Michigan Motorcycle Events » Benefit - Charity » Ride for Tom Eastman

MicroDot Motorcycle Helmets

Event Details

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    Tom recently found out that he has esophageal cancer. Since he’s always given back to the community, being part of the Applegate Fire Department and an EMT, we decided to put together this ride to help him and his family take care of medical costs.


    Price: $25 a person, including a $10 food voucher

    Starting location: Brown City Fire Dept
    Ending location: Flatlands Loyal Riders MC (8060 Shephard Rd, Brown City, MI 48416)


    Raffle prizes and 50/50!!


    Registration - 9- 11 am
    Kickstands Up - 11 am
    Food - 5:30 pm
    Raffle, 50/50, Poker Cards


    Whiskey Jar
    Yale Tavern
    Roadhouse 19
    Eddy G’s
    Silver Tavern
    Alli Bar
    Thumbs Up


    Motorcycles, cars and side by sides welcome!!!

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  • RSVPs
    • 1 attending
    • 0 maybe attending
    • 0 not attending
    • 0 awaiting reply
  • Event Category: Benefit - Charity

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