
  • March 5, 2012 12:34 AM PST
      just talking to someone, they told me wished me many laughs! well i said i was working on it! im here trying to get two fat cats in a carrier to take to the vets! have ya ever tryed getting 30 lbs of jello in a bowl with yer hands? omg! this is so funny!  bahahahaha i keep dropping them!!!!!!
    • 1855 posts
    March 5, 2012 12:47 AM PST
    I rescued a cat 10 years ago and he's been a veritable pain in the ass all this time. I can relate to the cat cage thing; especially when he spreads himself out, claws open, there's just no gettin' him in. His name is P.A. (pissant).
    Actually I'm not very fond of cats. I had a compassionate moment, took the little bast#$d in, and now I've been stuck with him. He's lucky my dog likes him but I'd get rid of him if I knew someone wanted him. Yep, even after all these years.

    • 1 posts
    March 5, 2012 1:20 AM PST
    • 9 posts
    March 5, 2012 2:07 AM PST
    Oh good Lord, Lou...I didn't at first get that the add was what you were sharing. Watchin' "Debbie" was pure torture.
    Ummm. Ummm, Ummm, OMGOSH Ummm. If she ever did find someone who could deal with her conversational
    inadequacies, God Bless her. Somethin' tells me, you'd have better luck with a cat...

    Ride Free
    • 3006 posts
    March 5, 2012 2:44 AM PST
    Here Kitty kitty
  • March 5, 2012 3:17 AM PST
    As a CVT, I"ve peeled them off the walls, cellings, done outfielder grabs in mid air, I think one of my favorites was, well any of you ever deal with a feral female cat after her kittens are old enough and gone? They are completely the crazy most physcos on the planet, well one was running around the isolantion room,, how did she get that way, well one of the techs went in to medicate her, I said before she when in becare she acts sweet but when the cage is fully open she comes at you full force claws and teeth, the tech said ok, she went into iso, heard mama cat purring and kneeding the blamket and thought oh she so sweet, I'm going to lovea a love on her she open the cage wide with no towel as she put face even with the cage the cat flung it self full claws and teeth growling and screaming like muder gee who'd thunk right? I went to look cause she want' back on the floor with in 20 minutes, so I look in the window and there's a swirl of fur circling the walls bouncing off the cages running across the counters, tecn now has towel in and and is tring to get kitty, everthime she throw the towel over kittly, there would be even louder screams and cat and human limbs flying everywhere. So that was not going to work. I went into iso and observed this cat going crazy said to tech yeah that's not working let's try with a carrier, as soon as she saw the carrier she went even crazier, bad idea., so I dumped the trash can and said look kitty, kitty its a nice thight hidey hole perfect for momy kittles, she scream and ran, as I watched her do a few laps, she had a pattern to her laps, as she jumped from the counter to the top of the cages, I caught her in the trash can, we put the towel over that and put her in the larger dog cage in the trash can put drape material in front of her so she had a dark quite spot like a den the poor thing. LOL! but it shocked me abit that I caught her in the trash can LOL! her name became candy, cause we couldn't caller trashy. have a great one! "T"
  • March 5, 2012 4:04 AM PST
    Hahaha omg! That's crazy! Tumbles! :-) blurple all I can say is meow :-) jimmy your just a plane mess! Well the one cat took off an hid! Mardi was totally pissed! He is sooo fat! Was like stuffing jello in a gage:-)
  • March 5, 2012 4:58 AM PST
    I Like Cats.....

    .....Just cant eat a whole one in one go is all.....hehehehehe.....
  • March 5, 2012 7:55 AM PST
    Lol lmao your a mess! :-)
  • March 5, 2012 12:07 PM PST
    Well got one cat in the carrier today! The other one took off an hid! But poor ol fat mardy couldn't run fast enough! Jumped in my arms an bout knocked me off my feet! Taught he was getting some love, then I guickly stuffed him in the carrier! Wasn't easy:-) 15 lbs of jello haahaa omg! And bout 20 scratchs later he saw the doctor:-) next pip goes wensday!!! Ahhhh a nightmare, he hates the doctor:-) next! :-)
  • March 5, 2012 1:00 PM PST
    well idame put the carrier with the door facing the celling and open the door, when you go to grab them you can A use a towel, or B grab both back feet with one hand like between the fingers, the door of the carrier is already open , hold both front feet with the other hand between your fingers, drop slide them in bottom first, they will slide down to the back of the carrier and naturally crunch down to spring up,, once arms are passed the door take first hand grab door let go of cat , and push door closed. that be the techs way of doing it hope it works for ya and makes sense. have a great one! "T"
  • March 5, 2012 1:44 PM PST
    I'm more of a dog person, who plays guitar and whistles tunes to a bird, and have never really been a cat person. However, my neighbor moved and left MayOtis with a neighbor. Well, MayOtis got deathly sick, and began staying at our place. The neighbor told me to care for the cat...GREAT...NOT...Anyway, I took care of an old and sick cat until the day he died. I didn't tell anybody, but I teared up and even loved that old cat. I buried MayOtis and have learned to love all animals. Yet I'm a deer hunter...for figure!
  • March 5, 2012 3:12 PM PST
    Tumbles! 15 lbs of jello! Lol i did that an we fell everywhere! Lol I'm normally a dog person! Worked with pits alot:-) I will try that with pip, he ain't big! Lol
  • March 5, 2012 3:14 PM PST
    Lol LCStrat that's sweet! I'm a dog an horse person, but like you, I love all animals!
  • March 5, 2012 4:23 PM PST
    Funny aint it? I do all manner of wild animal and bird rescures and give sanctuary to them that need it and yet, I hunt (only as a food source), I fish (only as a food source), and even hunted with dogs, and even the bird you see with me in the profile pic comes out and takes rabbits etc...She is big enough to take down a small deer (Muntjack), funny thing, I am after a rabbit or pheasant or duck or similar size and she takes off to go kill a have to tell her that I dont eat she catches anything she gets to feed up on it until she reaches the stuff I I swap it for bait food and take her home.....then I cook it and eat it, dont ya just love fresh meat? the fresher the better!!!
  • March 5, 2012 9:05 PM PST
    Oh yummmmm love squirl : /
    • 9 posts
    March 6, 2012 9:11 AM PST
    I just got done burying, the best friend I've had for the past year. My cat, Midnite. He was a feral cat that latched onto me, a little over year ago,
    right around the time, my ex and I started having BAD problems.  This cat seemed to know, that I needed a friend.  And he was there for me, day after day.  So, when I was almost homeless, I thought I'd have to leave him where we were, but I had promised him, I would try and take him with me.
    Suffice it to say, he came with me, and everything was fine until 3 weeks ago.  He got sick, and couldn't eat.  He lost a significant amount of weight. and started falling over.  He couldn't jump up onto anything without falling. 
    Well, I took him to the vet today, and the diagnosis was feline leukemia.  And unfortunately, my roommate has other cats, and it wouldn't be good
    for them to be around each other.  The vet said that Midnite wouldn't last much longer, so I made the decision to have him put down.
    This has been a tough year for me, and buddy is gone. 
    I thank God every day for the blessings that I have.  But I am going to miss, my good friend.  I LOVE YOU, MIDNITE!

