I Had To Be In Hospital on 24th Feb 2012...*UPDATE* 27 April 201

  • February 24, 2012 1:00 PM PST
    Hey, went in Friday morning at 6.30am my time and had all my pre-op checks done and then I suggested to the surgeon that it would be good for me that while he was in there poking around if he were to free up some of the scar tissue on the tendons and to give the bone a stripdown on the parts that were limiting movement, he agreed that he would have a look and see what he could do with it all...Was taken down to theatre at 12 noon and was back waking up at 13.30 so just a short chop op...

    The Anaesthetist : I asked if he would when getting me knocked out that he would put just a tiny amount in to give me a few minutes of consciousness without any pain at all...he did...and the floaty experience was just as I remembered it, and of course, having had 24/7 of pain this last 11 years it was a fantastic treat to feel that again...lol...I was still having a really good in depth discussion with him so I could describe exactly what was happening in detail and how it felt etc so he could relay that to anyone else who wanted it...Pain free for even just the few minutes I had of it was wonderful...

    The Anaesthetic : The stuff they use really does agree with me, it works well and when I wake up I am able to sit up and start functioning inside of 5 minutes, this is a good thing...lol...First thing I then did was ask for a COFFEEEEE!!! and buckets of it...lol... "They" TOLD me it would make me sick...I TOLD them that as I have had many many procedures done in the past I know how quick I wake and become functional and they had to agree as I was sitting up talking sense...I was ready to get out of bed by the time they got me back to the ward from the recovery room...lol...They brought me in a nice hot sweet (instant-Yeuch!) coffee which went down without touching the sides, then I said that as I had missed lunchtime would it be possible for me to grab a sandwich from somewhere, asked what I wanted in it I said "Anything", lol, So I got my sandwich and suggested that a coffee and biscuits would be good to have with it...lol...Just as I was finishing that coffee the lady who brings the afternoon tea trolley came round...lol...asked her for 2 coffees, she obliged and so I had the equivalent of a decent size cuppa...WORKS FOR ME!!!

    The Surgeon : He did as I asked and trimmed back the scar tissue and trimmed off the dead bits of bone that have plagued me this last 8 years by moving about and hurting when I walk etc. and then he dropped the bombshell that he could not remove the metal as the tools he had to do the job were not good enough??? Could'nt undo the screws and take the metal out????? WTF????? So I have to get rebooked in to have it done all again FFS!!!!! SURELY they knew what was involved in removing this amount of metal and SURELY they know what tools they should need, apparently the drill was not powerful enough or something, and they could'nt get the screws to shift whatever they did, so even though he has debrided the interior I still have the ****** metal in !!!!! NOT IMPRESSED!!!!!

    The Great Escape : I had no intention of staying overnight, and as they dont do discharges over a weekend I decided to push the limits and start to get ready to give them their bed back with me out the door...lol...

    FIRST : The Venflon/tube in the arm...UNdo the clamp and fix to closed position, unscrew the pipe at the joint to venflon, hang it up and then take off surgical gown, then put t-shirt on, refix venflon back in position ensuring there is no air bubble in it by tapping the bubble back up to the drip chamber, sit and wait, nurse walks over and asks how I got the shirt on- comment "over my head?", she then checks the venflon and walks away confused...

    SECOND : Underpants go back on over the rubbish flimsy undies they make you wear, get denim jeans and leathers ready to go back on, make it seen, nurse asks if doctor has been to see me yet, say YES, even if he hasn't...lol...drip is in off position-disconnect and hang it up the way they do it so it looks like one of them has done it, sit looking innocent, then as doc comes to see you to see how you are tell him you feel fine (I was ready to go home, I felt fine), he agrees that you can go home, nurse goes to get discharge papers ready, nurse notices that in past I have taken off full leg casts at appropriate time, have taken out stitches at appropriate time, have taken out metal staples at appropriate time, they bring me a few changes of dressing that I can do myself, with all the sterikits and sealed pre-sterilised caliper forceps to remove staples...lol...(they are getting to know me...lol...they must have read my notes!), Then discharge papers signed they get me a choice of wheelchair or crutches, I stand up off the bed and walk to the door...Hahahahahahaha, You Should Have Seen Their Faces...and all I said was "Bikers Do Things Different" before bidding them farewell .....

    Final Outcomes : I am in huge amounts of pain and it feels just about the same level of pain as when I originally broke it back in 2003 to have the metal in... DOH!!! and of course all the trimming up he did in there will all scar up again and even possibly get worse as I wont be able to excercise it properly until the metal is out, and then when the job is eventually done properly I will have to get them to do all the debriding again!!! DOH!!!

