Recent Entries

  • The MPP Survey Continues To Produce Valuable Data

    One of the tools the MRF used to get the Anti-Motorcyclist-Profiling Resolutions passed in Congress was the Profiling Survey at the Motorcycle Profiling Project (MPP). This quick and easy survey is renewed yearly with no personal information collected and only about four to f...
  • It's Late, But... Not Too Late To Register

    The “early bird” deadline has passed.  However, it’s not too late to register for Meeting of the Minds 2024. The MRF celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Meeting of the Minds and opens the book on motorcyclists’ rights activism for the next 40 years!  Sixteen inf...
  • Musical Chair (people)

     6-year term limit Republicans place on committee heads. Chairman Graves is considering seeking a waiver to remain the top Republican on the committee, but it is unclear if he will receive that extension. If he is unsuccessful, several other committee Republicans have announced their plans to j...
  • MRF Says Protect Right To Repair

    MRF Says Protect Right To Repair.'   Congress has been on vacation for seven (7) weeks, but the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) never takes a vacation; we will not stop fighting for the rights of bikers. This week, Kirk “Hardtail” Willard, President of the MRF, sent a let...
  • Contributions Of The MRF PAC

    With election season in full swing, it is a prime opportunity to talk a little about the Motorcycle Riders Foundation Political Action Committee (MRF PAC). The MRF PAC is an entity that raises money and then disburses those funds to candidates for federal office. The MRF PAC...
  • 40th Annual Meeting of the Minds September 26 - 29, 2024

    Registration DeadlineFast Approaching The September 4 deadline for Meeting of the Minds early registration, is fast approaching. If you have not registered, now is the time to do so. MRF and ABATE of Kansas member, Tammy Rails...
  • Dave Cazel 1947-2024

    The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) recently lost a great champion. Dave Cazel passed away on July 28, 2024. Dave was unassuming and did most of his work “behind the scenes." He was not particularly flamboyant or outspoken. That was evident by his self-introduction as simply, “Cazel."...
  • California Updates Of Interest

    In the last week, two legislative items from California caught our eye. Both issues could impact not only those who live, work or visit the Golden State, but could have lasting impacts across the nation. First, as the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) reported earlier this ...
  • Support The REPAIR Act!

    Renew Call To ActionH. R. 906(Update - Link Fixed) The REPAIR Act, H. R. 906 remains in the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. This 52 Representative committee has someone from most US States and they need to move this leg...
  • MRF Responds To NHTSA Survey

    Last week, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) submitted comments to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) on a proposed survey of biker’s thoughts on motorcycle avoidance technology. The MRF submitted comments highlighting two areas of a propose...
  • Sturgis Hall Of Fame Awards

    2024 Freedom Fighter AwardHonors Jiggs Cressy 2024 Law Tigers Hall Of Fame Hero AwardHonors Kirk "Hardtail" Willard & MRF This week the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame Inducted eight new members.  Included...
  • 40th Annual Meeting of the Minds Sept. 26 - 29, 2024

    All Roads Lead To Meeting Of The Minds Your attendance at the Meeting of the Minds is vital!Take action now to attend the 40th Annual Meeting of the Minds conference, September 26-29, rest easier - make your reservations now! ROOMS ARE LIMITED ...
  • Congress Races To The Exits

    Last week, in a surprise move, the House of Representatives canceled their last planned week of work in D.C. for the end of July.  Representatives returned home for the August break a week early. Their departure, followed by the Senate leaving this week, means lawmakers will spend more than 40 ...
  • Wall Street Journal Investigates Tesla Autopilot An investigative report by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) on Tesla crashes caught our eye this week. The report used crash data submitted by Tesla to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and cross-referenced it with state acci...
  • What To Do At Sturgis

