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Toy Runs

  • T'is the Season to be Jolly, and nothing will make you more jolly then participating in a toy run on your motorcycle with hundreds of other generous bikers.  There are tens of thousands of kids out there who will not know the excitement of opening a new toy this Holiday Season without a little help from others. And who better to help than the motorcycle community, one of the most giving groups around. There are a variety of reasons why these children need our help; some come from poverty strickened families, some have no family at all, and others are spending their Holiday in the hospital, and for many of them it is one of many Holidays they will spend in the hospital. 

    Yes these are tough times for many of us, but it doesn't take much to bring a smile to the face of these kids.  Nothing beats the excitement on a child's face when hundreds of leather-clad bikers show up with hundreds of toys! I have participated in many Toy Runs, and the enjoyment never wears off.  Whether you have participated in a toy run before, or this is your first year, here are a couple of tips to help you out.

    Pick A Toy Run - Once you have picked a Toy Run to participate in, do a little research about who the toys will be for. Many times, runs will focus on a certain age group of children that are in need. Once you have identified the age range of the children, query whether this particular organization has any particular wants or needs requested. If not, go and have fun shopping! Keep in mind that stuffed animals are usually plentiful at these runs, think outside the box and find activity games, board games, action figures, video games, etc. Every year we do a couple runs to the local Children's Hospital. They actually request items that can be sanitized by wiping and stuffed animals are not the most desirable toy in that instance!

    Getting ready for the Toy Run - Of course, make sure your bike is in excellent mechanical condition. Make sure all your riding gear is ready as well. Next you need to figure out how and where to carry your toy. After a few toy runs you will see some very creative people out there! Toys can obviously always be put in saddle bags, however if they do not fit there or you do not have them, you have a unique problem. I have see many people bungee toys to a luggage rack, front of the bike or even in the passenger seat. Whatever you do, make sure wherever you mount the toy, that it is secure and safe for you to operate your bike.

    Remember why all the bikers are at that is for the kids! The kids truly love seeing all the bikes and the bikers. Being in the motorcycle community, I am proud to say I ride with some of the most kind and caring people in the world. Thank you bikers for all that you do...have a great time and ride safe!



    With all those tubes and monitors hooked up, how often do you think this little guy gets to smile like that?


    To find a Toy Run in your area, be sure to check our

    MotorcycleEvent Calendar.


    And if you are having a Toy Run, be sure to post it in our Calendar, or let us know about it, and we will post it for you!


  • CFtestUser Wow, just look at that little guy. We will definitely be attending as many Toy Runs and Benefits as we can this season. Hope all of the rest of you do the same!
  • PINKMEDICCHICK Toy Run today in sunny Oklahoma, did I mention it's 33 degrees with a south wind of 15 miles an hour! But it's so worth it. Hope we have a big turnout. Don't forget you can always donate even if you can't ride. Merry Christmas
  • AzRider I've got a Toy Run to do every weekend right up until Christmas!!! Looking forward to every one of them.
  • GoFur Did a Toy Run this weekend that ended at a Children's Hospital. There were lots of kids with smiles just like in the picture above, and lots of big rugged bikers with tears in their eyes.