    Update to follow when (eventually) they get the job done properly!!!

    • 9 posts
    February 24, 2012 2:24 PM PST
    Obviously, you have some medical training. A medic perhaps in the military? Or an EMT, or Paramedic? Most people don't know what "debrided" means, or could even spell anaesthesia. Even the spell check gets that wrong.
    So, I have a question? Where did you have this last procedure done? Them opening you up like that, and not having the "right tools" to remove the prosthetic, borders on malpractice. Is this guy board certified? I'm sittin' here shaking my head about this. You might want to think about retaining some legal representation. Someone who specializes in malpractice. Then find out what else this surgeon, didn't have the tools for. Although, you checking
    yourself out, leaves the door open for contributory negligence, you still have a case. Just sayin'....

    Ride Free
    • 113 posts
    February 24, 2012 2:57 PM PST
    Jetman, I believe your one tough cookie! who knows by the time you need to go in to get the "real work" done metal removed, you might wanna invest in your own staple gun so you can do the job right yourself the first time. Hope things go well for you. Thats one messed up xray. Good luck! If all else fails, soon as you can grip the handlebars, blow that pain away with the wind in your face.
  • February 24, 2012 3:00 PM PST

    Hiya Tweek, Well yeah, medical training...lol...

    I got as far as 3rd year with Veterinary practice in the field so to speak, and since then logic takes over and you still learn more along the way, from time to time, very rare nowadays, in fact, a good few years ago now, I go round and lend a hand at my local vets when staff shortage hits, I dont charge and neither does he when a small bird or animal I take in needs some fixing that I cant do myself (I run a wildlife sanctuary at home), I only take in injured or damaged small wildlife...no pet animals -unless its an emergency of some kind- but generally just stuff in need of a bit of TLC or fixing up and then I get them back out there, doing soft releases from my own backyard so they keep coming for food and I can keep an eye on them...
    Works For Me...and besides I like my times with the small birds and animals...I get a real kick out of seeing them COME BACK and looking good...(I worry when I have released them!!!)

    Over in USA it IS a very good stand toward malpractice...but over here in "Limeyville" when we sign a consent to surgery form we are literally excusing all manner of potential cock-ups that a surgeon may do...even stories of them cutting off the wrong darn leg!!!  and the person could do nothing about it.....THATS why they get you to sign our forms here, to exclude them from risk of prosecution...as I think I read it once over there, the forms you sign for consent are in the guise of a contract, the surgeon is contracted to perform surgery to an exacting standard and purpose...so in effect a malpractice law suit becomes also a breach of contract ...but not here in Limeyville, Limeyland, The only time a doctor here can be prosecuted is for Murder...

    And hey...lol...read again the manipulation of them into believing it was their idea to want the bed back...lol...I did everything the way "they would have done it" so it was their idea to allow me to go home...lol...dont you just love it when a plan comes together?  Lol...Oh sure, I AM in pain right about now and cant sleep, its now coming up to 5am and still no sleep, I got in bed around 8pm last night...lol...I felt very tired and sleepy, but as soon as you relax down thats when you notice the pain again...lol...Not sure about USA but all the mainly used pain control meds here are either barbiturate, Heroin or of Opiate origins, and as soon as I found out what they were years ago I refused them and prefer to use just simple low strength Paracetamol...probably equivalent to your Wally World Equate Acetaminophen low dose.....All Paracetamol does is reduces swelling, by doing that it reduces the pressure on the affected part, joint or area, and then that allows the brain to take over pain control.....I am a great believer in the power of the mind to actually take over pain control...it will kick in full time in a day or two, I am old enough and ugly enough to put up with it for that long...its just brand new heavy duty pain tonight is all.....good distractions these internet sites...lol...yup, it helps a bit...lol...

    Thanks for the intuitive response Honey...good to know ya.....Meet ya one day, you'll see...I get all over USA...some friends of mine there reckon I have seen more of USA in the 12 years of coming over there than they have in a full lifetime...lol...Heck, I even have friends in CT who believe that CT is the entire Universe!!!!!

  • February 24, 2012 3:18 PM PST
    Hiya Painter, Yeah well, I am actually working tomorrow on the jet trike...lol......

    I have to strip clean the jets fuel tanks tomorrow, should'nt be too long a job though, and i can do most of it sitting down...lol...

