We will be pulling a trailer down to KY,...(with a tribe as big as ours,...we kinda have too...lol),...anyhow,...SKY has tons of linens,...(sheets, pillow cases, bedspreads), that we will be bringing along as well. If anyone would like to borrow some,..please let us know so we can pack accordingly. We are also going to try to have a few extra coolers. If there is anything that we could bring along to help out,..please drop us a line.
Looks like there will be 8-10 of us rolling in to KY from the Ohio area,..we are looking forward to meeting everyone!!!
Question for all......I was thinking about bringing Jesse my drug dog, becuse she travels well and requires a lot of attention. Will there be any kids that might want to watch her while the group is out riding. She is ONLY trained to sniff drugs and not as an attack dog. She is great with kids and will chase a ball forever. I usually wear out before she does.
Hey brother, I';m sure my little ones will be able to keep her busy for a few.........WHat am i doing on here......THWACK!!!!! BACK TO WORK!
Hey all, today came with some revelation that are not expected. The wife and I will not beable to attend the cf central meet and greet. We have been in the process of selling our house and purchasing another. We were supose to close on march 30 and did not close untill may 25 the sales contract on the house we are selling is to close on th 18th of june and we have been informed that we can start moveing in to the new house on Friday. This leaves us little time to waste. My vacation days will have to go twards the move instead of the pleasure of all you guy's company. You to hambone. We will be canceling our cabin reservation. Tomorrow if anyone needs one. Buffy, Rex, Sidetrack, kathy and all the rest the previous offer to over nigh is still out there for you guys. Also the shovelhead is running great and vibrateing like a bitch. If you guys still want a ride stop on by. Love you all. You too dragon.
Hey all, today came with some revelation that are not expected. The wife and I will not beable to attend the cf central meet and greet. We have been in the process of selling our house and purchasing another. We were supose to close on march 30 and did not close untill may 25 the sales contract on the house we are selling is to close on th 18th of june and we have been informed that we can start moveing in to the new house on Friday. This leaves us little time to waste. My vacation days will have to go twards the move instead of the pleasure of all you guy's company. You to hambone. We will be canceling our cabin reservation. Tomorrow if anyone needs one. Buffy, Rex, Sidetrack, kathy and all the rest the previous offer to over nigh is still out there for you guys. Also the shovelhead is running great and vibrateing like a bitch. If you guys still want a ride stop on by. Love you all. You too dragon.
First, may your move go smoothly! Second, you will be missed at KY and last, you might be my saviour! Just had 2 cancellations at the beginning of my original route which has had me scrambling the last couple of hours trying to see if I can still make it work. Had me a bit stressed but a run on that shovelhead will make it all better. *lol*
June 2, 2010 11:34 PM PDT
Hey all, today came with some revelation that are not expected. The wife and I will not beable to attend the cf central meet and greet. We have been in the process of selling our house and purchasing another. We were supose to close on march 30 and did not close untill may 25 the sales contract on the house we are selling is to close on th 18th of june and we have been informed that we can start moveing in to the new house on Friday. This leaves us little time to waste. My vacation days will have to go twards the move instead of the pleasure of all you guy's company. You to hambone. We will be canceling our cabin reservation. Tomorrow if anyone needs one. Buffy, Rex, Sidetrack, kathy and all the rest the previous offer to over nigh is still out there for you guys. Also the shovelhead is running great and vibrateing like a bitch. If you guys still want a ride stop on by. Love you all. You too dragon.

So sorry to hear your not going to make it down. But, you got to take care of your family first. Moving is a huge drag and I don't envy you that mission. Good luck to you in your new home.
June 3, 2010 12:12 AM PDT
Question for all......I was thinking about bringing Jesse my drug dog, becuse she travels well and requires a lot of attention. Will there be any kids that might want to watch her while the group is out riding. She is ONLY trained to sniff drugs and not as an attack dog. She is great with kids and will chase a ball forever. I usually wear out before she does.
No problem here, I love working dogs.
Hey all, today came with some revelation that are not expected. The wife and I will not beable to attend the cf central meet and greet. We have been in the process of selling our house and purchasing another. We were supose to close on march 30 and did not close untill may 25 the sales contract on the house we are selling is to close on th 18th of june and we have been informed that we can start moveing in to the new house on Friday. This leaves us little time to waste. My vacation days will have to go twards the move instead of the pleasure of all you guy's company. You to hambone. We will be canceling our cabin reservation. Tomorrow if anyone needs one. Buffy, Rex, Sidetrack, kathy and all the rest the previous offer to over nigh is still out there for you guys. Also the shovelhead is running great and vibrateing like a bitch. If you guys still want a ride stop on by. Love you all. You too dragon.
No Problems, Shed I think Cycle Fish members who are going to the M&G wouldn't mind moving the M&G to your new house, just think of it as a week long house warming party. Hope you have a big yard.

Just Kidding

, you will be missed and congratulations on your new house.
Question for all......I was thinking about bringing Jesse my drug dog, becuse she travels well and requires a lot of attention. Will there be any kids that might want to watch her while the group is out riding. She is ONLY trained to sniff drugs and not as an attack dog. She is great with kids and will chase a ball forever. I usually wear out before she does.
One question for you NightDragon, does Jesse still work? and if so, are you able to bring some psuedo-drug substance? I personally like to see Jesse at work and I think others would enjoy it as well. My neighbor is a K9 handler and works at the prison where I work; I get to see his drug dog work. It's something to see. If you could make this happen it would great. If it is no problem, I don't want to get you in trouble or anything. Or Jesse.
Sorry to hear you cant make it to KY Shed. Seems like closing on a house always gets screwed up somewhere. Good luck with the move.