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FalconFury FuryFest in Conyers, GA is this weekend. Three days of music, bikes and food! The Ives Brothers Stun Show, Sound-Off Competition, food trucks and music from DMC of RUN DMC, Saving Abel and Rehab!
August 19, 2020

Bigfish17 Gonna start weather watching here soon.  Depending on weather I might have a couple of guys depart Tuesday the 4th, from the Kankakee area.  If weather does not cooperate we may trailer down and leave later Wednesday night.  Get in Thursday.  If you would like to join in, we would love to have you.  Feel free to contact me via email at  If you think you might go, and would need base access, we are going to need specific vehicle, D/L, insurance info for the base provost.  This way we can secure passes for everyone.    
March 13, 2017