    And grip the bars? You are kidding me right?  I shall have to find a photo a friend took of me turning up at a meet the same day I got myself out of hospital right after they put a plaster cast on my leg...lol...

    In fact, it would be the incident where the metal was put in one day, then they 'tried' to keep me in bed for a day...lol...wheelchairs eh? total fun if you dont want to be in bed...lol...then on day 3 they decided to stick a full ankle to groin area plaster cast on to stop me from wrecking what they had done so far...

    It was then that I used my knowledge of "How Things Work In Hospitals" to get myself out that very day as it was a meet I didn't want to miss...lol...

    Oh sure, more fool and bravado than intelligence where this incident was concerned as it was as soon as I got home I got the Rat Trike out, stuck a couple of blankets on the gas tank, stuck a bed pillow on top of that and stuck my leg up through the headset gap between the bars and rode to the venue...hahahahahahaha,.....the time for me to go slow is never.....and always remember.....

    I am male-therefore- anything I do could be likened to either childlike or immature...but I always come back with....."Growing Older Is Not An Option.....But Growing Up Is!!!"

    I shall edit this message at some point and stick the picture up of when I arrived at the venue...lol...friend could not believe I turned up...lol...Oh and by the way.....it was at least a trike so balance was not affected...lol...
    • 113 posts
    February 24, 2012 3:23 PM PST
    Like I said, your one tough cookie! My helmets off to ya!
  • February 24, 2012 5:31 PM PST
    Better living thru modern medicine & at the appropriate times~ drugs.

    Heal up fast Bro.
  • February 24, 2012 6:18 PM PST
    Paracetamol works...lol...well...after a couple of days it does...

    I just dont hold with the way modern medicine can mess with your head and the fact that when they give you stuff like Morphine they dont tell you that it is actually the purest form of heroin you can get.....THATS the bit I strongly object to.....

    Not sure if any of you have felt the effects of that stuff (the pharmaceutical version), all it did to me was make me feel totally stupid, incoherent, aggressive to staff, and for me it DID NOT TAKE THE PAIN AWAY!!!   Any of you have this same effect from it?
  • February 24, 2012 6:30 PM PST
    La Maz (sp?) works for child birth not that I've had any kids but holistic medicine & other ways are for sure better. I was being a bit catty on my previous response,. Just hope ya get better & back on the road!!

    I hate taking pills etc & avoid them as much as I can

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    February 24, 2012 11:40 PM PST
    Certainly hoping this saga ends well and soon.
  • February 25, 2012 12:18 AM PST
    Ah Jet man after reading your responce I got it. HIAHA, We CVT 's do take better care of patients and clients for the most part. Dude have one of your Vet Friends dispense ya some Tramadol, It does work and its non adictive for the overnights. Its a synthetic so I don't think it shows up if your drug tested and within eight hours the effects are completely gone with out that "hang over" feeling. If you get it from Vet it will be 10x's less than human pharmacy as I'm pretty sure ya know already and its the same stuff, just adjust the mgs. I use it for the "osteoscarcoma" in me hip,and spine and it does give a great deal of relief during those really uncomfortable moments. have a great one.
  • February 25, 2012 12:24 AM PST
    I guess they forgot to recharge the Makitia and tried to use the Stanely on them screws? Really I hope you feel much better. have a great one! "T"
  • February 25, 2012 12:27 AM PST
    Jet my friend, be sure to tell them to leave your obviously HUGE set of balls intact! Wishing you a great recovery!
  • February 25, 2012 2:17 AM PST

    Hey Thanks everyone...lol...It dont take balls my friend...all it takes is a bit of logic really, and logic works for me every time...I have just started with the painies approx an hour ago...just Paracetamol...

    Hey "T",  Even though the Tramadol you have in USA may be of an artificial origin it is still based on Opiate or Heroin...It is more readily taken up by opioides in the body and reacts far more quickly - but to a lesser degree than heroin, but is still an addictive compound...and because of this quality I still wont use it...it was modified directly from opiates to replicate the effects of producing higher levels of Seratonin in your own system...this is just masking what is actually happening - much the same as Opiates and Heroin...so the positive effects are not enough to outweigh the negative effects....and so for that reason also I wont use it...Also...when over in USA I picked up the 4 versions of Ibuprofen, the 4 or so versions of Equate Acetaminophen including the PM version in all the various forms, I tried them as alternatives to the English stuff and from time to time it is beneficial, but I still think that this is a phsychological effect rather than an actual 'fix' from them...lol...I am guessing that when I change between the various compounds and variants of Acetaminophen is when I am feeling a bit low maybe or my resistance is shot down a bit.....but hey, if it works it works and I aint going to question the logic of the transitions between the variants...lol...that would be stupid.....

