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Congress Races To The Exits

  • Last week, in a surprise move, the House of Representatives canceled their last planned week of work in D.C. for the end of July.  Representatives returned home for the August break a week early. Their departure, followed by the Senate leaving this week, means lawmakers will spend more than 40 straight days away from D.C. Both chambers are scheduled to return on September 9th.  

    While Congress normally takes a month-long August break, this nearly 7-week break is especially long. It is yet another sign of the dysfunction in our nation’s capitol. Lawmakers have chosen to head home, rest, campaign, and escape the gridlock in the halls of Congress.

    While Congress may be on vacation, that doesn’t mean the work stops for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) here in D.C. The MRF team in D.C. will use this time to meet with congressional staff, expand our network of allies, and begin preparing for Meeting of the Minds in September. 

    For those of you around the country, there is no better time than August to engage your elected officials! Representatives and Senators will be crisscrossing their states and congressional districts participating in official and political events. Find out their positions on our issues, introduce yourselves, and explain how the MRF represents you back in Washington, D.C. It’s often much easier to get an audience and have a frank conversation back home than in the shadow of the Capitol Dome. Let’s keep the pressure up, if we don’t do it, who will?

    Ride Safe and Ride Free

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