Home Defense

    • 1780 posts
    January 3, 2010 11:51 PM PST
    I was shot in the hand in South East Asia back in 1970......by a hooker as I was trying to escape her digs with my watch back. That hurt, but knives scare me more so than guns. Not sure why.

    Droped the damn watch in the escape

    Night Dragon
    • 1509 posts
    January 4, 2010 12:50 AM PST
    I have done some research on this subject. First of all know your rights and know your restrictions. If the asshole who breaks in turns to run like the coward that he really is DONOT shoot them in the back, you will be charged. Sorry just the fact (ACLU AMERICAN COMMUNIST LAWERS UNITED). You must anounce that you have a weapon and intend to use it, nothing does this better than the unmistakeable sound of chambering a round into a 12 ga pump shotgun. Also keep into mind several over looked sittuations; large cal. weapons produce large flashes of fire causeing temporary light blindness, not good if you miss with the first one. High powered rounds may travel through the asshole, and or walls, windows and so on. can you live with shooting the next door neighbors kid while the child is assleep!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have 12ga loaded with 00 buck magnum loads. nothing says good by like 16 .32 cal. ronnd balls cutting the asshole (sorry misunderstood victom of society), in half and leaveing only one story to be told is vital.
    • 1780 posts
    January 4, 2010 1:29 AM PST
    That's why I carry fragmentation rounds in my 44 mag.

  • January 4, 2010 4:57 AM PST
    shedsruty59 wrote...
    I have done some research on this subject. First of all know your rights and know your restrictions. If the asshole who breaks in turns to run like the coward that he really is DONOT shoot them in the back, you will be charged. Sorry just the fact (ACLU AMERICAN COMMUNIST LAWERS UNITED). 

    That's why you shoot them in the back of the leg first.  Then when they go down to a knee and turn to face you put two in the chest and one in the head. 
  • g
    January 4, 2010 5:11 AM PST
  • January 4, 2010 5:22 AM PST
    I have a M1911A1 45. made by Remington Rand, and a 40 Cal Glock and a 357 Glock, both 15 round mags. oh.... and three dogs. That should get the job done......
    • 1040 posts
    January 4, 2010 7:31 AM PST
    As some of you know I had my house broke into about 3 1/2 weeks ago while I had taken the boys to Martial Arts class. Stole my computer, cell phone, gold jewelry, and my ****** brass knucks. I don't own a weapon but have many years ago when I carried conceled but one day just sold the weapon and let the conceled permit expire cause I had kids around and always was concerned from a safety point of view. Now, after this break in my grandson's Martial Arts instructor who is an LEO (Head of Detectives) here where I live has inspired me to buy a handgun and get another permit. I have taken his advice and very shortly am buying a Glock 23 .40 cal to carry in case I come home again one day and catch the SOB in my house so I can ensure when he leaves it will be with assistance from the EMT's.
  • January 4, 2010 7:40 AM PST
    I have my American Express that i never leave home without ( Ruger P89, 9mm), a 12 ga Double with OO buckshot at my bedside, my Honey has her Thunder 380 at her bedside, which by the way she id very deadly with
    • 1780 posts
    January 6, 2010 1:17 AM PST
    This is my back up help......Don't mess with the cat's !!!!!
    Night Dragon
  • January 7, 2010 12:12 AM PST
    Those are sweet grips on that piece, what kind are they?
  • g
    January 7, 2010 12:24 AM PST
    ive got my mom ...
    • 601 posts
    January 7, 2010 12:27 AM PST
    As Dyna said we are not allowed have firearms in Ireland, comes from the fact that anytime we did in the past as a people we used them...revolutions and civil wars and the assasination of political leaders and thats just in the last hundred years, i'd say G from Scotland is probably in the same boat as us. However i do have a wife who can kill at ten paces with one lash of her tongue, and her glare when angry is scarey and on top of this i have my hurley.........which in the hands of a Corkman can do serious damage. Like Dyna i wish we could have firearms, but not in the current economic climate...there are a lot of our politicians could do with being kneecapped in the back of the head.
  • g
    January 7, 2010 12:42 AM PST
    lol,aye ur spot on rory ,dont think us scot's or irish could be trusted with guns ,their wid be no english left ,lol
    • 1509 posts
    January 7, 2010 1:07 AM PST
    JULY 4, 2008
    Joe Horn of Pasadena, Texas, age 62, is known as grandfather to most the neighborhood kids and the neighborhood protector and helper to most of the residents.

    November 14, 2007 Mid-Afternoon - Joe witnessed 2 men break into his neighbors house. Joe armed himself with a 12 Gauge Shotgun and called 911. More than 5 minutes later while still on the phone to 911 Joe used his shotgun to defend himself and his neighborhood.

    On June 30th a Texas Grand Jury after reviewing all the evidence decided no charges were to be file against Joe for the deaths of the 2 burglars.

    Joe Horns 911 call as released by Fox News in Houston and posted on You Tube.
    Channel 11 News Houston breaks story that the Burglars in the Joe Horn case were illegal immigrants and felons
    CBS New Coverage of the Joe Horn Story in November of 2007
    Neighbors and Supporters of Joe Horn run off the Black Panthers when the try and make Joe out a racist
    Texas Grand Jury clears Joe Horn - No crime was committed June 30, 2008
    Houston Chronicle Exclusive Interview with Joe Horn July 1, 2008

    I for one am sick to death of people who want to say oh the poor criminal everytime one of them gets caught and in some cases like this one suffer even greater consequences. If you are so misguided as to think you can break in and desecrate the sanctity of a persons home, destroy their sense of safety, steal and damage thier personal possesions and the most you can ever expect is a slap on the wrist and a month in jail then take a lesson from the two dummy's in this story.

