Just let me know if I should get my cabin rented to someone else.
My kids have always appreciated the difference between "family time" and "adult time" and know they better respect the word of thier Mother.
That's the only reason I could or would consider bringing them, to meet my new family, but they also know they'd better allow me to have a great time with you all seperately too. I am thier Mom, but I am also Steph and they respect that. Refer back to the being badass Biker thread. I am who I am thru and thru, every day, every hour. MY family knows and loves that...for the most part
I'm still a bit pissed and honestly i AM hurt that anyone seemed so surprised about this being a family event instead of "Adult Only", it's been weaved thru the entire thread.!
I DO want everyone to be happy and enjoy the event, more than I want anything else, and I do want to help plan an event that you all want to attend. And YES it is for y'all and to take care of y'all that I've put anything into this, so let me know what you wish for me to do ( i mean kid friendly or not so) with my plans.
The Central Meet and Greet IS for all of you members and i won't be, nor will my half grown babies be the cause of anyone's discomfort, ok? I do love y'all.
Either way, I just want EVERYONE at CF to attend the event and I want you all to get you want and hope for so just let me know.

I want you Steph to keep your reservation, bring your kids, have fun, and meet your new family. My grandkids are 13 and 7 as I've said before; I raise them by myself and they are the reason for my being. Everything I do is around and for them. I had for whatever reason assumed (Yea I know..LOL) this was an adult event. When you said you were bringing your kids, I ONLY assked about this because if it was a "Family Event' then I would bring my boys too. If I've offended you or pissed you off for whatever reason, I do apologise and hope we can get this right and look forward to everyone who originally planned on attending; in attending with their kids and have a great time.