Helmuts PLEASE!!

  • May 15, 2012 3:00 AM PDT
    ok, I may be opening a can of worms here, but I feel it is important to say this,  May is Motorcycle Safety Month Right???  Soooo....  Do you practice good riding safety all the time???   How about your helmut????  Do you wear it?? or is it decoration on the back of the bike "INCASE" you have to wear it??   I know many of you like having the choice to wear it or not, and I totally understand the relaxing feeling one gets when the wind is blowing through the hair giving you the look of a realtive of Einstine.    BUT>>>>>>   it is not called "Brain Bucket " for no reason.    I also am aware of the controversy of whether it can safe a life or actually end a life >>>  Same as seat belts!!!   Did you know Brain damage is irreversible???  I have seen the effects of brain damage >>> it turned a 40- year old man into the life of an infant or small child,  although he physically he looks ok,  his mind is like that of a child.    He had to learn to read, write, talk, walk, and function all over again.   it is very sad watching him.  

    Since I have been on here the past two years, I have recieved lots of support and encouragement in my riding.  Everyone says to ride safe and rubber side down,  Which I am very thankful for.   So I am taking this time to return the care and concern  back to all you as well.  Please be safe and ride safe, PLEASE CONSIDER WEARING YOUR HELMUTS AS WELL!!   I would like to KEEP you as friends here>> to hear your stories and share in your experiences.   Enjoy your day,  and live to ride!!! 
    Your friend,
    Biker Sue
    • 467 posts
    May 15, 2012 3:09 AM PDT
    And I might add that helmets have a time limit to them. They should be replaced every 5-7 years at minimum and after significant incidents. Dropping them, banging them and collisions shorten their lifespans and they should be replaced sooner. No point in wearing it if it is little better than the candy coating on and M&M.
    • 3006 posts
    May 15, 2012 3:24 AM PDT
    Thanks BikerSue

    I agree with your post,we really need to make an effort to have people realize wearing a helmut is not stupid or silly looking.Back before it became mandatory I never wore one until an incident that nearly took me out while riding made me realize the importance of wearing one,especially on the freeways. back then I wouldnt wear them around town & often found myself on the freeway w/out one till one day a hubcap nearly decapitated me,realized I may not look too cool w/out a helmut,yet I would look even less kool w/out my head on my shoulders LOL
    • 7 posts
    May 15, 2012 4:01 AM PDT
    While I have no problem with your admonition. Thanks for your concern. I deeply resent the lack of choice here in CA. A situation that seems to be inexorably worsening. After all "... there ain't no end to doin' good".

    "..the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over the individual, against their will, is to prevent them from doing harm to others." -- John Stuart Mill
  • May 15, 2012 4:22 AM PDT
    cnciaco wrote...
    And I might add that helmets have a time limit to them. They should be replaced every 5-7 years at minimum and after significant incidents. Dropping them, banging them and collisions shorten their lifespans and they should be replaced sooner. No point in wearing it if it is little better than the candy coating on and M&M.

    Thanks, and my son proved that when his 49 cc Scooter had a run - in with railroad tracks,  although he was not going faster than 35 -40 mph,  he hit his head slightly , and cracking / buckling his half helmut!  Glad he had one on!  needless to say we got him a new one!
  • May 15, 2012 4:26 AM PDT
    hey burple, you can always have yours painted really cool! LOl I have seen some really cool airbrushing done! Glad you still have your head too!!! Thanks for sharing.
    • 395 posts
    May 15, 2012 4:41 AM PDT
    helmets save lives....i know of 2 people personally that would be dead after a wreck if not for the helmet...and 3 people who are no longer with us...because they didn't believe in it...if you don't think helmets are important...two words.....Gary Busey...if you don't do it for yourself...think of those you will leave behind.......
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    May 15, 2012 7:30 AM PDT
    It is all about choice. I won't get into a debate of pros-&-cons of helmets. You can respectfully ask me to wear one (and you have) but IT IS MY CHOICE.
    There are worse things than dieing. IE brain alive and body bed ridden and fed by tubes.
  • May 15, 2012 8:06 AM PDT
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    It is all about choice. I won't get into a debate of pros-&-cons of helmets. You can respectfully ask me to wear one (and you have) but IT IS MY CHOICE.
    There are worse things than dieing. IE brain alive and body bed ridden and fed by tubes.

    Amen Rex.
  • May 15, 2012 9:38 AM PDT
    Sence you asked nicely. I wont brake out the long list of lies its taken to get us where we are today in the helmet game.
    Yes. May is motorcycle safety month! So instead of worrying about some hunk of plastic covering your head. Do this instead. Walk thur your ride! Check out every nut and bolt on your ride. lube up cables check out the lights and make sure the bikes in top notch shape. YOUR STEAD WILL SAVE YOU AS MUCH AS ANY HELMET EVER WILL.
    Also clean your leathers. Dead is dead but road rash is a real bitch. so make sure your gear is in good shape.
    Last check out you. If your squinting or you feel a bit off. See your Doctor as much as I hate the LID. I hate to see you die becuse you couldnt see the car ahead. Take care of your self. your gear, and your ride. I think that covers the things you can control. If you really want to feel like youve done your part. Get a copy of I saw you. But you didnt see me. A BIKERS tail. put every where you can post it. From your local BBS To your job board at work. Or somthing as little as Look twice Save a Bikers Life!!!!!
    Dont mean to come of as Bitchy But you opened the can! I am the worm that crawled out!!!!!
  • May 15, 2012 10:16 AM PDT