    Thursday Aug 8th - 12p-3:30p Join your fellow motorcyclist's rights advocates for some social time! Compare notes, compare bikes or simply hang out and have a beverage. It's a short ride from Sturgis, but away from the heavy crowds. Hosted by ABATE of South Dakota, this is always a worthwhile stop....
  • 2022 Traffic Safety Facts for Motorcycles

    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released their 2022 Traffic Safety Facts for Motorcycles. The 15-page report details motorcycle safety data including geographic, demographic and other factors in crashes and fatalities involving bikers. As is often the case, how statistics...
  • The Silly Season

    The term “Silly Season” goes back to the 1800s and refers to a time when journalists faced a dilemma: Washington D.C. is on summer break, European governments are on vacation, but the space newspapers typically devote to politics must still be filled. So, stories about ...
  • 40th Annual Meeting of the Minds September 26 - 29, 2024

    "This Is America,We Won't Let Any Of That Happen Here..." ...and this is your wake-up call that it sure as hell could happen here. The following issues are at the top of the MRF’s 2024 legislative agenda. Just because th...
  • Save Our Shops!

    The independent and aftermarket motorcycling industry is endangered. Shops, builders, parts makers - every aspect of the industry is being threatened by regulatory lockdown. Dealers won't work on bikes over ten (10) years old, but manufacturers won't let anyone other than dealers work on the bikes.M...
  • 40th Annual Meeting of the Minds

    September 26 - 29, 2024 PRE-REGISTER NOW! Save Your Spot and Save Some Cash Your attendance at the Meeting of the Minds is vital!Take action now to attend the 40th Annual...
  • Unsafe At Any Speed

    This week, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced the rollout of a national campaign entitled “Speeding Catches Up with You.” In the coming weeks, advertisements on television, radio and digital platforms will draw attention to the consequences of speeding. ...
  • Less Money In More Money Out

    Late last month, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its projections on spending and revenue for government programs over the next decade. Included in the report was the financial outlook for the Highway Trust Fund. The Highway Trust Fund is the main source of money used to fund g...
  • Supreme Court Overturns 40-Year-Old Case

    Friday morning, the U.S. Supreme Court announced that by a 6-3 vote, it had overturned a 40-year-old legal precedent known as Chevron Deference. Chevron Deference compels federal courts to defer to a federal agency's interpretation of an ambiguous or unclear statute that Congress delegated to the ag...
  • MRF VP Jay Jackson Appointed To Federal Panel

    This week, Jay Jackson, Vice President of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation was appointed to the Motorcyclist Advisory Council (MAC) by U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg. Jay will serve a two-year term on this federal panel. The MAC was reestablished b...
  • 40th Annual Meeting of the Minds

    September 26 - 29, 2024 What Is this?Why Should I Attend? Forty years ago, a handful of bikers met in St. Louis, Missouri, for one reason: Unity. That meeting was...
  • All States, Big And Small

    All States, Big And Small State Motorcyclist Rights OrganizationsHappy Anniversary The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) prides itself on being the voice of the American street rider.  That means we care about bi...
  • 40th Annual Meeting of the Minds

    40th AnnualMeeting of the MindsSeptember 26 - 29, 2024 ENHANCING YOUR SKILLSTO KEEP THE NIGHTMARES AT BAY In the real world, few people wake up in the middle of the night in a co...
  • The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

    The good news is that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) complied with a 2022 Congressional directive to report back on the profiling of motorcyclists. The bad news is that they wrote the report, but no one in Congress was alerted. The ugly is that NHT...
  • Congressional Motorcycle Caucus Ride To Work Day

    This week, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) President Kirk “Hardtail” Willard and Vice President Jay Jackson had the honor of joining the Congressional Motorcycle Caucus for an event celebrating “Ride To Work Day.”  The ride began at the foo...
  • Saying No To California

    This week, Governor Glenn Youngkin announced that beginning next year, the Commonwealth of Virginia will no longer adhere to California set emissions standards enacted by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). As you may remember, since 1967 federal law has allowed Califo...