Here We Go Again....

  • February 9, 2012 3:02 PM PST
    I've read more then 5 or 6 times about...What is a biker...or what makes a biker...

    I agree with what most bikers say about this a biker being a caring, hard riding, loving family man/woman
    that works n pays taxes n all that fooking crap....

    HOWEVER...It's time RandyJoe...aka Ice Bear ... weighes in on this "What makes a Biker"

    A biker is all the stuff I mentioned above n a little more....A True Biker is as follows...

    One that rides year around regardless the fooking cold/rain/wind...The only thing
    that keeps a REAL biker down is SNOW/ICE on th roads..

    Ice Bear...
    • 658 posts
    February 9, 2012 4:08 PM PST
    AMEN Randy! Glad to see your still kickin. Hope all is good with ya!

    • 9 posts
    February 9, 2012 9:31 PM PST

    Well...OK!  The IceBear sayeth.  So let it be written.  Oh...wait...IT WAS!!!  LMAO!   Hey, I totally agree, there ARE 
    "real bikers", and there's the rest of us, eh?  I have LARGE KUDOS for anyone who will ride in any weather!  I'm just seriously, physically unable to do that anymore.  But, even when I was able-bodied, I just DIDN'T like ridin' in inclement weather.  Cause of my size, I get colder, faster 'en everybody else.  From head to toe.  And I don't like to subject my fellow rider's to all the whining that goes on, when my digits start to get blue...I mean dang, the whinin' about havin' to stop for gas sooner 'en everybody else, was bad enough.  Sheesh!  So, call me what you will ('specially since ATM, I don't even got a bike), but I'm still damn proud to call myself a biker....K? 

    If u got 2 wheels, and yer knees iz in da breeze
    If you wear a vest, with pins on yer chest 
    If you ride to live, and live to ride 
    And got good friends, by your side...
    Your a Biker    

    Ride Free  

    • 658 posts
    February 9, 2012 9:36 PM PST
    Love it girl!
  • February 10, 2012 1:33 AM PST
    RandyJoe wrote...
    I've read more then 5 or 6 times about...What is a biker...or what makes a biker...

    I agree with what most bikers say about this a biker being a caring, hard riding, loving family man/woman
    that works n pays taxes n all that fooking crap....

    HOWEVER...It's time RandyJoe...aka Ice Bear ... weighes in on this "What makes a Biker"

    A biker is all the stuff I mentioned above n a little more....A True Biker is as follows...

    One that rides year around regardless the fooking cold/rain/wind...The only thing
    that keeps a REAL biker down is SNOW/ICE on th roads..

    Ice Bear...

    And the only reason real bikers don't ride on those bad weather days, is even before the snow starts falling, they pre-treat the roads with a salty brine which leaves a residue on the underside of the bike, and that is a BITCH to clean off when it's 34° out! LOL

    Sure, you can say real bikers are too busy riding to clean their bike...but I am sure even the "real" ones don't want their investment rusting out from under them!

  • February 10, 2012 1:58 AM PST
    There seems to be a real identity crisis going on amongst this site.....

  • February 10, 2012 2:05 AM PST
    real bikers clean their bikes ? I cleaned sexy yellow ONCE , does that count
    • 7 posts
    February 10, 2012 3:08 AM PST
    I ain't no for real biker... but I am one heck'va stud ;-))

    ( extra credit if you can identify the movie quote I just butchered )
    • 3006 posts
    February 10, 2012 3:31 AM PST
    LOL @ scott

    Good post IceyBeer
    we have trampled this topic into a meaningless jumble of over active imaginations,fantasizing abt a chrome warrior(warriorette) who epitomizes the essence of a person who IMHO is any person from 6 to 92 who loves riding motorcycles,from the kid who rails down my street on his 3hp Bultaco or the guy on his shiny old shovelhead kept like a family jewel,they all qualify as bikers for me,its the love inside that makes all the ryders "BIKERS" nuff said
    stay safe n enjoy the ride all !!!
  • February 10, 2012 3:54 AM PST
    JOE No sir, I'm no cowboy really, but I'm a first class stud.
    Midnight cowboy
  • February 10, 2012 4:26 AM PST
    lmao... real bikers
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    February 10, 2012 4:57 AM PST
    I'm just a Preacher / Biker / Marine Vet.
    No "street cred" for me. :-)
  • February 10, 2012 5:06 AM PST
    Rev...I first heard the term "street cred" from a Biker / Marine vet.