    Ride Free
  • March 6, 2012 9:24 AM PST
    Sorry Tweek about midnight i will try and send you a pic of my rescue cat had her for 2 yrs now she lived in my barn so i brought her in the house. Her name Midnight
  • March 6, 2012 11:39 AM PST
    My daughter brought home a fluffy little kitten 8 years ago. She named her Lucy and all was well except for the kitten would not eat cat food of any kind, no matter what we did. We almost starved her for two weeks one time and still no eating catfood. When the kitten was about 4 months we took her to the vet to have her spayed, the vet tech laughed and said "hey didn't you check? this is a male cat" I said what! well who checks right. Well we have had LOU almost 9 years now and besides using my streetglide seat once for a cat stratcher he has been great. Oh btw he still only eats what ever were eating so we just make him a small plate every night.
  • March 6, 2012 1:32 PM PST
    Grrrrrr.. Cats Yummy...
  • March 6, 2012 11:17 PM PST
    Tweek wrote...
    I just got done burying, the best friend I've had for the past year. My cat, Midnite. He was a feral cat that latched onto me, a little over year ago,
    right around the time, my ex and I started having BAD problems.  This cat seemed to know, that I needed a friend.  And he was there for me, day after day.  So, when I was almost homeless, I thought I'd have to leave him where we were, but I had promised him, I would try and take him with me.
    Suffice it to say, he came with me, and everything was fine until 3 weeks ago.  He got sick, and couldn't eat.  He lost a significant amount of weight. and started falling over.  He couldn't jump up onto anything without falling. 
    Well, I took him to the vet today, and the diagnosis was feline leukemia.  And unfortunately, my roommate has other cats, and it wouldn't be good
    for them to be around each other.  The vet said that Midnite wouldn't last much longer, so I made the decision to have him put down.
    This has been a tough year for me, and buddy is gone. 
    I thank God every day for the blessings that I have.  But I am going to miss, my good friend.  I LOVE YOU, MIDNITE!

    Ride Free
    awww tweek im so sorry! your friend is in kitty heaven : (  thats so sad, its like losing a person. my heart goes out to you <3  * idamae *
  • March 6, 2012 11:20 PM PST
    Tweek wrote...
    I just got done burying, the best friend I've had for the past year. My cat, Midnite. He was a feral cat that latched onto me, a little over year ago,
    right around the time, my ex and I started having BAD problems.  This cat seemed to know, that I needed a friend.  And he was there for me, day after day.  So, when I was almost homeless, I thought I'd have to leave him where we were, but I had promised him, I would try and take him with me.
    Suffice it to say, he came with me, and everything was fine until 3 weeks ago.  He got sick, and couldn't eat.  He lost a significant amount of weight. and started falling over.  He couldn't jump up onto anything without falling. 
    Well, I took him to the vet today, and the diagnosis was feline leukemia.  And unfortunately, my roommate has other cats, and it wouldn't be good
    for them to be around each other.  The vet said that Midnite wouldn't last much longer, so I made the decision to have him put down.
    This has been a tough year for me, and buddy is gone. 
    I thank God every day for the blessings that I have.  But I am going to miss, my good friend.  I LOVE YOU, MIDNITE!

    Ride Free
    im sorry about yo midnite! hate losing a pet! my heart goes out to you  * idamae *
    • 1780 posts
    March 7, 2012 2:05 AM PST
    Was working an up-scale Apt. complex a couple of years ago, and around the outside was some deep water filed holes due to construction. I notice this little kitten at the edge of one of these holes, so I bolted over to rescue her from falling in, which she would have drown for sure, and as I grabbed her she had an out of body experience all over me. That little bitch bit and scratched me to the point I had to go for my First Aid Kit. It was like trying to get fly paper off my hands. Every foot and every claw was working over time! When I turned in my paperwork for that night it had blood all over it. So much for being a nice guy.
    • 1780 posts
    March 7, 2012 2:11 AM PST
    Two cats you don't want to mess with !!!!!!!!!
    I had these two girls for 15 years, when they passed last year.

  • March 7, 2012 4:10 AM PST
    Looks like those two ate at Macdonalds and Dunkin Donuts all their True American Cats eh?