    If you’re Black, White, Hispanic or purple with pink spots and you live in the United States you know crime is out of control. We think about it all the time now days often without even realizing it. Fear of the acts of criminals controls us. If your thinking it doesn't control you then ask yourself this. When's the last time you left home to go to work or the store without locking the door? When's the last time you parked the car and left the keys in the ignition. When's the last time you went to bed and left the door unlocked on purpose. You wouldn't do any of those things that would be stupid right? WRONG, none of us should have to live in fear that we will be killed or raped or robbed or our houses burglarized or cars stolen etc. etc. etc. In this case the fact is 2 people chose to commit a crime. They broke in to a house armed with a crow bar, luckily, no one was home, they damaged, destroyed and stole property from the house and Joe Horn was there to stop them. Because Joe was there no one else will suffer coming home to a house burglarized by those particular criminals. Because Joe was there no one else will fear that those two criminals will enter their home and potentially harm them. If you choose to make a living out of stealing, robbing and drugs then I hope you too have a Joe Horn waiting in your future. It's not about race, if you listened to the 911call and read the articles above and thats what you got out of it then please go get some mental help because you need it. It's about right and wrong. It's about being secure in your own home. It's about being able to send your kids to the school bus or the grocery store and not worrying if they will make it home without falling prey to some thug.

    Here in Wyandotte County Kansas in 18 Years I and my family have been the victim of over a half dozen car thefts and more than a half dozen burglaries my total out of pocket costs for losses, damages and security upgrades totals more than twenty five thousand dollars and thats a very modest estimate. By the way Insurance costs aren't included in that figure. The police recovered the stolen the cars in most cases beyond repair. Nothing else was ever recovered. There were no charges because no one was ever caught. There were no trials, no criminals brought to justice, no closure and there is no way to restore the feeling of safety and security that once existed for any of us. After more than 12 seperate incidents at two seperate houses in that 18 year period we dont even bother calling the police any more. My wife and I each keep a gun next to the bed. I check the doors to the house atleast twice each night and check the driveway to make sure the cars are still there atleast every two or three hours. We don't keep money in the house and we keep things like camcorders and digital cameras locked in safes that are bolted to the floor when we are not using them. I even considered at one point after we were burglarized building an entertainment center out of steel plate and welding it closed to make it difficult to remove the tv and stereo equipment. I wish we had a Joe Horn in every house across this great country maybe then we could all sleep a little easier and worry a little less. --- Ted Burris

  • January 7, 2010 2:10 AM PST
    I have a Smith & Wesson 44 mag., a Smith & Wesson 9mm (12 shot clips), a .357 Smith & Wesson, 30-30 Winchester w/ red dot scope, 30-06 w/ 3x9 variable scope, 12 ga. Mossberg shotgun, 12 ga. Remington 870 shotgun w/ 8 round capacity, and a AR-15 w/30 clips & Laser sights. I am a retired LEO and did not post any pictures of my weapons, if you wish to see them you are welcome to stop by. If you are not welcome and I'm at home you will see them. Unfortunately, there are not enough cops to fight the crime anymore and with the ecomony the way it is things will probably only get worse. Y'all be aware of your surroundings an Stay Safe.
    • 1780 posts
    January 7, 2010 3:06 AM PST
    PBurg ........the bad guy's creed .....Never break into a cop's or ex-cop's house!!!

  • January 7, 2010 3:35 AM PST

    Amen to that Dragon, had a guy force his way into the mobile home I was living in at the time, next to a VFW Hall. My wife an I were watching TV an he backed out stuttering & stammering with his eyes as big as the bore on my 44. Seems his girl had left with some dude in the trailer park and he thought my place was it. He wasted no time in leavin', an after the wife calmed down we got a chuckle out of it.
    • 5 posts
    April 8, 2011 3:17 AM PDT

  • April 8, 2011 5:41 AM PDT
    No No No....do NOT want to tick her off Skullman!!!!
    • 9 posts
    April 8, 2011 5:52 AM PDT
    A nickle plated .357 Ruger. A .45 Dessert Eagle. A .380 Smith&Wesson, and A Mossberg .500. A Rottweiler, a German Shepard-Pit Bull mix, and for good measure, a really mean, sharp clawed attack cat. 'Nuff said???
    Ride Free
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    April 8, 2011 6:40 AM PDT
    Had some Preacher business in a bad neighborhood a few years back.
    • 1 posts
    April 8, 2011 8:11 AM PDT
    Sure you weren't just hoping to get a part in the next Godfather movie...
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    April 8, 2011 8:24 AM PDT
    My family did come from Italy in the early 1900's.

    But no I was presiding over a wedding ceremony.
    • 1780 posts
    April 18, 2011 7:03 AM PDT
    What are you holding there Rev...SKS?.....whatever it is looks like you have a 30 roung mag in it.
  • April 18, 2011 7:27 AM PDT
    You know I've been long winded on here on more than one occaision and this topic will get me going faster than anything, as my blog postings will attest.

    I'll keep it short. If you or someone you love gets killed for a lack of shooting back, it's nobody's fault but yours........