    The only single truly positive chemical enhancement comes from Paracetamol, in 99.9% of cases all it will actually do is redcuce swelling of  the affected area, it has to build to strength over a couple of days...and this means that prolonged use can cause irreparable damage to kidneys...I have never yet found any single compound, or indeed a combination of compounds that can do what Paracetamol can do, by reducing swelling it takes the pressure off the injury, this gives a percentage of relief in my case, I would not encourage anyone to try what I tried overnight as this is my own theories developed over this last 11 or so years... and I find that the power of my own mind can then take over and control (to a certain extent) the pain for a given period of time, I will use them for just 2 days at a time, then have 3 days off of them, then back on again for 2 days...and then finally I will take just 2 at night to help with sleep, I also use an Antihistamine called Chlorpheniramine Maleate for this same purpose, this is more generally found to be in products like Hayleave and other hayfever compounds...

    Hey Mr Black...lol...I like what you said but hey...after having pain in the affected limb for over 11 years now to a greater or lesser degree on a 24/7 basis and just simply putting up and shutting up, this really is no big deal.....

    Suppose you get a toothache, do you complain to anyone that will listen? Do you take something for it? Put up with and just shut up about it? Or do you get it fixed at the source?  This is how I see my choices with regard to my left leg and my left arm...hehehehehe, my closest family of Biker friends and Bro's know to just let me be if I am a bit quiet (I aint normally a quiet person), I am a Showman, and I do my shows if feeling pain or not...if you see some of my videos you will see that the left leg kicks outwards a bit when the knee is all swollen up, and I walk with a pronounced limp, when I have it fully under my control you will hardly notice a limp at all...That is usually the first day of an event I am walking fairly normally...lol...then by the third day...well, if you have seen the scooter burning video you will see that I am limping badly...lol...3 nights of sleeping in a tent does that to me nowadays...lol...nothing of course to do with all the walking I do during the day and all the loading of the fuel tanks etc, carrying generators and the spare batteries etc around...lol...

  • February 25, 2012 2:27 AM PST
    I kind of partially did the jet trike tanks today...lol...still got a lot to do though...

    I sat around as Bro's came and went and drank immense amounts of coffee while I should be working, there I am sitting smoking a fat cigar and drinkin coffee and y'know how it goes, we sit and talk BS and the work just didn't get done to a standard neccesary for the pre-season testing, so I will be out there again on Monday...

    Off to Ascot Racecourse tomorrow for a party and watch the horses doing what thoroughbreds do best...and hey, I dont gamble either...lol...boring eh? 

    Its rare nowadays I even have a beer...lol...I still have my cigars though-generally Cubans, but any cigar is acceptable as long as it smokes good...lol...and COFFEE!!! 

    "A Gallon A Day Keeps The Jetman Happy...lol..."  So I still have my vices...lol...
  • February 25, 2012 6:04 AM PST
    I just found a couple of pictures back when I was in hospital 8 years ago ...I made a load of jokes about the fact that my leg was all busted up...lol...this was just before they put the leg cast on to stop me overdoing 'stuff', even after putting the metal in...so I wound them up making them think I had lit up a cigar and was opening a beer before going down for a procedure,,,so funny seeing them all making comments and coming running...lol...good job it was a quiet ward and they wasn't busy at all...lol...

    They were all so very very happy when I was leaving, I have no idea why they were all cheering me and applauding though?

    There below is a pretty clear showing of the screws they put in...too long!!!
    ...THATS why I have had so much pain from them over all these years...lol...
    They was trying to break out through the surface of my skin right after the
    swelling went down, they have ripped the skin a couple of times over the
    years when I knocked my knee... should be a negligence lawsuit right there eh?

    and then when I was taking a flight a week or so later
    I decided to take the cast off, well, they dont let you
    go fly with a cast on...lol...I used a standard bench
    dremel with a router blade in...lol...split it in two from
    sides to front of knee and back to the top part so I
    could either slide my leg out or just pull it apart...
    it worked!!! 

    and then I took all the staples out myself too...
    so much easier than you would think...
    This lot of piccies was all about 8 years ago...lol...