    I always love the biker / REAL biker threads. They are always an endless source of entertainment and amusement.
  • Pat
    February 10, 2012 5:07 AM PST
    Amen Ice Bear I live in north west ILL. This year I road up to the first snow fall I use to ride even in the snow when I was younger but ...... Now that I'm disabled my body won't let me any more and to every one keep the rubber side down
    • 2 posts
    February 10, 2012 5:53 AM PST
     True freedom is not owning a battery tender 
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    February 10, 2012 2:33 PM PST
    Fefe wrote...
    Rev...I first heard the term "street cred" from a Biker / Marine vet.

    I always love the biker / REAL biker threads. They are always an endless source of entertainment and amusement.

    As a kid I didn't play well with others, so I got real good at entertaining myself.

  • February 11, 2012 12:21 AM PST
    RevBigJohn wrote...
    As a kid I didn't play well with others, so I got real good at entertaining myself.

    I commend you on stopping just short of TMI. LOL

    I am thinking bikerness needs to be graded like an Iowa Basic Skills test: you are in the 98 percentile for wrenching, but the 70 percentile for riding

    Until we have universally accepted standardized testing for official bikerdom status, there are plenty of fun online quizzes people can take to do a self evaluation. They are very helpful for the posers to find the areas in which they need to improve. includes such true/false questions as, "Confusing the terms "VIN" and "SSN", you try to write your bike off as a dependent on your taxes." is a good quiz if you can't figure out if you are the american made cruiser type or the rice burnin sportbike type of motorcycle enthusiast is a thoroughly researched compilation of all the mistakes posers make in their efforts to fit in amongst bikers and should be required reading (of what NOT to do) for anyone who's life ambition it is to be referred to as a biker. is probably the closest thing we currently have to standardized testing of how bikery someone has become since they first threw a leg over to rounds of rubber.

    Of course...there is always the old adage that if you CARE about whether or not someone considers you to be a REAL BIKER enough to do anything to influence what people think about you, then, you aren't one. Or to put simply, if you gotta ask, you ain't.

    But the quizzes are still good for a few LOLz.
  • February 11, 2012 12:30 AM PST
    Fefe wrote...

    Of course...there is always the old adage that if you CARE about whether or not someone considers you to be a REAL BIKER enough to do anything to influence what people think about you, then, you aren't one. Or to put simply, if you gotta ask, you ain't.

    Like Potter Stewart said about hard-core porn: it may be hard to define, but you know it when you see it.  Same thing about "real bikers", I figure.  Now, if somebody could just explain to me why we need to decide who the "real bikers" are in the first place...
  • February 11, 2012 12:39 AM PST
    wolfpack wrote...
    Fefe wrote...

    Of course...there is always the old adage that if you CARE about whether or not someone considers you to be a REAL BIKER enough to do anything to influence what people think about you, then, you aren't one. Or to put simply, if you gotta ask, you ain't.
    Like Potter Stewart said about hard-core porn: it may be hard to define, but you know it when you see it.  Same thing about "real bikers", I figure.  Now, if somebody could just explain to me why we need to decide who the "real bikers" are in the first place...

    So the posers will know whe they are trying to emulate.

  • February 11, 2012 1:18 AM PST didn't see me

    • 7 posts
    February 11, 2012 2:17 AM PST
    SomeOtherBear wrote...
    JOE No sir, I'm no cowboy really, but I'm a first class stud.
    Midnight cowboy

    Yep! I butchered it more than I recognized :-)

    • 844 posts
    February 11, 2012 2:27 AM PST
    Well I'd say if you are going to take a quiz online to determine if your a biker, don't bother - you ain't!

    Now someone run get me a dead horse so as I can beat it!
    • 395 posts
    February 11, 2012 2:29 AM PST
    honesty i don't care if any of you ever refer to me or think of me as a "real biker"...i know what is in my head and in my heart...i'm not here to impress any one, to be like anyone, act like any one or pretend to be some thing i'm not..i am me..took a long time to find out who me was...and decided i like me...hope you do too..if not, that's cool..not gonna break my heart..i love the road i love to feel the wind i love the freedom..and i get out in it as much as i's all about the ride...and being honest with yourself....i'll let the rest of you guys and girls figure out if you are a "real biker" or not...not my place to say......i don't fit people into neat little boxes....
    • 844 posts
    February 11, 2012 2:34 AM PST

  • February 11, 2012 2:37 AM PST
    labels smables....