Packing heat

    • 9 posts
    December 2, 2012 1:53 PM PST
    That would be a big DITTO, down here. I'm from Ohio, so thanks for clearin' that one up, cause I was about to. Long as you have your CCW, on your person, you can legally carry anywhere in Ohio. DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT EITHER, my friend. I'm def. in with better to have and not to need, than need and not have. Many's been the time, and ONCE in particular,when the gun was in the saddle bag, and I couldn't get to it in time... Strap that sucker on, and don't give it another thought, til ya need to. God be with you, and I pray you never need to.

    Ride Free
    • 1855 posts
    December 3, 2012 12:26 AM PST
    There are a couple of "non-progressive" anti gun states where the penalties for carrying are really stiff for out of state residents who have their state permit; N.Y. is one of 'em. However, Illinois, the most restrictive state in the country that denies everyone the right to carry, has a state prosecutor who recently claimed he's not going to push prosecution of individuals who have a CCW from another state. There's a real push on in Illinois to establish CCW laws.

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    December 3, 2012 6:01 AM PST
    Yeah Jimmy, that is just one of the reasons I don't ride in NY anymore.
    • 3006 posts
    December 3, 2012 8:05 AM PST
    Ok you gun folk have me thinking, abt those who dont carry, consider us idiots or worse some sort of lesser person than those tht do carry??
    I take issue with that, I am not an idiot/sheep as a result of choosing to avoid trouble & not carry a weapon on my person. In the rare instance when having a firearm made any sense to me was being confronted by some rabid animal/pack of wild dogs etc, most people who carry do so with a certain amount of responsibilty,its the 2% who have no concept of tht,who worry me.The fact is the one time I pulled out a gun in seeming self defense I nearly killed my brother who came in late one night n I woke in a fog ready to shoot! It freaked me out later when I realized what I nearly did,in stupidity.Ever since put em up & forgot abt them.
    I do not contest your right to carry,yet I do find it rather sad tht those who carry a gun have an attitude towards those of us who choose differnt.
    • 5420 posts
    December 3, 2012 8:44 AM PST
    I agree Ron (blurplebuzz) that it is a decision to be made by each person individually and neither side should condemn or judge the other for their choice. Kind of like the helmet thing. Some people choose to wear helmets (like myself) because they believe it is safer and still support the rights of others not to. Others will go out of their way to insist others need to protect themselves in all the same ways they choose to protect their selves, whether it be to wear a helmet or carry a weapon.

    I personally don't carry when riding. If I am going somewhere I will be camping or staying for a while I may have a weapon with me that I don't load or have access to until I am there... then I sleep with it or whatever. But again that's my choice and I also support the right of those that choose to carry open or concealed when riding.

    Its even funny 'cause I have had a couple people tell me that for the amount of riding I do alone I am stupid to not carry for my own protection, but if I dared to tell them as a friend that I thought they should wear a helmet like I do for THEIR own protection, they would stop me before I finished my sentence!

    It's just human nature Ron, we all do what we think is right...and if it's right for us it must be right for everyone.

    You do what's feels right for you!!! I do!
    • 601 posts
    December 3, 2012 10:04 AM PST
    Strict gun laws in Ireland (we have a habit of using them !)...luckily the hoods don't have them either (not often). Its a real shame that people do feel the need to carry them to protect themselves in a free country.
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    • 19067 posts
    December 3, 2012 10:53 PM PST
    Sadly a human condition Ron and Ron.

    'If you're not like me you are wrong.' How many bad things have resulted from this concept?

    Neil, as always your perspective gives me reason to think. You be a Damn Smart Irishman!
    • 823 posts
    December 4, 2012 2:59 AM PST
    blurplebuzz wrote...
    Ok you gun folk have me thinking, abt those who dont carry, consider us idiots or worse some sort of lesser person than those tht do carry??
    I take issue with that, I am not an idiot/sheep as a result of choosing to avoid trouble & not carry a weapon on my person. In the rare instance when having a firearm made any sense to me was being confronted by some rabid animal/pack of wild dogs etc, most people who carry do so with a certain amount of responsibilty,its the 2% who have no concept of tht,who worry me.The fact is the one time I pulled out a gun in seeming self defense I nearly killed my brother who came in late one night n I woke in a fog ready to shoot! It freaked me out later when I realized what I nearly did,in stupidity.Ever since put em up & forgot abt them.
    I do not contest your right to carry,yet I do find it rather sad tht those who carry a gun have an attitude towards those of us who choose differnt.

