Can we stand together...NOW?

    • 9 posts
    November 6, 2012 11:48 PM PST

    Ok, the election is over.  So I only have one question.  Can we stand together, now?  There are many, who are no doubt disappointed with the outcome of the election, and fear the aftermath.  That's a given.  I think ALL of us, have trepidation.  I mean, look around you.  We've never seen this kind of economy. (Well, those of us, not quite as old as dirt).  So, it is a little daunting.  OK, ok, downright, scary.  But...arguing the outcome, isn't what we should be doing now.  We have to accept what we cannot change, and move on.  Savvy?  We need to pull together, NOW, more than ever.  And stop all the political wrangling.  It's done.  The attitudes, we ALL take, from this point, forward, is what will drive the economy.  More than any mere, "figure-head".  WE THE PEOPLE, have to embrace, and face this together.  Don't fear the unknown.  You wouldn't have riden a motorcycle, if you had that kind of fear.  Would you?  Spend YOUR money, the way YOU see fit.  Don't listen to the "fear machine", which is our government, and it's forcasts and predictors.  Listen, if it were up to "them", we'd sit on our money, and "wait" for "something better" to happen.  Better is NOW, folks, and by not buying into the predictions of doom and gloom, we can pump much needed "fuel" into THIS economy, and make things better for everyone.  Watch, and see.

    Then, maybe we can get back to the business of being  "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA".  Eh? 

    Ride Free  Tweek

    • 1 posts
    November 7, 2012 12:17 AM PST
    thats a fair comment to make Tweek...Inside your country things will increase, thats a given...on the world stage you might do better if you start buck needs to come up against ours...I did my part...came over for 9 weeks and spent my its up to you guys to get out and spend..
    • 1855 posts
    November 7, 2012 4:08 AM PST
    Another door opens up and I can't comment
  • November 7, 2012 4:35 AM PST
    Well we waited 4 years for some change, got nothing but kick in the butt, guess 4 more won't matter butt is getting used to it.   It's not like the non 10% control anything in this country anymore including voting.    Took all my assets out of banks and holdings.    I will make do without Wall Street, who control all American life anyway.     I think Americans took care of this kind of government control by the rich in 1776.     Maybe time for another American Revolution.   All I know is it seems to be better to be poor or an illegal alien, they have all the rights now.  The Middle Class is the whipping boy of America, we give the most, and have the least say in things. 

    Being a VietNam Vet makes me even more angry, back then we came home to nothing, at least the government is taking some care of our current vets.  maybe I will move to mexico or some other country, become a citizen there, come back here and get better benefits than I have now.

    All said, at this point I still think I am better off here than most other countries, but the next few years will make or break the USA.  Hopefully we get back on track and spread the wealth a lot more fairly.  I have said enough now, but actually not near enough.  I will end my comment here.  For Now

    Peace and Prosperity

    • 3006 posts
    November 7, 2012 6:08 AM PST
    If there is going to be a revolution,then we have to start by killing all the lawyers !!! LOL oh wait that would perty much clean out all of congress and the executive branch too !!!
    When people can start dropping a billion for a basketball team, & rich folk are spending ludicrous amounts of cash for shiny baubles,while others cant find a decent paying job that lets them live with some small amount of dignity,and others are losing their dream homes to foreign speculators & crooked banks, I would think its time for a real change across the board.Dont worry all you folk making millions on the misery of your country,there are plenty of other countries you can live in where you wont have to pay your fair share of taking care of the country that gave you all your wealth & knowledge to begin with.
    Regardless of your political views its high time the obstructionists & special interests stop runnin our nation into the ground to satisfy their greeedy agenda.People need to put aside their differences & see the greater picture,united we can stand any storm,divided we will surely fail,yet apprently the Republican sentiment seems to reflect a obstinate & spoiled child who not gettin their way,will burn the house down just to prove they can & dam the consequences of their irrational actions.Fortunately I believe this wont be the case,the party will realign itself after a savage internal struggle that began last nite,and maybe will become a viable option for voters to consider in the next presidential election cycle.I sincerely hope that both parties come to the table with real reforms of the currently lopsided distribution of wealth in this country & also some serious campaign reforms also. Come on $ 3,ooo,ooo,ooo for an election spent??? Outrageous !! and they raised a good portion of tht $$$ this year.I wonder how much REDCROSS has pulled in for Sandy victims,and how many hoops the victims are gonna have to jump thru for real financial aid to get thru that horrible storm??
  • November 7, 2012 10:46 AM PST
    Yes, we can. At least, we should. Maybe I'm just jaded, but I am completely exhausted with the inevitable "this country is going to hell" tirades every time somebody from the "other" side gets elected. Personally, I think this is a damn great country no matter *who* is in charge. Furthermore, I'm proud as hell that we *don't* settle our political differences with rifles and hand grenades, like other nations have been known to do.
  • November 7, 2012 10:59 AM PST
    If the question has to be ask, then IMHO the answer is "no." Never been one that even trys to be politically correct, and won't start now.I believe that is Americas biggest problem,being the suck up factor and not speaking the truth.Everybody (politicians) thinking we are all stupid to their ways of promising everything to everybody.P.S.a country girl will survive no matter who plays ruler & chief.They are only stroking themself.
  • November 7, 2012 11:55 AM PST
    Well, time for my 2 cents. You know, I have noticed that the all caring compasionate party seems to be OK with everything as long as its thier way. Not throwing anyone under the bus here, just an observation.Now, the other side starts talking about the mistakes made not connecting with the people. Then they announce who may be in mind in 4 MORE years. Now, the "compassionate" group immediately gets in lockstep to villify someone that has done nothing. Then you have the news media.IF the media hadnt constantly villified a good honest wholesome American,the same media that has been in the toilet for we know who, to lie, cover up and totally decieve the general public to the point that turning on the TV to almost any broadcast is an exercise in futility. I am fortunate to be alive but American blood has been spilled for generations to have freedom of speech. What is happening in todays America is crying shame to all those brave soldiers that died for this.
    • 1 posts
    November 7, 2012 1:59 PM PST
    Can we stand together...NOW?
    Not a chance, not a chance in hell.

