Motorcycle Poker Run and our brotherhood of bikers and lets make a difference.
Cash Prizes for High & Low Hands
After the Poker Run there will be live bands, delicious food, a tattoo artist, and a raffle bonanza with prizes galore.
$20 per Bike - one poker card
$10 each additional poker card
If you can't do the Poker Run, meet us at noon for the Spring Fling After Party. 1563 Swint Rd, Harlem, GA 30814
$5 per Person
Our Motorcycle Poker Run isn't just a ride; it's a mission to raise awareness and crucial funds to support children rescued from sex trafficking.
We make every effort to ensure events listed in the CycleFish Motorcycle Event Calendar are accurate at the time of posting. However, event organizers sometimes make changes to event details, or cancel the event, without notifying us. If you find information that is incorrect, please Contact Us and let us know.