    Meant no disrespect in anyway by my "sheep" comment.  Sorry if it offended you.  Not my intention.  We are all just voicing our thoughts and opinions.  People say things often that I could get upset over.  I choose not to.  I know whats right for me and really could care less what is right for everyone else.  Sometimes I come off a little harsh, I am just straight forward and honest. No harm intended.

    • 1 posts
    December 5, 2012 8:33 AM PST
    I'm the same as Rory, in this here. Strict gun laws prevent me from carrying. But so saying i couldn't carry in the USA, being a non citizen. I still don't see the need...does packing a gun give anyone the right to act like an a**hole because they are packing...I felt safe enough in my surroundings not to fear not having a gun...and i don't live in the whats the deal?
    • 823 posts
    December 5, 2012 11:47 AM PST
    Why would you act like an asshole just because you are carrying a gun?? I have carried one most of my life. My right to carry one. If you are legal to carry then it is your choice. Why is it that I don't care one way or another about what people do or don't do but it seems many people worry about what I do and why. Maybe they have too much time on their hands, need to ride more maybe??
  • December 6, 2012 3:40 AM PST
    I agree with all the opinions expressed here. I do find it strange though the we can clamly discuss this issue being from different parts of the country and world without arguing but our "leaders" can't seem to figure it out. I'm a federal LEO and can carry in all 50 states. Every time I leave the house for any reason I decide if I will. I also consider how and where I carry it on my person. Whenever I do carry though the foremost thing on my mind is safety. Both of myself and everyone around me. Everyone makes a choice to or not to carry. To have it and not need it. To need it and not have it. To defend themselves in this way. To not defend themselves in this way. Who's to say whos wrong or right. Be who you are, both knowledgeable and comfortable with witchever you choose.
    • 9 posts
    December 6, 2012 6:48 AM PST
    I most certainly agree with that Wooster! EVERYONE, has the right to do what they "feel" is right for them. Obviously, my comments were more slanted towards those inclined to carry. It's a personal decision, totally. But, I do want the women riders to consider this carefully. If you're uncomfortable around weapons, enough said, then may I possible suggest you not make long road trips, by yourself? Every situation has a different outcome, and my situation, won't be anyone else's. But I'd feel a lot better, at least, just giving MHO. If you'd like to discuss it further, send me a PM and we can talk about it.

    Ride Free
  • December 6, 2012 1:24 PM PST
    I got my CCW a year ago but never carry. Can't take it into bars, stores, and so many other places in WI, so where do you stow it securely when you have leather saddlebags that don't lock?
    • 1 posts
    December 6, 2012 6:16 PM PST
    well Guero you tell me why...all the dudes I saw packing heat on my last trip acted that way. One guy stood talking to me in a motel carpark..rubbing his holster...I burst out laughing and walked stance on guns is this...if you live by the sword you usually die by those who don't. People kill people...why make it so easy....have a wander around cabellos and tell me the need for that much divison of weaponry in civilian hands. No wonder the cops blast first then ask questions.
  • December 7, 2012 12:13 AM PST
    Jonesy, not all act that way and you know it, my hubby carries when we are on long trips. But he is legal to do so in many states. And you know he is a level headed man, and would only pull it if the need arised!
    • 1 posts
    December 7, 2012 12:53 AM PST
    I'm not anti gun..damn i 've owned by share of rifles..carried a handgun for over 26 years...even been shot at a few times. But i see whats written and I wonder sometimes, if its just bravado because you guys in the states can carry, and have arsenals in your takes alot to shoot someone...if you kill them, then you are at the mercy of 12 of your peers..justified in your own mind or not.
    • 1855 posts
    December 7, 2012 2:38 AM PST
    Jonesy1340 wrote...
    I'm not anti gun..damn i 've owned by share of rifles..carried a handgun for over 26 years...even been shot at a few times. But i see whats written and I wonder sometimes, if its just bravado because you guys in the states can carry, and have arsenals in your takes alot to shoot someone...if you kill them, then you are at the mercy of 12 of your peers..justified in your own mind or not.

