Recent Entries


    HOUSE INTRODUCES MOTORCYCLE ADVISORY COUNCIL REAUTHORIZATION ACT   WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Congressmen Mike Gallagher (R-WI) along with Reps. Chris Pappas (D-NH), Harley Rouda (D-CA), and Troy B...
  • Senate Hearing - Highly Automated Vehicles

    Senate Hearing - Highly Automated Vehicles: Federal Perspectives on the Deployment of Safety Technology Today the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation held a hearing entitled Highly Automated V...
  • Veterans Day Discounts 2019
  • Celebration of Life - Jeffrey M. McCubbin

    Jeffrey M. McCubbin was born November 4, 1950, fourth child, to Max McCubbin and Muriel Burke McCubbin of Conrad, Iowa. He spent his formative years attending the Conrad schools where he was known to have driven his tractor to school. He worked the family farm with his brother Jay and his father unt...
  • MRF HOF Inductees Announcement

    The Motorcycle Riders Foundation announces the 2019 Freedom Fighter Hall of Fame Inductees. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is pleased to release the names of the 2019 class of Inductees to the Motorcycle Riders Foundation Freedom Fighter Hall of Fame (MRF HOF). These were presente...
  • Meeting of the Minds

    Meeting of the Minds Deadline is Approaching - Join Us in Minnesota Deadlines… We’ve all got them and when they’re missed, there’s usually hell to pay. To help you avoid having to pay hell, pay extra, or miss the deadline altogether, here are a couple of deadlines you n...

    Your Weekly Biker Bulletin from Inside the Beltway Your Motorcycle Riders Foundation team in Washington, D.C. is pleased to provide our members with the latest information and updates on issues that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. Count on y...
  • ABATE Of Wisconsin call to action

        Senators Feyen & Ringhand; Representatives Steineke & Doyle are circulating a bill draft for support that would allow gas station owners to havepumps with only one n...
  • Help Missouri reclaim some of their Freedom

    CALL TO ACTION   Please help Missouri reclaim some of our Freedom; we need help from people inside and outside of Missouri. Please ask Governor Parson to let this bill pass, either by signature or by pocket pass and not to Veto SB 1477, which would allow freedom of choice for the riders in Mi...
  • Definition of a motorcycle

    Thank you for taking the time to contact me about the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) definition of a motorcycle. I appreciate hearing from you about this issue.   In the 40 years since NHTSA updated the definition of a motorcycle, the landscape of our roads has cha...
  • Capitol Hill Update

    Paying Dividends After a week away from Washington, Congress returned to town this week, and the hard work of MRF members during Bikers Inside the Beltway is starting to pay off. In just the last two weeks, 17 Congressional offices have signed on as cosponsors to H. Res 255, the anti-motorcyclist ...
  • The Motorcycle Rights World Losses another Freedom Fighter

    It is with great sadness that the Motorcycle Riders Foundation has learned of the passing of John Pierce. John was a dedicated freedom fighter, a Marine, husband, family man, mentor, brother, pilot, biker, former MRF Board Member, and he served in many capacities at the SMRO level. With John’s...
  • Another Successful Bikers Inside the Beltway

    Bikers Take the HillThis week was the 11th Annual Michael “Boz” Kerr Bikers Inside the Beltway event in Washington D.C. Nearly 150 bikers from 28 states made the journey to Washington D.C., to advocate for issues of importance to the motorcycle community. With kickstands up at 6:45am, an...
  • Letter sent to NHTSA

    Letter sent to NHTSA Seeking Clarification on the Definition of a Motorcycle The Motorcycle Riders Foundation would like to thank Congressman Michael Burgess (TX) and Congressman Tim Walberg (MI) for a letter they sent this w...
  • Federal Definition of a Motorcycle

    CALL TO ACTIONAddress the Federal Definition of a Motorcycle with NHTSA Time if of the essence! We need to to take action by Thursday, April 12th to send a letter to your elected officials asking them to join their colleagues in both the House and Senate to sign a letter being sent to the Nationa...
  • Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame

    Vince Consiglio to join other Freedom Fighters in the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame The Motorcycle Riders Foundation would like to Congratulate Vince Consiglio of Michigan on his nomination and soon to be inducti...
  • H.Res. 255 Reply

    Thank you for contacting me regarding transportation issues. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue. As you may know, on March 26, 2019, Representative Tim Walberg (R-MI) introduced H.Res. 255.  This bill promotes increased public awareness in mot...
  • Resolution Addressing Motorcyclist Profiling

    House of Representatives Introduced a Resolution Addressing Motorcyclist Profiling Today champions of the motorcyclist community in the House of Representatives introduced a resolution addressing motorcyclist profiling. The...
  • "Is the Wolf at the Door"

    ABATE of PA This article was in--- In Between the Lines which is our state newsletter and if you didn't read this maybe you should have. It was written by Charles Umbenhauer, who is many of you should know our State Lobbyist. It was titled, "Is the Wolf at the Door" T...
  • Michael “Fiz” Przybylo of Michigan Passes Away

    The Motorcycle Riders Foundation was saddened to hear of the passing of Michael “Fiz” Przybylo.Fiz was a Vietnam Vet serving in the Army and a long-time motorcycle rights freedom fighter. He served on the A.B.A.T.E of Michigan Board of Directors for 30 plus years and he was a long time M...
  • Class of 2019 Motorcycle Riders Foundation Hall of Fame

    Nominees Wanted - Class of 2019 Motorcycle Riders Foundation Hall of Fame (MRFHOF)    In September of 2018, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation Hall of Fame (MRFHOF) was introduced at the Meeting of the Minds in Denve...
  • Slow Down to Get Around Law Now in Effect in PA.

    Slow Down to Get Around Law Now in Effect in PA. An expansion of the state law designed to protect roadside workers is now in effect in Pennsylvania. Act 83 of 2018 adds trash haulers to the list of vehicles, including stationary tow trucks, mail delivery vans and other vehicles involved in perfor...
  • Senate Profiling Resolution Passes Unanimously

    Senate Profiling Resolution Passes Unanimously    The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is proud to announce that the Motorcycle Profiling Resolution (S. Res. 154) passed the U.S. Senate with unanimous consent on Tuesday evening, December 11, 2018. Over the past few weeks, the MRF...
  • Motorcycle Riders Foundation News

    The Motorcycle Riders Foundation Contracts with Husch Blackwell Strategies   As the 115th Congress nears an end the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has contracted with Husch Blackwell Strategies (HBS) a Washington, D...

    As you know, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has been working hard to get support to advance our bipartisan and bicameral legislation to address motorcycle profiling. Earlier this year, we sent out a call to action asking you to take a few moments to answer the Motorcycle Profiling Project&rs...
  • Today

    Today was the funeral Mass for my sister Mary Kay.Seeing she never ventured away from Catholicism like I did it was the right thing to do.The Priest was good enough to let me say my piece during the Mass as well, for that I am grateful. In the event that negotiations between myself and my internet ...
  • 2018 Veteran's Day offers Part 2, Some repeats has compiled a list of free or reduced goods and services offered to servicemembers, veterans and their families by businesses and organizations in honor of Veterans Day. The list will continue to be updated as it gets closer to Nov. 11. The following discounts have been conf...
  • 2018 Veterans Day Restaurant Specials

    Keep in mind that most businesses require proof of military service. What identification do you need to prove that you're a veteran? Click here for a few common options. Not all franchise locations participate in their national chain's Veterans Day programs -- be sure conta...
  • Chuc Coulter Passes Away

    It is with great sadness that the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) acknowledges the passing of Chuc Coulter on October 22 at his home in Boise, Idaho. His loving wife Kim was at his side. Chuc was actively involved with motorcycle rights for over thirty-five years and was a true visionary and ...
  • Year-Round E-15 Gas Sales Responce

    Thank you for contacting me regarding renewable fuel standards. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.   On March 17, 2017, Representative Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) introduced H.R. 1315, the RFS Reform Act.  This bill would amend the Clean Air Act to eliminate cert...