    I want no compromise.  I have been forced at gunpoint to compromise more than I am willing.

    I have heard for 4 years how I am the enemy.  I take them at their word and I will be a smart enemy.  They will not see it coming.
    Unity?  Not on their life.   My singular job now is to monkey wrench them at every opportunity.  The good thing is, as Alinsky states, I will also enjoy it.  Which means I will do it more frequently and with more gusto.

    I will be starting small but I will not accept the yoke. 
    • 1 posts
    November 8, 2012 1:42 AM PST
    99Savage wrote...
    Can we stand together...NOW?
    Not a chance, not a chance in hell.

    I want no compromise.  I have been forced at gunpoint to compromise more than I am willing.

    I have heard for 4 years how I am the enemy.  I take them at their word and I will be a smart enemy.  They will not see it coming.
    Unity?  Not on their life.   My singular job now is to monkey wrench them at every opportunity.  The good thing is, as Alinsky states, I will also enjoy it.  Which means I will do it more frequently and with more gusto.

    I will be starting small but I will not accept the yoke. 


    • 130 posts
    November 8, 2012 2:35 AM PST
    Well said!

    Can we stand together...NOW?
    Not a chance, not a chance in hell.

    I want no compromise.  I have been forced at gunpoint to compromise more than I am willing.


  • November 8, 2012 7:41 AM PST
    Damn, Tweek, you lay down a perfectly fine idea and it gets blown all to hell!! lol Why is it so frickin' hard to just work together and do what you suggest? Since we do get back what we put out there, a more positive attitude at this point CAN'T hurt anything. I hope there are a whole lot of people out there who think like you do and just try some positive energy for a change. Oh well, I can't change other people, places or things, so I'll just stay happy in my own little reality. Peace.
    • 601 posts
    November 8, 2012 7:58 AM PST

    OK....I'm not American.....I can't vote in America...but I know a good idea when i see if I could vote in America..........................

    Tweek for President !  
    • 580 posts
    November 8, 2012 8:00 AM PST
    HERE HERE Rory (o:
  • November 8, 2012 2:31 PM PST
    I pray we come together. I'm hearing lay offs in my region already. I'm about to take on another mortgage and need to sell the house in the town we moved from, and the housing market is slowing again. I pray they come together to actually help the people they claim to serve, instead of politicizing everything.
    Out of caution, we'll be laying low and watching expenses close to see what happens. I'm not sure if it's wise to go in debt now. Did I mention I really need to sell a house? lol
    • 9 posts
    November 10, 2012 11:02 AM PST

    That's what I love about THIS COUNTRY, cause whether you realize it or not, YOU ALL just stood together, to voice the opinion, that OUR COUNTRY, allows us ALL the FREEDOM to have, and proclaim!!!  And it was really more of a rhetorical question, YA'LL.  I mean, bein's as we are all brothers and sisters, here on Cyclefish, and that, despite political affiliations, we ALL seem to be able to "get along", I guess what I really want to know, is, can we stand together, to overcome the silliness and backbiting? That has become our "political machine", and for better or for worse, is what reflects on us all, as a country. The constitution, clearly states, that if we STAND TOGETHER, come to agreement and decide that THIS government, is NOT in the best interest of it's people....WE CAN ABOLISH IT!  The whole enchilada!  Wipe the slate clean, and start the **** over!!! 
    Of course, that would mean, we WOULD have to stand together.  Really together, and come up with an alternative, that everyone could live with.  And we might just HAVE to start thinkin' along those lines.  The money spent on this one presidential race, could've funded a new government's birth.  Think about that.  It sickens me, especially when I see the things that I do, out on the streets.  And don't even get me started on the pitifully slow response to the victims of Hurricane Sandy.  Ughhhh. REALLY???

    That being said, we are ALL fortunate, to still live in a country, with all the freedoms we do get to enjoy.  And we are richly blessed.  If you have a roof over your head, clothes to wear, food to eat, and a warm bed to sleep ARE rich.  By many standards.  A living wage and a car, are a luxury for one helluva lot of people, including myself. 

    Listen, this ain't your Grandad's America anymore.  But...and I emphasize, BUT, unless we all pull together?  The country and the freedoms, you have come to enjoy, for most or all of your life...WILL BECOME A THING OF THE PAST.  HISTORY. 
    Do you really want THAT, for yourselves, or your kids...or your Grandkids??? 

    I'll be on the frontlines, weapons at the ready, when the **** hits the fan. Cause if we don't pull together as a Nation,
    we'll be invaded by another Country, who will
    exploit that weakness in us. 

    I'm pretty sure, none of Ya'll, wants to let any other nation...see us blink. 

    Ride Free 