    My "arsenal" is to protect me from government.  That's why the 2nd Amendment was written.  Yes, I do carry to protect my family and my person, but  as for "bravado", there's a lot of that going around for more than just carrying a gun.  There's always someone who has a bigger house, nicer motorcycle, prettier wife, more interesting story, better job, smarter kids, etc. and do nothing but brag about it. 

    I'm not sure who started this post but it began as a simple question.  The thread soon turns into something entirely different. Also, the fact that other countries don't have the right to carry isn't our fault, it's the citizens of that particular country.  The history of our country is a reminder of why government needs to be reminded that America is of the people, by the people.  The right to carry is a constant threat/warning to those who actually have the power to deny our freedom.
    Personally, I wish the whole world didn't have any weapons of any kind, soldiers, or police for that matter.  But of course we all know that's not going to happen.

  • December 7, 2012 10:38 AM PST
    I have a permit, but I don't carry a gun. I am waiting however on my husband to take my to the shooting range.
    • 823 posts
    December 7, 2012 11:04 AM PST
    Jonesy1340 wrote...
    well Guero you tell me why...all the dudes I saw packing heat on my last trip acted that way. One guy stood talking to me in a motel carpark..rubbing his holster...I burst out laughing and walked stance on guns is this...if you live by the sword you usually die by those who don't. People kill people...why make it so easy....have a wander around cabellos and tell me the need for that much divison of weaponry in civilian hands. No wonder the cops blast first then ask questions.

    I can't answer that question.  I don't hang around people like that.  I carry most of the time and nobody knows.  That is the way it should be in my opinion.  I would hate you you to judge the entire U.S.A by a few wannabes.  There are still a lot of good people here.

    • 1 posts
    December 9, 2012 6:06 PM PST
    I don't judge no one...most of my friends were carrying and i didn't know cause they didn't tell me...I weren't and i didn't care...I'm not moving either so take heart..i love my country even if its been run by a stupid redheaded card carrying dyke. But thats only for the next 3 years....I may become a politician by then! See i just told my first official LIE!
  • December 10, 2012 2:21 PM PST
    Been thinking about getting a CCW just so i can carry......been in some remote areas with just the wife on back. Get nervous when we stop and cars go slowly cruising by checking out the RoadKing
    • 823 posts
    December 11, 2012 2:36 AM PST
    I suppose maybe it depends on what part of the USA you are in, how and where you were raised maybe? I have lived my entire life in the remote southwest. I carry a firearm and food/water, warm clothes etc. everywhere in my pickup. Carry enough of the same on my bike. I don't cruise town much or go bar hopping but if that does happen I won't be carrying a firearm. People still die every year out here in this part of the world for different reasons. Many times these sad stories begin with breaking down, running out of gas, flat tire, wrong turn...... The elements are harsh and with the border so close and all that brings with it, you never know if that person is coming to your aid or coming to scavenge from you. Lots of good people in this world but it only takes one bad one to make a difference. I try and be prepared, just in case.
    • 3006 posts
    December 11, 2012 6:02 AM PST
    Just wanted to clarify for some that apparently didnt catch th part abt I support the right to carry. I appreciate your response Guero & fully think in those sorts of conditions you should carry if you think its called for by the area your riding thru.In the area I live in near Oakland Ca,which had the second highest murder rate I believe in a metro area?, in this country,its certainly a valid reason,yet I choose not to.I'll leave it to the loacl PD & other agncies to do their job & apprehend the ahole who may have taken my stuff at gunpoint, I wont put up a fight ovr things tht can be replaced.While this topic may have wandered a bit,thats the nature of a blog post,and it invariably will bring up additional talking points which doesnt bother me in the slightest,its a democracy for Gods sake & everything is open for discussion.I personally have enjoyed all the repsonse's and am not offended by others exercising their right to carry & explain their reasons for it.

  • December 11, 2012 7:27 AM PST
    I always carry!!!!
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    December 11, 2012 2:41 PM PST
    I always carry!!!!

    Rock on, there is no place left that haven't had a shooting, from homes to schools to churches have been hit.