They say that smoking cigarettes is bad for your health...

  • October 26, 2011 8:07 AM PDT
    Yup, yup. Cancer..yada yada.
    Well, I smoke. For years it was my habit to light up at a stopsign and keep ridin. Last summer I was kicked back in the wind on a rural road with a smoke in my mouth. Taking a puff I realized the durn thing had gone out, so I stuffed it in my shirt pocket and cranked it up to about 70 on a straight. Glancing in my rearview, I see smoke. At the same stime I realize it's not my bike, but my favorite left man mammary onfire. Great Gobs of Burnt Boob, Batman! I start beating my chest with my left hand, trying to stop that infernal machine and screaming at the top of my lungs. Once stopped, the car filled with mom. pop and the 14 kidlets all staring at this madman slowly pulled out and around me.
    Yup. Smoking is bad for your health.

     in the off topic thread. Posted in the wrong place again.
    • 5420 posts
    October 26, 2011 8:44 AM PDT
    Reminds me of years back when I used to work in this factory and we had to wear these lab coat type things. Well they were having a blood drive and of course they told you not to smoke for an hour before giving blood. Whille I was waiting outside the Red Cross trailer and of course smoking a cigarette. When the nurse called my name I put it out and stuck it in my lab coat pocket. About half way through giving blood the nurse came over to calmly tell me I was on fire!
    • 0 posts
    October 26, 2011 9:30 AM PDT
    When I was a young bloke in my school days I smoked like a chimney swore like a trooper and fought like a thrashing machine..I constantly bought home notes to my long suffering Mum.Well it finally happened and I was expelled from the local public school and for discipline reasons was sent to a catholic boys college..Mum worded me up that this was my last bloody chance to be a productive member of society and if I buggered this chance up the next option was one of Her Majesty's colleges(Jail)..So off I go on my first day to the Jeebus school with a tie that was too bloody tight a blazer that was too bloody itchy a pair of shiny school shoes that were too bloody tight and a packet of marlboro reds in my top shirt pocket..Waiting at the bus stop I lit a durry and sat back to contemplate my new hellish school situation when this prefect kid comes up and says"Oi new kid you cant smoke here" to which I answered something along the lines of "Piss off narc or I'll flatten ya bloody nose"..Well he didnt and I did..Strike one as you Yanks would put it..Later morning I was called into the head principal blokes office and warned that violence was not tolerated at this school then beaten thoroughly with a thick leather strap..Seemed like double standards to me..On the way back to class with a bloody sore hand I decided "stuff it I need a smoke" and went into the shitters and lit up..Sitting there having a smoke when the bloody door flies open and heres a teacher giving me that"Your really in the shit now Mister look". Back to the office a few more cuts of the strap and I was on my way again..Lunchtime and Im behind the bike shed having a smoke when I hear someone coming so I flick my smoke through a hole in the shed and beat the teacher who walked around the corner..Sitting in class after lunch dreaming of being out in the bush running amok when the fire alarm goes off and brings me back to reality.Yup the bike shed was well alight..Yup I was caught.Yup I was expelled.Yup I was sent to a boys home*(kid jail) for 8 months for arson..Yup I gave up smoking..Not until last year though..Cheers BOOF
  • October 26, 2011 10:57 AM PDT
    • 844 posts
    November 2, 2011 2:43 PM PDT
    Never done any of that,but I light my clothes on fire with welding sparks all the time.
    • 395 posts
    November 3, 2011 4:44 AM PDT
    thanks boys...those were funny...
  • November 3, 2011 5:10 AM PDT
    Reminds me of when, as a kid, I used book matches to light up with. Well, had to be cool back then and tear the covers off. Yep, ya know where this is goin'. So I put them in my back pockat with two or three others, got on the school bus and plopped on the back seat with the rest of my buds. Well, you got it, the friction popped a match and all of them went up. Kinda painful, but it did convince me to go to a zippo from then on!
    • 5420 posts
    November 3, 2011 5:38 AM PDT
    Man I miss them old reliable Zippo's,except for the irritation from lighter fluid on your leg right after you overfilled 'em.
    • 9 posts
    November 3, 2011 8:29 AM PDT
    Anyone ever have their bic light up? IN YOUR POCKET??? OUCH! Had me a 1/2 a Brazilian, which called for a trip to the "beauty parlor"......Kelly Clarkson? How about CONAN O'BRIAN!!!

