Pennsylvania Motorcycle Events » Benefit - Charity » 2025 Jeremy Redding Memorial Ride

MicroDot Motorcycle Helmets

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  • Fellow Patriots,

    Hello and good day, Delainey Robertson here. Spring is in the air and it’s that time of the year. We have been busy planning the 2025 Jeremy Redding Memorial Ride and I wish to thank everyone who supported me since I took this event over and I hope I can count on you again this year to help me keep it growing. Last year was another huge growth year with approximately 350 motorcycles in attendance.
    We have some exciting things happening as we have partnered with For the Love of a Veteran to help provide Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) treatments. Assisting in providing a necessary need for veterans defines our mission of Honor, Educate, and Heal. We honor Jeremy and all military personnel by hosting this event. We educate as we provide scholarships to military based families for their work in raising awareness about Post Traumatic Stress (PTS). Finally, we heal by working with For the Love of a Veteran and financially sponsoring veterans suffering from PTS so they may receive SGB treatment opportunities.
    We have some awesome raffles to include Legends Suspension, Cicada amp and speakers, the famous tailgater, etc. We will be accepting non-perishables for our deployed troops care packages.
    Thanks to our awesome sponsors, we will have Tess’s famous homemade breakfast goodies along with coffee supplied by Hoffa Coffee. Mid-morning, we will have pulled pork, generous donation from Stoney Point Farms, pizzas from Sal’s Pizza and Genova’s, Chips from Snyders, and water from Dr. Ross’s Orthodontics. Additionally, Weis Markets have been exceptionally supportive of me and have stepped up their game even more this year, huge shout out.
    We will begin registration at 9:00 AM, rain or shine, our military men and women don’t pick and choose good weather to defend our freedoms. Come early, please register, or verify your information if you supported us last year. Many people signed up last year but did not leave an email address so if you came with others and are receiving this, please help me spread the word.
    Thank you all again, I look forward to seeing everyone again this year.

    God Bless,
    Delainey Robertson

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  • Event Category: Benefit - Charity

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