Well my friends, the Hawk is better armed!

    • 6 posts
    November 9, 2011 12:01 PM PST
    But probably not a lot more dangerous....

    I'm now the proud owner of a Star arms 9mm semi-auto handgun.

    Never owned a semi-auto before, I like it! The model I have was widely used by the Israeli police; made in spain. Very nice smooth action and weighty balance that just feels... right! Now, off to concealed carry class I go!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    November 9, 2011 10:32 PM PST
    Don't know that weapon Hawk but good for you.
    • 1855 posts
    November 9, 2011 11:52 PM PST
    I have a P90 45 Cal. Ruger and a Kimber Ultra 45 Cal. The Kimber is lighter but the Ruger is more reliable though a pretty heavy pistol to carry concealed. I've owned a couple pistols by Star; one a 9mm. Not a bad pistol at all.
    • 1780 posts
    November 10, 2011 12:22 AM PST
    I've got and sold a lot of weapons but never heard of Star, however the important thing here is you are armed and about to take the conceal class. This is an important step in acerting your rights to bear arms. Just remember with the right to bear arms comes the responsibility to protect yourself or others in your presence right down to taking a life if need be.
    No Retreat...No Surender....be safe out there
    • 6 posts
    November 29, 2011 3:01 PM PST
    absolutely correct dragon!!
  • November 30, 2011 10:43 PM PST
    big handguns are cool n all, but I prefer a 22cal palm gun...first off if there's gonna be trouble I'm outaa there,,second off if trouble does happen it aint gonna be a gun fight from across the room or some good ol cowboy run n shoot it's gonna be from bout 3 feet away...my little 22 cal is in my vest or shirt pocket...so with that said I WILL pull first n fire...so if'n it don't kill m right away it will later cause most 22 wounds that are withijn the body are hard to xray as well as mri...so by the time the wound is found it's just too damm late cause gangreen has set in n it's gonna be a slow/ painful death...

    • 9 posts
    November 30, 2011 11:23 PM PST
    Wow, IceBear...that's cold...muahaahaaahaaaa. Seriously, I had a Remington .25 Auto, for those up close and personal kind of moments, but thankfully, none never presented themselves. I personally LOVED my Ruger .357, however, it was a bit bulky for cc. I opted for my Glock 9. Although, I never loved that gun, it WAS reliable, and
    did get the job done. I've only ever had to draw down, once in my life. Not something I care to relive. But IF, it ever happens again, rest assured, THIS GIRL WON'T HESITATE. Peace be with you all!

    Ride Free
  • December 3, 2011 1:38 PM PST
    I carry a Makarhov short 9 semi auto. Licensed to carry, trained to defend and hope i never have to use it. But i will if i have to!
  • December 3, 2011 2:11 PM PST
    1911 in a .45 flavor for me. I've heard alot of good thinngs about Star.