
    • 1 posts
    December 15, 2012 12:45 AM PST
    While I may appear over opininated at times, let me assure all of the people here. That have not met me personally. I enjoy a good argument, personal feelings or those of the vast majority, are welcome. I hold no grudges and you are all welcome at my table. I hope that I am welcome at yours.

    However it would appear that certain elements in my country do not share, my opinions and for that I am truly sorry. It has been said....you can't educate idiots....I wish you could read some of the forums I have had the misfortune to read today. 
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    December 15, 2012 1:37 AM PST
    Mate, all I can say is that you and your input is welcome here.
    • 1855 posts
    December 15, 2012 1:48 AM PST
      I have absolutely no problem with any of your opinions.  It's just that CF might not permit the other members to respond.  When an opinion, anyone's opinion, borders on a political or religious nature the rest of us have to cool our jets so to speak.  But as for me, you can say what you will.  We've always got IM for the counter-attack my friend. 
    • 3006 posts
    December 15, 2012 7:47 AM PST
    LMAO Jimmy I feel the same & would say the same myself.

    You wont ever have to hide your opinion as long as its not filled with hate.
    Valid points are open to everyones interpertation,its part of the process of reaching any real truth
    In any forum where there is rational discussion,all must agree to disagree at some time & be open to the idea that some long held truth could in fact be based on bad information or invalid points.
    Our democracy will survive & grow thru the ages if we never stop allowing the freedom of expression & the right for a man to worship what god or not as he pleases & all the other rights that are due men born free from tyranny & oppression.
  • December 17, 2012 1:24 AM PST
    As long as we all agree to disagree at times, the forum will continue to flourish and be a good place for trading interesting ideas and stories. There have been several CF members over the years that forget this golden rule and thankfully most or all of them no longer are on this site. Nice Job Ron!!
    • 2 posts
    December 17, 2012 4:52 AM PST
    Jonesy1340 wrote...
    While I may appear over opininated at times, let me assure all of the people here. That have not met me personally. I enjoy a good argument, personal feelings or those of the vast majority, are welcome. I hold no grudges and you are all welcome at my table. I hope that I am welcome at yours.

    However it would appear that certain elements in my country do not share, my opinions and for that I am truly sorry. It has been said....you can't educate idiots....I wish you could read some of the forums I have had the misfortune to read today. 

    Not much I like more that a vigorous RESPECTFUL argument. (Tho not today and not in the near future thank-you, I am hurting)

    Never took offense at anything you said, did not necessary agree with all of it but none offended me. Would have to be a terribly sensitive soul to be offended.

    All is good, ride on.
  • December 18, 2012 5:13 AM PST
    Hello all,

    Afetr properly reading the forum posting rules I understand why a post I responded in has been deleted, the one saying something like" warning God alert" or something like that., probably due to my opinion on what should be done to people like the guy in Ct. 

    I will watch my sides of posts from now on.  I have no problem with that.  But shouldn't it go the same for the opposite opinions of mine then on certain subject material? 

    My response for proper punishment to a crime like that came from another post based on forgiving that kind of person.  If that person can say "forgive the killer"  then why can"t I say, "let him burn in hell" so to speak?

    Thanks for having such a good place/forum/site.

    I am just a disillusioned, 60+ year old husband and father and that incident sorta "riled me up", especially concerning the children.

    Happy Holidays to ALL CJ members.


  • December 18, 2012 5:47 AM PST

    I say what I think.....I get censored...

    I give an opinion.....I get wrist slapped...

    But idiots are still idiots without me having to say anything...

    I have never had a problem with anyone telling me what they think of me, in public, or in private...

    So what this damn Limey from over the correct side of the pond is saying is.....

    "Go ahead.....Make My Day"

    oh yeah and... Jonesy...
    everyone is entitled to their own opinions...
    keep the faith...
    you aint offended me...

    I dont post much nowadays... the reason is this... I blast those I presume to be idiots... If I see information and/or advice given that could get someone killed or injured I blast them... this is not acceptable on a site like this, although the feedback I get back from some is that it was said well...
    so Jonesy, no matter who has blasted you back - Screw 'em.....

    Nuff said I reckon... If I give any more than this I am likely to be censored.....

    ::: Written From The Logical Mind And Scrolls Of The Damned Opinionated Limey :::