Livin Out Of Saddlebags

  • January 6, 2010 7:54 AM PST
    Outstanding! Hey, where are you in the profile pic? Almost looks like Crater Lake...
  • January 6, 2010 8:16 AM PST
    JimandTerri wrote...
    Outstanding! Hey, where are you in the profile pic? Almost looks like Crater Lake...
     You know your shit...thats the place! Mid June on the return trip from the Red Wood Run. Man did we get some rain and snow that day! Makes for a great shot though.Got some other pic from the trip in my album if ya like. As always great chatting w/ ya!
  • January 6, 2010 8:23 AM PST
    Awesome! Terri and I have that weekend off, 5 days I think. We are trying to decide between Hells Canyon - Baker and the Redwood Run. We do plan to trip through Crater Lake on the 25th of June though heading for Crescent City. It's our first of 11 National Parks in 2 weeks!

    If the boys in our new riding group don't hit Hells Canyon, are you guys doing RWR again?

    by the way, dig the pictures. I will have to keep the ol' lady on a leash I see!
    • 5420 posts
    January 6, 2010 8:35 AM PST
    debrajo62 wrote...
    Well we cheat and added on a trailer behind the bike. So even though we have the extra space, we still have to be careful not to over pack. Ok not we, but me!

    I have a little compact fold up stove/grill and a flat lite weight non stick gridle, a coffee pot, two ice chests that fit nicely on the front of the trailer.

    I am going to forgo the sleeping bags, and do what Lucky was talking about this year. I hate sleeping bags. We also have some cool folding chairs that we picked up from Longs a couple years ago.

    Personally I think it is fun to have the trailer and all the stuff. Makes it easier and you have what you really need. 

    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the little inverter to charge the camera and cell phones..

    What me spoiled? You will only call me that until you go camping with me and I make you a killer breakfast!!

    "Happy Campin!"

    Oh yeah, forgot to mention you should always bring DebraJo & Richard with you.  We camped with them at the ABATE Rally and I won't camp without them in the future.  They have everything

  • g
    January 6, 2010 8:38 AM PST
    tent's n bike's ,they go together ,love a good camptrip ,i do one every summer now ,LOVE THEM .
    • 5420 posts
    January 6, 2010 8:42 AM PST
    JimandTerri wrote...
    Awesome brother!

    I took a few minutes and compared gear on line.
    A guy could go the REI route and drop a minimum of $800 for the basics, or Walmart for about $100.
    I think it would be easier to abandon the $100 Walmart crap and run for the hotel in a hail storm, than the $800...

    You know all our rally gear comes from Wal-Mart or Target.  Actually that Greatlands brand outdoor stuff they carry at Target is pretty good.  My $29 Target tent lasted 4 Redwood Runs, 2 Hollister Rallies, 1 Sturgis Trip, 1 Harley Rendezvous, and some misc stuff between.  And the only reason I don't have it anymore is I didn't feel like packing it up on the rental bike and then the airplane when I went to the Harley Rendezvous. 

    And my cheep-o Wal-Mart air mattress just gave out last rally after 4 years of heavy use (if you know what I mean ).

  • January 6, 2010 8:53 AM PST
    I've seen a few pics Lucky and can figure it out. Puting two and two together is all.
    Will have to look up Debrajo and Richard, havent heard of them yet
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    January 6, 2010 11:58 AM PST
    Well nice to meet you JimandTerri.. and its a date, we will have to go camping sometime this next summer!

    Lucky you made my day with your comment!!
    • 513 posts
    January 6, 2010 12:52 PM PST
    As krum said earlier a tarp for under the tent. I got some of the thin silver roof insulator sheets for this purpose, it stops the cold coming up through the bottom of the tent.
    Also something I did on my dyna but have not put on the night train yet is a cigarette lighter type attachment off the battery for things like charge your fone or a battery charger for your emergency torch while you ride..

     Try these places, they might be of help to you.

