Autumns ride to work.

    • 846 posts
    October 25, 2011 1:32 AM PDT
    I wanted to share this as it doesn’t happen very often. Like most of us I ride to work which is a 30 mile one way commute. In reality it takes longer then that as I’m not the straight line rider on the way home it can be anywhere from 50-100 miles just to get home. Going to work can be shorter but not by much.
    This morning will stick out with me for a while.  As I live here on the Mass/NH border the days grow shorter and the riding days also. It’s been a few days since I’ve had the bike out and today was the first palatable day to ride for a few more to come. The temperatures call for the heavy leather jacket and chaps (no heated stuff for me). It rained over night and the roads were still wet and this usually means the highway for me as it will be the driest roads around. Not my first choice but today was different. I left before the sun came up and made my way to the highway. Coming up the ramp is always interesting in finding what I have to merge with. Well today its two tractor trailers in lanes one and two with a few cars. No problem the tractor trailer in lane two is moving right along and I have enough space to pass the car behind the rig in the first lane. I grin a little in remembering my early days of riding and fearing the wind buffeting of the tractor trailer. No problem today Fate (my Road King) takes it all in stride and doesn’t miss a beat. Now the rig I’m behind is moving along at a good clip so there no need to pass him or her. So I settle in for a highway ride. The leaves are changing here and are a peak (or as close as it comes) color so I start to take in the color that Mother Nature is offering. The reds, yellows and combination that are hard to describe, are a blaze along the side of the highway. Then comes the remarkable combination. I ride out to an open stretch of highway and the rising sun brakes through. The bright brilliance of the morning sun rises above the trees along the highway. Now the combination of autumn colors is highlighted with that warm color that only early morning sun can add. Now the ride doesn’t seem so bad. In fact I can feel the warmth of the sun warming my leathers and adding a little more comfort to the ride. Now I’m feeling totally at one with the road and nature the winds adding a little bite to the face (half helmet) the warmth of the sun on my leathers and the once in rare timing of autumn color and sun combine to make it a moment to remember. Unfortunately all go things need to end yes I pulled off the highway and went to work. If you’ve read this far thanks for reading my ramblings and I hope that at some point you have a ride similar to remember. Today it made coming to work to worth it.
  • October 25, 2011 2:22 AM PDT
    I rode across the Bridge yesterday as the Sun was setting. The Bridge crosses the Columbia River into WA. A camera would not have done it justice. The way the light was hitting the clouds, I wish I could stop on the Bridge. On my return it was just getting dark, the lights of the city showing, the last of the sun sinking into the ocean, fall leaves in all their colors on the side of the road. Yes it was cold, but well worth the ride. Glad you had a good time on your ride to work.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    October 25, 2011 2:42 AM PDT
    Sounds like two good rides. Glad you experienced them.
    • 1855 posts
    October 25, 2011 4:08 AM PDT
    Ya know, the OL and I took a 3,000 mile journey thru New England last month and I gotta say, New Hampshire and Vermont were gorgeous. We got home back to Ohio just before that hurricane reeked hell up that way. Nice place to ride however; just too bad the season is so short. Hope to make to WA next year. So many friends out that way keep telling me to get my ass in gear.
    Thanks for story. All of us certainly can identify.

    • 1 posts
    October 25, 2011 1:21 PM PDT
    The ride TO work generally rots, usually foggy, the only "safe" speed is about 85MPH & on slab (never can get up early enough to take the toolies) but autumn is about the best riding time.
    If I can get out early enough (i.e. @ 05:00) have some tree canopied twisties, so convoluted that even after 35 years 2/3 of the time have no idea where I am. - Sometimes am close to putting a knee down & sometimes so intent on watching the scenery forget to breathe & come to only when a farmer in a pickup get p'd at the delay & leans on the horn.
    Late evening rides start to scare me just about now, the whitetails are moving about & the tree canopied roads are darker than the gullet of a brontosaurus - Doesn't stop me but sure hypes the adrenaline factor.
  • October 26, 2011 1:01 AM PDT
     . ....Great story Chaz...thanks for sharing it. my opinion...there is nothing in the world more wonderous or enriching for the soul then Mother Nature,s handy work......were lucky enough to live in the deep woods...its a short ride and the blink of an eye and you,re out of our tiny town and in the wilderness....the nearest "real" towns are either 25 miles North....or South......and we like it that way......remember......its about the ride.. 

    . . ......... 
  • October 26, 2011 1:37 AM PDT
    Great post, Chaz.   Being just about 30 miles north of you in Concord, NH we've been appreciating this beautiful autumn as well.  Here's a picture we took this past weekend in Dunbarton, which is one of the best views to enjoy on the steel horse.  We almost couldn't tell which end was real and which was a reflection.