatever way  you choose is o.k.   I quit unaided but it's been difficult. I'm irritable and I'm turning 65 on Monday so that means my irrtability has the old geezer flavor to it. But I haven't smoked since I first posted that Gypsy and I quit.  Her acupuncture has worked well for her and she's not had as much craving as I have had.

    Now Tweek, you don't need to apologize for enjoying a smoke.  I LIKE to smoke but it was having an affect on me.  And you're right; not everyone gets cancer from Smoking. 

  • March 22, 2013 6:35 AM PDT
    Well how many times have you heard the song smoking in the boys room? You know what triggers are? You know how the media brain washes? You repeat something over and over, either audio, visual, or written. Watch those triggers, turn them off. Good luck. Friday's music has the most commercials in the songs, they're subliminal, but they're there. Drinking and a smoking triggers. They know the weakness of a consumer.
    • 5420 posts
    March 22, 2013 6:42 AM PDT
    You know Jimmy I have heard others with good things to say about acupuncture, I may give it a try.  So far I haven't been too irritable, but it has only been a week.  However, my son was upset because we were out out of snacks for his school lunch by Wednesday... don't know what could have happened to them  Actually by today we are out of just about everything edible

    I'm not going to worry about the eating right now.  I'll tackle a small weight gain once I get rid of this nasty smoking habit!
    • 314 posts
    March 22, 2013 8:58 AM PDT
    Good luck to all of you!
  • March 22, 2013 10:31 AM PDT
    I've been smoking since I was 15 yrs, so basically more than half my life. I have tried to quit and failed miserably every time. The Hubby smokes as well, he smokes a lot more than me actually. But the financial thing is a big draw to me for quitting, The amount of money we would have if we both quit could make the payments on the car I really want! heehee But the Hubby says he isn't ready, and I know without a doubt I can't quit if he is going to keep smoking. I am addicted to the nicotine, BAD! As soon as I open my eyes in the morning I need a smoke. I have started shaking before, and felt sick on the rare occasion I didn't have one readily available. Started trying the e-ciggs, not working for me. Afraid to try Chantix. Need to quit for my kiddos, too.