    Ride Free
  • November 3, 2011 9:10 AM PDT
    Smoked for over 50 yrs started out with corn silk then swiping my dads Cigs and my friends would do the same then luckies for about 50 yrs. Gave them up 3 yrs ago and never looked back. My zippo used to run well on 115-145 AV gas and that did burn your right leg to. Boy I could use a Lucky about now.
    • 2 posts
    November 3, 2011 11:04 AM PDT
    Some time will have to tell about the time I stuck my pipe in the pocket of a pair of polyester slax - The logical result became apparent just as I was driving past a hi-school.

    But am going to have to be real drunk to tell that one
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    November 3, 2011 2:53 PM PDT
    Lucky wrote...
    Man I miss them old reliable Zippo's,except for the irritation from lighter fluid on your leg right after you overfilled 'em.

    Zippo's are made not far from here.
    We always used the leather Zippo belt holder, saved your leg on an over fill.

  • November 3, 2011 11:25 PM PDT
    I have a rather unpleasant memory of a Zippo "brand" on my right (rear) cheek... ouch.
  • November 4, 2011 12:47 AM PDT
    All part of the "Zippo" culture. Hard to find flints and fluid tho. By the way, JP5 worked well in them also Webby! LOL!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    November 4, 2011 2:52 AM PDT
    RevBigJohn wrote...
    Lucky wrote...
    Man I miss them old reliable Zippo's,except for the irritation from lighter fluid on your leg right after you overfilled 'em.

    Zippo's are made not far from here.
    We always used the leather Zippo belt holder, saved your leg on an over fill.
    I have that Zippo / Case museum on my PA to go to list. Maybe this year.

    • 611 posts
    November 4, 2011 6:48 PM PDT
    Was driving my Dad's 66 4 door Chev Impala to the local bowling alley (told 'em I was going to the library). I had all the windows down and was smokin a Marlboro red. I flicked the butt out the window and rolled into the B-alley, parked and rolled up the windows and locked it. Wandered inside and hooked up with a coupla school buddies and just hung out drinking cokes and ogling the babes.
    I hear a siren and look out the window... They're out front and... YUP! Here they come, looking for the owner of the Chevy Impala. DAMN! I ran outside, the car is FULL of smoke, ya can't even see thru it. I unlock the door and open it... WHOOSH! The flames roared out the door and burned my eyebrows off, I fell on the ground and the fire-folk pop the back door, dowse the backseat and then RIP IT OUT OF THE CAR! They put some kinda ointment on my face, stuffed the backseat back in the car and then made me fill out a form... name, phone number, address etc....
    This whole time I'm thinking "My Dad is gonna KILL ME!" By the time I got home, I had a story all worked out... BUT, yep, you guessed it... They had already called the house and had told my Dad and Mom where I was, what I had said... everything.... My butt still aches when I tell the story... and yeah, I still smoke.... dumbass...
    Drive Smoke Enjoy!
    • 13 posts
    November 7, 2011 7:28 AM PST
    Not as bad as the rest of these stories, but I was lighting up outside my apartment during one of Florida's dry seasons. There was a burn ban, and it was around 4th of july. I was smoking a clove while my friends were setting up some fireworks we weren't exactly supposed to have. They asked for my help so I tried to hold a box of mortars, roman candles, what have you, when I drop my whole cig in it.

    Well, likely it only caught one firework on fire that managed to shoot out of the box. Unfortunately, it managed to hit an especially dry palm tree and catch that ablaze. Needless to say, we sacrificed a few beers to put that sucker out before the apartment complex security found us. At the time it was stressful, but the neighbors thought it was hysterical. I think I've learned my lesson regarding multitasking with fireworks.
    • 1780 posts
    November 8, 2011 12:41 AM PST
    BOOF wrote...
    When I was a young bloke in my school days I smoked like a chimney swore like a trooper and fought like a thrashing machine..I constantly bought home notes to my long suffering Mum.Well it finally happened and I was expelled from the local public school and for discipline reasons was sent to a catholic boys college..Mum worded me up that this was my last bloody chance to be a productive member of society and if I buggered this chance up the next option was one of Her Majesty's colleges(Jail)..So off I go on my first day to the Jeebus school with a tie that was too bloody tight a blazer that was too bloody itchy a pair of shiny school shoes that were too bloody tight and a packet of marlboro reds in my top shirt pocket..Waiting at the bus stop I lit a durry and sat back to contemplate my new hellish school situation when this prefect kid comes up and says"Oi new kid you cant smoke here" to which I answered something along the lines of "Piss off narc or I'll flatten ya bloody nose"..Well he didnt and I did..Strike one as you Yanks would put it..Later morning I was called into the head principal blokes office and warned that violence was not tolerated at this school then beaten thoroughly with a thick leather strap..Seemed like double standards to me..On the way back to class with a bloody sore hand I decided "stuff it I need a smoke" and went into the shitters and lit up..Sitting there having a smoke when the bloody door flies open and heres a teacher giving me that"Your really in the shit now Mister look". Back to the office a few more cuts of the strap and I was on my way again..Lunchtime and Im behind the bike shed having a smoke when I hear someone coming so I flick my smoke through a hole in the shed and beat the teacher who walked around the corner..Sitting in class after lunch dreaming of being out in the bush running amok when the fire alarm goes off and brings me back to reality.Yup the bike shed was well alight..Yup I was caught.Yup I was expelled.Yup I was sent to a boys home*(kid jail) for 8 months for arson..Yup I gave up smoking..Not until last year though..Cheers BOOF

