Ohio Motorcycle Events » Benefit - Charity » Iron Misfits Easter Egg hunt

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  • Hello everyone. The Iron Misfits put on an easter egg hunt for the local kids every year, last year we had 3000 eggs, 80 baskets, and 25 bikes. We want to make this a big turn out for the kids. We ask everyone that can to join us to see the smiles on these kids faces that their parents aren't able to do much for. If your not able to join us we ask for any donations bikes or baskest or even cash to help provide an amazing day for everyone. Thank you to everyone in advance and we hope to see all the new faces!

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  • RSVPs
    • 1 attending
    • 0 maybe attending
    • 0 not attending
    • 0 awaiting reply
  • Event Category: Benefit - Charity

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