October 10, 2012 8:14 AM PDT
play every situation as I see it, road conditions, traffic, pillion, group riding....after 30 yrs on a bike ya kinda read it as ya see it and know your own and the bike's limitations, I have been know to wind it on to 130-140 just for the hell of it, but I know when to pull back...I've also cruised a coastal or mountain road at 20-30 just to take in the view. If I need to get some place in a real hurry, then its not the kind of place I want to be, so I don't go there (family excluded) speeding and hurrying are two different beasts, you speed=you concentrate on the moment....you hurry=you concentrate on the end point, that's dangerous ! When group riding I follow the Capt', if someone is acting the tool, then I just stop and have a smoke and meet them later, if I splash the bike it will be my fault, nobody else.