  • February 25, 2012 10:40 AM PST
    I know what tramadol does and how it kind of works, and hell yea imflamation is half the battle and usually a great source of pain. Animals concentrate on surving more so then pain like us sissy humans.,Do any of the homopathic meds help? like Noni or Essac? I'm not sure what ya got in England but we have Standard Process Ligaplex II and then there is that snake venion that the holitics use, snake venium worked really well, no swollen finger after the feral female kitty I crazy mama,) latched on cause she didn't like the idea of being traped and sent for a ohv. I know your medications, mgs or formulations are different than ours, and y'all use things that we don't and we use stuff y'all don't use.
    Hell yeah them screws werent right! Did they plan to use out rigging, not sure what they call the metal bars outside of casts and such since we don't use them, and change their minds? was your joint smashed all up? cause if that an acl repair, it sucked big time.
  • February 25, 2012 10:42 AM PST
    I can see the plate but not the damage there in the exray. the bone is well healed at this point but then again I don't get paid the big bucks.
  • February 26, 2012 5:42 AM PST

    Yeah the bone has healed quite well, it has been 8 years with the metal in...but now its the metal that causes all the damage, as I am moving around its ripping into the muscle and tendons between the screws and that ripping is killing me...lol...more painful than the original break I reckon...

    I had a full hybrid fixator made of exterior scaffolding...I had 36 bolts screws and wires to fix the various parts of the Tibia and Fibula in place that were anchored with 3 separate bars across to line them all up to... and then the plate and screws for the Femur...

    In total I had over 50 breaks in Tibia, over 50 breaks in Fibula, and 3 breaks on lower side of the Tibial Plateau, 3 breaks on upper part of Tibial Plateau...3 breaks into the ankle itself.....The reason why I said over 50 breaks in each of the lower leg bones is that they stopped counting at 50...lol...If I can find a picture of lower leg x-rays and post it up you will definately go "OUCH" ...lol...I do every time I see it and I KNOW whats there already...lol...The trouble is ...My lower half of leg was rotated 7 times and mangled and thats why there was so many breaks in both bones.....

  • February 27, 2012 12:21 AM PST
    shivers at the discription, shoot in the animal world for the most we would have amputated, just be alot eaiser and well the tripods do so well, usually up walking the next day, and running with in a week. still shivers, I can see the screws tearing shit up in there, maybe the Ortho would like to feel a few screws.....................just a thought.
    • 395 posts
    February 27, 2012 12:25 AM PST
    ok...this whole conversation has made me feel very "blonde".....just wanted to say black9 was right...big brass ones......ouch...i hope you get it fixed soon brother...no one should have to live with that kind of pain...........
  • February 28, 2012 1:13 AM PST
    Hahahahahahaha @ T .....

    Yeah, I think it would be fair for a surgeon to know what sort of pain they can inflict by not doing things right...lol...I just stripped it down as I was walking on it the last couple of days and realised that I have ripped a few of the staples...ouch...So I just stretched it back and re-clipped the staples back in and now redressed the cut and staples and will probably stay in bed now for the rest of the day

    :(  ...lol...
  • February 28, 2012 1:18 AM PST
    Hey Lola, its just another day Hon...lol...

    If we want to count the scars then I have so many on all four limbs over a whole lifetimes of happenings...lol...mostly snake bites on arms, various big cat bites on arms and legs, scars left by a Caiman Croc on my face (tail end - not teeth end), and then the various scars from the 2 bike incidents I was the target in...lol...I guess probably a 1/4 the surface area of me is loaded with scars...lol...

    Just another day in the office...lol...
    • 395 posts
    February 28, 2012 1:24 AM PST
    hahaha..scars build character...and damn good drinking stories.......of which.....would kinda like to hear the croc one...should you happen to get into a mood to share......
  • February 28, 2012 1:41 AM PST
    heheh Jet, when they did a lumpectomy on me, the lump was in me butt cheek of all places, during recovery they tried to make me stand I was still gone somewhere over the rainbow ya know, I told them no I can't tell where my feet where. The nurses made me sit up and tried to force me to stand because I was not waking up nicely or taking my good old sweet time due to extra injectables during the procedure. Any way the two nurse one on each side have me sitting on the edge of the bed and they are saying 1,2,3, STAND, I hopped off the bed feel to my knees and the nurses said, "how does that feel?" I told them, "I feel like a f___ing monkey!" she said she couldn't put that in the chart, I told her to give me the chart and I'll write it in there. The Doc was there at the time and said nurse write it just like she said word for word its her responce. I have the copies of those charts and well Its in there..........what you want from me I'm a half ass now really? have a great one! P.S. that was only the begining them docs were good sports.