    Boof you crazy down under Mate, I'm laughing so hard I have snot coming out of my nose, and my gut hurts. Dude you ever leave this site and I will be on a major bummer. Love ya Mate, and keep us laughing it's good for the sole!

    • 1780 posts
    November 8, 2011 12:43 AM PST
    Edgewalker54 wrote...
    Was driving my Dad's 66 4 door Chev Impala to the local bowling alley (told 'em I was going to the library). I had all the windows down and was smokin a Marlboro red. I flicked the butt out the window and rolled into the B-alley, parked and rolled up the windows and locked it. Wandered inside and hooked up with a coupla school buddies and just hung out drinking cokes and ogling the babes.
    I hear a siren and look out the window... They're out front and... YUP! Here they come, looking for the owner of the Chevy Impala. DAMN! I ran outside, the car is FULL of smoke, ya can't even see thru it. I unlock the door and open it... WHOOSH! The flames roared out the door and burned my eyebrows off, I fell on the ground and the fire-folk pop the back door, dowse the backseat and then RIP IT OUT OF THE CAR! They put some kinda ointment on my face, stuffed the backseat back in the car and then made me fill out a form... name, phone number, address etc....
    This whole time I'm thinking "My Dad is gonna KILL ME!" By the time I got home, I had a story all worked out... BUT, yep, you guessed it... They had already called the house and had told my Dad and Mom where I was, what I had said... everything.... My butt still aches when I tell the story... and yeah, I still smoke.... dumbass...
    Drive Smoke Enjoy!

    The Dragon is LMFAO dude!!!!
    • 1780 posts
    November 8, 2011 12:48 AM PST
    Well the Dragon only smokes on hunting trips, and usually Black n Milds. Piece of advice.....NEVER I mean NEVER go into a up scale cigar shop and ask if they have any Black n Milds unless you want some pipe smoking nerd to try and kick the shit out of you. That's like going to a wine tasteing vinyard and ask if they have any mad dog 20/20.
    • 1161 posts
    November 8, 2011 7:12 AM PST
    Well I guess I'll tell mine now. I started at about 11 or 12 swipping them from the store down the road from where I lived at the time. Was out side birning one when Dad comes home early while I'm home and skipping school. So i tossed it into the "Burn pile" witch is Unburned and filled with sticks and old papers and Earler dad put gas (petrol) on it but ran out and had left to go get more. So I ran inside grabbed my backpack and ran the 15 blocks to school and told them I was there and NOT to call home and see why I was not at school. Meanwhile dad put a bit more gas on the burn pile and WOOF it took off like a shotgun blast. I would have been ok at this point because at the time he had a match box that dropped just a second before and thought that may have done it. Then at home the phone rings, The school is calling to find out why I was late. That was the beginning of my love affair with smoking cigs.

    Well I finally quit smoking in 2009 just before I joined on here.

    Hay N.D. What is wrong with smoking a pipe? I did for a while while I smoked. haha Ya some of them get all huffy puffy I like to laugh at them. It makes them mad if you use Cig tabacco in the pipes with out a filter also LOL.
    That is the only thing besides my Zippos I kept relating to those days.

    We use to have Black n' Milds when we went fishing, comming out from hunting or a the field excersize.
    Speaking of Zippo I just got one of mine back from being repaired they sent me the old "Guts" and replaced it with new "Guts". I put it back in the H-D Tin case and put it back into storage.