The Devils Ride on Discovery real or fake ?

  • June 5, 2012 4:01 AM PDT
    Pat wrote...
    I'm with ya Lucky no diamond patch on the show. I'm sure if there was the real 1%ers would have same thing to say about it. I'm sticking with SOA better t v anyway

    Nope no diamond patch. They do have an upside down triangle patch though. I don't know if thats so it looks similar or what. As for the show............ its got to be staged. To much stupid shit. I can't help but watch and laugh though. Sooooooooooo stupid. I'll stick to SOA!

  • June 5, 2012 4:29 AM PDT
    The more I watch the funnier it gets,
    " Oh No Juice drank a six pack, Intervention time" lol

  • June 5, 2012 5:11 AM PDT
    is it customary for a club to admonish an x president, do they always ask them to totally walk away? or is the new president so weak at leadership he cant lead with the old president around? i know if i was in his shoes, i think id like having the old president to help mentor me , seem like he'd be an invaluable resource to me.
  • June 5, 2012 5:21 AM PDT
    i don't think its 100% real, i'm betting they had to get the local 1% club permission to even film in SD, i'm sure a lot is staged, but i like that "sandman", at first i thought he was just a loudmouth,but i realize he just speaks his mind, tells it like it is, stands for what he believes in.
    • 846 posts
    June 5, 2012 6:31 AM PDT
    This is like a remake of the Gang that Could shot straight. You pick who's is Don Knots.
  • June 6, 2012 6:29 AM PDT
    Fake. Generally 1% and video cameras do not go together.
    • 1855 posts
    June 6, 2012 7:33 AM PDT
    I don't recall any promos that indicated the club was 1%; not all piece patch clubs are 1%'ers. But anyway, this show is geared towards john q public and though far from being a real representation of mc's, it doesn't do a helluva lot for the image.

    • 2 posts
    June 6, 2012 10:21 AM PDT
    Lets see Weak pres, VP lacks experience to be nicely worded and all members just seem to cry all the time. If this the real life of this club, then the show should be pulled. If its all scripted, writers need to be fired.
  • June 7, 2012 3:20 AM PDT
    ok, maybe its just being from the deep south where we have plenty of back roads, but when i'm thinking i need a ride, i don't picture running around on city streets or even on the that really what passes as a "ride" to city folk? id think even city folks would want to get out and hit some country roads. don't get me wrong i'm not downing anyone, i'm just asking, so don't blast me.
  • June 8, 2012 3:56 PM PDT
    The Devil's ride is FAKE as is everything on TV even cops (They do rehears on cops)

    I live here in SoCal and have watched Devils ride. I seen on Devil's Ride where they stopped and talked to some guy at Texas Lil's, I know that place. I seen Laffing Devils two time in person a few month before the show came out and that was at the Hideout just outside of Julian and I couldn't stop wondering who these guys were........ Later that Day  or maybe the following weekend I seen them in Old Town Temecula and same thing (who are these guys) next thing you know theyre on TV. Yes they are actors and I doubt they are outlaw bikers. But, whatever. Bikers need jobs even if it is acting.... If you ever tried to film a skit you realize very quick that only actors are on TV...

    I like SOA the producers of that show don't insult my intelligence and try to get me to thiink they are real. 

    with myself 100% of the time !!!

  • June 8, 2012 4:13 PM PDT

    I like SOA the producers of that show don't insult my intelligence and try to get me to thiink they are real. 

    with myself 100% of the time !!!
    I agree with you too.
    • 3006 posts
    June 10, 2012 5:47 PM PDT
    Finally caught a couple of episodes this weekend,n have to agree with others here,its seems pretty staged.
    Hollywood has been making money off the bad boy biker image for how long now??
    Easyrider, the movie grossed incredible amounts of money,it was in the top ten for years!!
    With SOA's popularity,expect more "reality biker TV/cable" cheese !
    • 5420 posts
    July 5, 2012 5:14 AM PDT
    Well it's official... they have renewed The Devils Ride for a second season.

    I'm not sure why, buty someone must be watching the show

    The Laffing Devils "M/C" (and I use "M/C" very loosely here) has there own website (  First thing I noticed was on the home page it has a contact link for Investors and Advertisers - WTF - How many M/C's are looking for investrors and advertisers???
  • July 5, 2012 6:18 AM PDT
    Lucky wrote...
    Well it's official... they have renewed The Devils Ride for a second season.

    I'm not sure why, buty someone must be watching the show

    The Laffing Devils "M/C" (and I use "M/C" very loosely here) has there own website (  First thing I noticed was on the home page it has a contact link for Investors and Advertisers - WTF - How many M/C's are looking for investrors and advertisers???

    Well, they all seem to be looking for investors and advertisers. On all of the Big 4's web sites, there are links to buy support gear. Killing two birds with one stone...
  • July 5, 2012 7:19 AM PDT
    You know there not real bikers because none of them are wearing Cyclefish patches on their vest. Just sayin lol
    • 611 posts
    July 12, 2012 3:34 PM PDT
    watched SOA a few times...
    watched "Devil's Ride"... 3 or 4 times...
    all I'm gonna say about this is... it ain't for me.
    no disrespect to the club or the members...
    Jonestown was right when he said "Generally 1% and video cameras do not go together."
    Edge "Can't Watch" Walker
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    July 15, 2012 11:47 PM PDT
    Reading all of these posts has reminded me of why I no longer watch broadcast or cable TV!. PERIOD! The networks (major and minor) feed you crap and the general populace asks for more. Do yourself a favor, Disconnect the box, and read a book.

    And just think of what you can do with that money you send to the cable company every month.
    • 5420 posts
    July 16, 2012 2:40 AM PDT
    And just think of what you could do with the time you don't spend in front of the TV!!!
  • July 17, 2012 3:03 AM PDT
    My kids say the same thing about me, AzRider. I am a funny guy. father of 9+ give or take. A few times a year I get in one of those funkie moods and start bitching about everything. From kids wearing pants down to ther knees. To 1/2 ers. To the US Goverment. I cover it all
    The problem is I sound like Archie Bunker. My kids laghf so much I even stop. Thay promise to recorde it the next time.
  • July 17, 2012 3:42 AM PDT
    Hey guys, let’s get real about this show. Even the name tells you it’s a comedy show.
    If you are not watching and laughing your head off you need to get real and get out more.
    Enough said. Tracker
    • 834 posts
    December 13, 2012 10:36 PM PST
    So I haven't heard a thing about this show or the Laughing Devils in a while. Is this show coming back? Are the "Laughing Devils" still around? Or do they hang up their colors when the show's not on
    • 844 posts
    December 18, 2012 7:51 AM PST
    I think it is coming back. Guess someone must be watching it, but I don't know why?
    • 5420 posts
    February 11, 2013 8:57 AM PST
    Yeah, it's coming back. I was just browsing through channels and came across it. Guess they're running the old shows back to back so we can get caught up before the new shows start next week. You wouldn't want to fall behind in this exciting story!
  • February 11, 2013 2:19 PM PST
    I'm guessing this is a lot like Duck Dynasty, and other reality shows, in that they stage a lot of the scenes to enhance viewer interest. Just my opinion!
    • 314 posts
    February 12, 2013 12:48 AM PST
    I had to look it up to see what show it is. Music ended it for me