  • May 15, 2012 10:18 AM PDT
    Helmets can save lives but I've also seen a man die because the helmet strap slit his throat. Just sayin when it's your time, it's your time.
  • May 15, 2012 11:04 AM PDT
    I agree with all comments here. Survived one wreck, with the helmet, and saw where I hit the ground. Glad I had it on. I will continue to wear one, especially on the highways when my speed is faster. I do it for my daughter. I feel being a single parent, it is my responsibility to protect myself as best I can, for her.
  • May 15, 2012 11:50 AM PDT
    I just cant help myself. call it some kind of terets  I must add the usal stuff.
    • 130 posts
    May 15, 2012 1:07 PM PDT
    I choose to wear a helmet because I think it's a good idea, and because I like it better than going bare headed or wearing a hat or bandanna. I like the effect it has on 75 mph beetles compared to that of my forehead, too.
    • 1161 posts
    May 15, 2012 3:05 PM PDT
    I choose to use mine in a state that dose require me to use one. But I use one even in Florida that dose not require me to use one. But I also agree with the right for those that ride deside to use one or not! I don't understand why is it that some that use helmets (and some suit behind a desk) think it should be for every one to choose even if they don't want to use it.  And I agree helmet or not when your time is up it is up.
    • 9 posts
    May 15, 2012 3:32 PM PDT
    I've had to wear 'em, and I've had the freedom not to. I've had wrecks. I scrambled my noggin' and I'm blessed to be alive. I've had brain surgery for an aneurysm. But, and this is MHO, I personally don't feel the need to wear one...and here's why. During a bike week, 21 years ago, as I was slowing for a light, the two guys ahead of me, gunned it and tried to beat the light. And guess what? They didn't make it. What I saw, I will never forget. What I heard, I HAVE to put out of my mind. Let me put it to you the only way I know how, without gettin' to graphic.
    The one guy's helmet, was caught on the undercarriage, I really don't think I need to say anymore. And I'm inclined to agree with Rob, on this subject. When your time's up, it's up. Period.

    Ride Free
  • May 15, 2012 4:09 PM PDT
    I respect a person's choice not to wear a helmet. I wear a full face (it does let air flow through when you open the vents) and it goes beyond DOT certification, mine is SNELL approved (will withstand a lot more impact without injuring your face or brain). It's my choice to do so. I wear more safety stuff than most: Joe Rocket mesh jacket with pads, when traveling long distances and in heavy traffic I wear Joe Rocket jeans with Kevlar, mesh gloves to save the hands. OK, I used to wear Tshirts and shorts on a Kaw Z1R that was tricked. Now I'm 54 and to old to fall off...lol
  • May 15, 2012 6:16 PM PDT
    It's always a better deal to wear one, helps lessen complications and protects the noggin and also protects you from the elements including unwanted bugs and flying debris into your face, eyes and mouth. I can't imagine cruising at 90 mph or more on the interstate without one!!! Ride safely first everyone, then comes the fun.
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    May 15, 2012 7:13 PM PDT
  • May 15, 2012 7:22 PM PDT
    While I do believe its YOUR choice. CHOOSE WISELY!

    I'm totally ATGATT!! All The Gear All The Time. TY Sue for starting this thread.

    I am also happy to see lots of "WATCH FOR MOTORCYCLES" signs on the California hiways.

    I swear before anyone can get their drivers liscence they should have to go out on the roads as a highway worker & see just what the general public does. Gawd forbid the average joe gets on a bike! Most of the drivers have no business behind the wheel let alone on a bike.

    I'm not discouraging new riders, but it's a commitment to put yourself in harms way, so BE CAREFUL....heheh but have a ton of fun!!!!!
    • 79 posts
    May 15, 2012 7:39 PM PDT
    it's a matter of choice. i choose not to wear one. don't even own one for the street. but planning a trip this summer to n.c. to do the dragons tail so i think i will finally have to break down and buy one.north carolina and tenn both have helmet laws
  • May 16, 2012 12:59 AM PDT
    Yep I sure did open up a can of worms!!!! I repect everyones' choices and understand the feelings of being infringed up on from those who live in a mandated state. I started this little can for awareness purposes. I knew this would bring several different view points. I am not trying to start a brawl, or pit people aganist each other, or point fingers and such. But if my suggestion of wearing your helmut, has made you stop and think about it, or even made you think about why you do or you don't, even if just a little, then I feel like I have done my job. Whether you wear one or choose not to, that is your buisness. We all have our reasons, and stories. I won't hold it against you if you choose not too or if you disagree, I'm ok with that. I will however, look for you on the road, and whether you have one on or not, I will still wave a friendly wave when we pass. May everyone stay safe, ride safe, and watch out for each other. Have a great ride!!!!
  • May 16, 2012 1:46 AM PDT
    I would wear a helmet anyway, but I wish we had the choice.
    • 7 posts
    May 16, 2012 2:54 AM PDT
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    It is all about choice. I won't get into a debate of pros-&-cons of helmets. You can respectfully ask me to wear one (and you have) but IT IS MY CHOICE.
    There are worse things than dieing...

    Here here!!