Day After

  • September 12, 2011 12:44 AM PDT
    Not sure if this will work but here goes
    • 2 posts
    September 12, 2011 6:45 AM PDT
    Nobody asked but will tell you my day after anyway.

    That AM was feeling mostly rage - Rage @ the people who did it that was slowly morphing to rage at the entire Mid-East & Islam in general. - Was trying to submerge it enough to stifle a creeping impulse to vent it on an innocent party, - Was also directing some of the rage at myself because there was not a damn thing I could do to help.  

    As part of my job was occasionally in contact w/ fire fighting professionals. - Got to work & received an e-mail from a Fire Chief in MO. - Everybody everyplace assumes that all of NY is intimately connected w/ NYC  - He asked my if it was true that they took the John J. Harvey out to work the disaster - - Had no clue who/what the John J. Harvey was and found this story. />
    Bunch of, mostly rich kids bought a 75 year old, retired fireboat for the ultimate boy-toy (not withstanding the fact that they included females in their ranks).
    When the s' hit they volunteered their services & were waved off but along the other problems the disaster affected the water supply and the NY FD called them back. They put her also retired 75 year pilot in the wheelhouse & a young, female FD engineer was already in the engine room & she served until the scene was cleaned up.
    Felt better after hearing about her. - She managed to serve after 75 years
    • 9 posts
    September 12, 2011 10:13 AM PDT

    I know that sense of rage, you're talking about. And I remember being very distrustful, of any Muslims, during and after the attacks. I come from Toledo, Ohio, and there is a large community of Muslims there. There were a few hate crimes perpetrated, and one Mosque was burned. (There are several in NW Ohio). God help me, but to this day, I cast a wary eye. Not fair, I know. By the same token, there is a Muslim family that lives directly across the street from me, and late friday nite, they closed up all of their blinds, and did not come out, or open them until late this afternoon. That really made me feel bad. Have we become so distrustful as a society, towards peoples who just happen to be of the same religion as those who perpetrated the attacks, that innocent Muslims feel the need to sequester themselves on the anniversary of 9/11?

    Am I glad they got Bin Laden?  Absolutely!  Terrorists of any kind/race/religion, need to be stopped at all costs.  But it seems wrong to lay blame unjustly on those who had nothing to do with the attacks, and yet are "guilty by association".  I'm taking a new look at how I treat my fellow humans.  For it could be just as easy, for someone to blame us, for something that we had nothing to do with either.  Or have they already?

    Ride Free