    • 1509 posts
    January 6, 2010 2:18 PM PST
    Yep her are some pics
  • g
    January 6, 2010 10:17 PM PST
    love them photos .
  • g
    January 6, 2010 10:18 PM PST
    u can always take this ,u wid get the kitchen sink along with you .....
  • g
    January 6, 2010 10:19 PM PST
    think its a sand box she has on the back !!.
  • January 7, 2010 2:07 AM PST
    The tarp under the tent is a good idea but the scouts are now teaching the kids to put it inside the tent on the floor. That way the rain doesn't sit on top of it plus when you're done with everything you can fold it up carefully take it out of the tent and won't have to clean a mucky tent floor.
    • 1 posts
    January 13, 2010 12:01 AM PST
    Tarps are really useful.
    Last time out grabbed a Wally-World tarp while leaving town, used it every day & one time wished I had two.
    Rained most nites & used it to cover the scooter. One nite had a deluge so heavy that it overcame the rain cover on the tent & arranged it to protect the tent.
    Bring lots of line so you can lash the tarp down to suit the occasion. + You can make a clothes line to air out your gear (IMPORTANT - especially for rain gear)
    Also suggest bringing a garden trowel or entrenching tool. I take a Gurkha knife which substitutes for an ax & machete & is legal to take across the Canadian border but is less than the best device to dig w/.
  • January 13, 2010 1:02 AM PST
    Hi wife n I did the bike camping n decided it was way worth the dollar to motel can always find a affordable rooms...however remember to lug all yer stuff inside cause on one trip a few years ago we had a break down in which I fixed myself using the bike kit tools but I left them in the bags over nite and some little shit broke into my bags stole em and a pair of gloves...anyhows just thought I'd throw in my 1/2 a cent worth
    If'n ya ever get out to Portland Oregon I got's a nice travel trailer ya'll can camp in....
  • g
    January 13, 2010 3:56 AM PST
    go for the tent ,have a dirty week-end ,lol
  • January 13, 2010 4:31 AM PST
    Randy Joe,

    We are only about an hour east of you on the other end of the Gorge.
  • g
    January 13, 2010 4:40 AM PST
    dont wash for 3 days ..
  • January 13, 2010 4:55 AM PST
    Dirty is a state of mind! But, it can help to have the proper equipment
  • January 13, 2010 5:25 AM PST

    Jim, didn't catch whether you both ride 2 up or each have a bike.  About all I do is camp on these runs/rallies and have it down to a science.  I use a small tent and one of those miniture sleeping bags.  You can get a down bag good to 30 degree that is the size of a football.  I order most of my stuff from either the REI Outlet store, Seirra Trading Post or from eBay.  I just got an REI Camp Thermorest (large 3" thick) for $15!!!
    But I have to change my strategy if my wife goes along.  I have two sissybar packs, a large Saddlemen and a smaller T-Bag.  I can't carry the camp chairs with the wife on but usually I have someone that isn't carrying a passenger who hauls them for me.  When I do Sturgis I ship all the gear there as the Buffalo Chip has a shipping service on site.  With this I'm able to send a larger tent with inflatable matteress and other gear like a camp stove for coffee and such.
    I guess is just comes down to how comfortable you want to be. 

    Here is a pic of my gear:

    • 5420 posts
    January 13, 2010 5:31 AM PST
    Yep, Ray is the only guy I know that can carry almost as much on the Big Dog as I carry on the Road King!

    But I can fit the chairs even with Laura on board...
  • January 13, 2010 5:38 AM PST
    Wow Ray! Detailed!!! I like it! Obviouslly organized guy.

    Terri and I are two-up for life! One thing I have an advantage on you is bags. I think I am starting to get the picture on this.

    Here is my "to get" list before Spring
    Tent (3 or 4 person)
    Air mattress and battery pump
    Sheets and a warm blanket
    Essentials bag (hygeen stuff, anti-ass smell spray, deet, SPF)
    Collapsable cooler

    Other than that, a light packing of clothes and we are there!
  • January 13, 2010 5:39 AM PST
    Don't forget to pack a Glock in Smith .40 and an NRA 50-state guide to gun laws. (Defense guns are legal in National Parks.)
  • January 13, 2010 5:52 AM PST
    One more thing to consider if you are going to be remote for a while like at the Redwood Run.  This is power for your elecronics.  Phone, camera, MP3 player and other things.  All of my stuff except phone use AA batteries so I bought an adapter to plug into my Battery Tender (bike battery charger plug) that has a cigarette adapter on the end of it.  With this I can plug in my car phone charger plus I carry a small AA charger to keep my camera and MP3 working.  Can't miss any pictures at some of these rallies you know!